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Kanji: Radical: () : セツ; お(る)、お(れる)、おり; fold
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1855 Index in Halpern dictionary: 253
Japanese Reading English
かいせつこうし(diffraction) grating/
うせつ (n,vs) turning to the right/right turn/
に折れるひだりにおれる(v1) to turn to the left/
ふくざつこっせつ compound fracture/
ときおり (n-adv) sometimes/(P)/
こっせつ (n) bone fracture/(P)/
くっせつ (n) bending/indentation/refraction/(P)/
折りにまいおり folio/
折るはをいっぽのる (exp) to break a tooth/
折りほねおり (n) travail/ado/
きゅうせつ many turns (in a road)/
を折るほねをおる (exp) to make efforts/to take pains/to break one's bone/
折れなかおれぼうしsoft felt hat/fedora/
こっせつ bone fracture
折するさせつ(する) turn to the left
折るはしおる (v5r) to tuck up/to abridge/
折りゆびおり (n) leading/prominent/eminent/
くっせつりつ(n) refractive index/
つ折りみつおり (n) folded in three/
きょくせつ (n) windings/meanderings/complications/(P)/
折れこしおれ (n) bowed/stooped over (e.g. old people)/poor poem/clumsy writing/
の折れたみみのおれたほん dog-eared book/
うせつきんし No Right Turn!/(P)/
が折れるほねがおれる (v1) to require much effort/to be hard to do/to have ones bones broken/
折れかざおれ(n) broken by the wind/
夭折 ようせつ(n) premature death/
つ折みつおり(n) threefold/folded in three/
折れゆきおれ (n) breaking under the weight of snow/
ぶんせきがく analytics/
くっせつじくaxis of refraction/
折れなおれ (n) a disgrace/a blot/
折りほねおりぞん(n) waste of labor or energy/vain effort/
挫折ざせつ(n) frustration/setback/discouragement/
うよきょくせつ (n) turns and twists/ups and downs/meandering/complications/vicissitudes/
を折るはなしのこしをおる(exp) to interfere/to butt in/
を折るがをおる (v5) to defer to another/
葛折りつづらおり(n) winding/zigzag/
折りなかおり (n) folded in the middle/
折れなかおれ (n) felt hat/
挫折ざせつかん(n) feeling of frustration/sense of failure/
折りかしおり box of cakes/
うせつ right turn
折りつづらおり (n) winding road/
わようせっちゅう (n) a blending of Japanese and Western styles/(P)/
なかおれぼう (n) felt hat/
折りひとおり one box/
を折るふでをおる (exp) to break off writing/
くっせつご(n) an inflected language/
折りしおりど(n) garden gate formed of branches and twigs/
折るほねおる(v5r) to exert oneself greatly/to take pains/
かいせつそん diffraction loss/
かいせつ (n,vs) diffraction/
かいせつりょういき diffraction region/
なかおれぼうし felt hat/
寿折りすしひとおり a box of sushi/
折りじゅうにおりduodecimo (folding)/
くっせつぼうえんきょうrefracting telescope/
くっせつかく(n) angle of refraction/
こしおれ (n) (pol) bad poem/my humble poem/
を折るはなをおる (v5) to humble someone/
させつ (n,vs) turning to the left/left turn/
はんせつ(n) half size/half a piece/half length/
折るはしょる (v5r) to tuck up/to abridge/(P)/
し折るへしおる (v5r) to smash/to break/
折りむだぼねおり laboring in vain or for no result/
折りえるゆびおりかぞえるto count on one's fingers/