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Kanji: Radical: (とびらのと) : ボウ; ふさ; cluster
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1819 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1946
Japanese Reading English
にょうぼうことば (n) secret language of court ladies/
ふざんぼう name of a publisher/
ないかくかんぼうちょう かんChief Cabinet Secretary/
煖房だんぼう(n) heating/
こうぼう(n) workshop/studio/
だんぼうきheater/heating unit/
阿房あほうどり(n) albatross/
しんぼう (n) atrium/chamber of the heart/
ちぶさ (n) breast/nipple/udder/
そうぼう (n) priests' temple quarters/
しぼう (n) ovary (of plants)/
にょうぼうもちmarried man/
ぶんぼうぐ stationery
にゅうぼう (n) breast/nipple/udder/
しょぼう (n) library/bookstore/
さしんぼうleft atrium/
かんぼうちょう (n) Chief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
房のひとふさのかみa tuft of hair/
せわにょうぼう perfectly dedicated wife/
かんぼうちょうかん Chief Cabinet Secretary/(P)/
ぶんぼうぐ(n) stationery/(P)/
にょうぼうやく(n) assistant/right-hand man/
れいぼう (n) cooling/air-conditioning/(P)/
阿房あほう(adj-na,n) fool/simpleton/idiot/
ゆかだんぼう(n) floor heating/
ちいきれいだんぼうzonal air conditioning/
かんぼう (n) government secretariat/
れいぼうしゃair-conditioned car/
閨房けいぼう(n) bedroom/(woman's) bedchamber/pillow talk/
ぶんぼうぐやstationery shop/a stationer/
おしかけにょうぼう woman who forced her husband into marriage/
にょうぼう(n) wife/(P)/
おんぷうだんぼうwarm-air heating/
だんぼう (n) heating/(P)/
はなふさ bunch of flowers/
どうぼう (n) the same room/sharing a room/sharers of a room/
厨房ちゅうぼう(n) kitchen/galley/
かんぼう(n) cell/ward/
こいにょうぼう (n) one's dear wife/
にゅうぼうえん(n) mastitis/
うしんぼう (n) right atrium/
どくぼう (n) single cell/isolation cell/(P)/
くろぶさ(n) black tassel hung above the northwest corner of a sumo ring/
れいぼうそうちair-conditioning/air-cooling apparatus/
どくぼうかんきん solitary confinement/