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Kanji: Radical: () : ; う(つ); strike
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1829 Index in Halpern dictionary: 193
Japanese Reading English
とうだ(n) pitching and batting/
打ちてうちしきhand-clapping ceremony (of reconciliation)/
打ちみねうち (n) striking with the back of the sword/
打ちしうち(n) treatment/behavior/action/an act/
を打つでんぽうをうつ(exp) to send a telegram/
にるいだ(n) two-base hit/double/
鞭打つむちうつ(v5t) to whip/to lash/to give the rod/to spur on/to encourage/
打ちつるべうち (n) fire in rapid succession/a volley of shots/
き打ちやきうち(n) set afire/
もうだしゃ slugger (baseball)/heavy hitter/
る釘は打たれるでるくぎ はうたれる(exp,v1) the nail which sticks out gets hammered down (used to encourage conformity)/
こうだ (n) (baseball) good hit/
を打つかしわでをうつ(v5) to clap one's hands in prayer/
ききだしゃ pinch hitter/
打ちとりうちぼう(n) (hunting) cap/
打ちひどいしうちcruel treatment/
打打ちばくちうち (n) gambling/
きょうだ (n,vs) smiting/
鞭打ちむちうちしょう(n) whiplash/
の打ちがないてんのうちどころ がないbe above reproach/
せんとうだしゃ lead-off man (baseball)/
ちょうきょりだしゃslugger (baseball)/heavy hitter/
打ちたちうち(n) crossing swords/opposition/contention/
打ちどうしうち(n) killing each other by mistake/internecine strife/
たんだ(n) one-base hit/
だいだしゃ(n) pinch hitter/
だいだ (n) pinch-hitting/
打ちめったうち(n) shower with blows/
もうだ (n) heavy blow/heavy hit/(P)/
い打ちおいうち (n) final blow/attacking while pursuing/attacking the routed enemy/
打つめいうつ(v5t) to engrave an inscription/to call (designate) itself/to mark/to label/
打ちあたまうち(n) reaching a peak/reaching the limit/
を打つかたなをうつ (exp) to temper (forge) a sword/
み打ちはさみうち pincer attack/attack on both sides (flanks)/
打ちめくらうち(n) hitting blindly/random firing/
打ちごうち (n) go player/playing go/
しめいだしゃ (n) designated hitter (baseball)/DH/
綿打ちわたうち(n) cotton beating/
奕打ちばくちうち (n) gambler/
闇打ちやみうちattacking under the cover of darkness/
打ちいっきうち(n) personal combat/(P)/
しゅいだしゃ the leading hitter/
打ちひらてうち(n) slap/spanking/
打コースちょうだコース (n) ball hit toward the gap between outfielders (baseball)/
を打つしたつづみをうつ (v5) to smack one's lips at/to eat with relish/
打ちとりうち(n) fowling/shooting birds/
き打ちぬきうち (n) drawing a katana and attacking in the same stroke/doing something suddenly, without warning/
けを打つてつけをうつ(exp) to advance money (on a contract)/
ないあんだ(n) infield hit (baseball)/
打ちたうち (n) tilling a paddyfield/
打ちてうち (n) killing with bare hands/making noodles by hand/reconciliation/
み打ちくみうち(n) grappling or wrestling with/
を打ちけるさんをうちつける(exp) to nail a crosspiece (to)/
いちもうだじん (exp,n) a big haul/roundup/wholesale arrest/catching the whole herd with one throw/
鋲打ちびょううちじゅうrivet gun/
打つみゃくうつ(v5t) pounding heart/pulsing vein/
ぼんだ (n) poor batting/
打ちみねうち(n) striking with the back of the sword/
を打つしばいをうつ(exp) to play a trick/to give (present) a play/to put up a false show/
打ちどしうち (n) killing each other by mistake/internecine strife/
たんだ(n) (baseball) single/
いちだ (n) a stroke/a blow/
打ちふいうち(n) surprise attack/
らんだ (n) hitting/battering/
打ちうらうち (n) lining/backing/vouching for/
こうだしゃgood batter/
きょうだしゃ (n) slugger (baseball)/heavy hitter/
れんだ(n) barrage/
打ちなみうちぎわ (n) beach/
ぎだ (n) sacrifice fly/bunt/
打ちめうち (n) perforation/
打ちしたうち (n) smacking lips/clicking tongue/tut-tut/(P)/
を打つごをうつ(exp) to play (a game of) go/
きていだせき (n) regulation at batting (baseball)/
を打つてんをうつ(exp) to mark with a dot (point)/
じだしゃthe batter on deck/
打つなみうつかみwavy hair/
打ちあいうち(n) simultaneously striking each other/
を打つはらつずみをうつ(exp) to eat to one's hearts content/to drum the belly/
ちょうだ(n) long hit (baseball)/extra-base hit/
打ちねうち (n) value/worth/price/dignity/(P)/
打ちしんうち (n) star performer/
を打つふいをうつ(exp) to take (a person) unawares/to make a surprise attack/
ゆうこうだ (n) telling blow/
いちだぎゃくてん a complete turnabout via a single blow/
打ちむぎうち(n) wheat threshing/
あんだ (n) safe hit (baseball)/
打ちひうちいし(n) flint/
を打つやくをうつ(exp) to inject a unit of dope/
打ちひとうち (n) a stroke/a blow/
てきじだ(n) timely hit/
を打つこころをうつ (exp) to touch (a person's) heart/to impress (a person)/
き打ちぬきうちかいさん(n) sudden dissolution of a legislature/
打ちあみうち (n) net fishing/
鴨打ちかもうちduck hunting/
ばくち(n) gambling/
打ちみみうち(n) whisper into a person's ear/
打つなみうつ (v5t) to dash against/to undulate/to wave/to heave/to beat fast (heart)/
ほんるいだ (n) home run (baseball)/(P)/
ひうちいし (io) (n) flint/
ひんだ (n) (baseball) poor hitting/
さんるいだ(n) three-base hit/triple/
るいだ (n) base hit/
打ちずうち (n) reaching a peak/reaching the limit/
の打ちてんのうちどころがないbe above reproach/
つうだ (n) hard or crushing blow/severe attack/
かいだ(n) clean hit (in baseball)/
槌を打つあいづちをうつ (exp,v5) to make agreeable responses/to be a yes-man/
を打つせんてをうつ (v5) to forestall/
を打つたをうつ (exp) to till (plow) a rice paddy/
打ちはたうち (n) ploughing/
おうだ (n) hit/strike/(P)/
し打ちながしうち (n) hitting to the opposite field (baseball)/
ないやあんだinfield hit/
打ちうらうちがみ end leaves (of a book)/lining paper/