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Kanji: Radical: () : バツ; ぬ(く)、ぬ(ける)、ぬ(かす)、ぬ(き); pull out
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1854 Index in Halpern dictionary: 246
Japanese Reading English
抜けこしぬけ(n) coward/
び抜けるとびぬける(v1) to be preeminent or outstanding/
を抜くけんをぬく (v5) to draw a sword/
ふばつ (adj-na,n) firm/steadfast/indomitable/unswerving/invincible/
ざんしんきばつ novel/unconventional/
り抜きえりぬき (n) the very best/
しゅうばつ (adj-na,n) outstanding/superb/
抜きゆうしょくぬきwithout having supper/
き抜きふきぬき (n) stairwell/
抜けのみぬけ (n) drunkard/
き抜くつきぬく (v5k) to pierce/to shoot through/to penetrate/
尻抜けしりぬけ(n) forgetfulness/leaving things unfinished/
り抜くほりぬく (v5k) to dig through/to drill into/to excavate/
抜けているずぬけているto be outstanding/
垢抜けあかぬけ(n) refinement/style/
抜きくちぬき (n) corkscrew/
き抜きかきぬき (n) an extract/
り抜き帖きりぬきちょう scrapbook/
抜けなわぬけ (n) escaping/
せんばつ (n,vs) selection/choice/picking out/
抜きけぬき(n) (hair) tweezers/nippers/
し抜けだしぬけ (adj-na,n) all of a sudden/unexpected/
抜きじょうだんぬき seriously/joking aside/
刳り抜くくりぬく(v5k) to gouge out/to excavate/to bore/to drill/
抜きせんぬき(n) corkscrew/(P)/
抜きてぬき (n) omitting crucial steps/a drop in activity/
し抜くだしぬく(v5k) to forestall/to anticipate/to jump the gun on/to outwit/to circumvent/to steal a march on/
抜きほねぬき (adj-no,n) boned/mutilated/watered down/(P)/
め抜くせめぬく(v5k) persistent attacking/
り抜くおどりぬく to dance away/
を抜くどぎもをぬく(v5) to knock or scare (someone) out of his or her wits/to strike a person dumb/to dumbfound/to take (someone) aback/
き抜くひきぬく (v5k) to extract/to uproot/to pull out/(P)/
い抜くたたかいぬく(v5k) to fight to the bitter end/
抜きめぬきどおり(n) principal street/
み抜くふみぬく (v5k) to tread (a nail) into the sole of one's foot/to tread through (the floor)/
抜きいきぬき(n) taking a breather/relaxation/vent hole/
り抜ききりぬき (n) scraps/cuts/
き抜くふきぬく (v5k) to blow through/to blow over/to blow itself out/
い抜きいあいぬき (n) while on one knee, drawing a sword and slashing one's opponent/
き抜くいきぬく(v5k) to live through/to survive/
り抜きほりぬきいど (n) artesian well/
を抜くかがみをぬく (exp) to uncask/to open a barrel/
抜けひょうしぬけ(n) disappointment/
抜きばばぬき (n) old maid/living without one's mother-in-law/
え抜きはえぬき(adj-no,n) native-born/trueborn/
抜ききりぬき (n) scraps/cuts/
そうばつ insertion/extraction/
腑抜けふぬけ(adj-na,n) fool/coward/
を抜けるかいをぬける (exp) to withdraw from a society (meeting)/
抜けわぬけ(n) jumping through a hoop/
え抜くかんがえぬく (v5k) to think thoroughly/
抜けるずぬける (v1) to tower above/to stand out/
し抜けにだしぬけに suddenly/without notice/unexpectedly/
かいばつ(n) height above sea level/(P)/
り抜けるはしりぬける (v1) to run through/
ずば抜けるずばぬける(v1) to tower above the rest/to be by far the best/to be prominent/
抜けもぬけ(n) shed skin of snake, insect, etc. (also place left behind)/
抜けてんじょうぬけ skyrocketing (prices)/
抜きめぬき (adj-no,n) principal/main/important/fashionable/
り抜くよりぬく(v5k) to select/to choose/
り抜くしりぬく (v5k) to know thoroughly/
り抜くきりぬく (v5k) to cut out/to clip from/to extract/
抜きしんぬきき corer/
き抜きひきぬき (n) hiring from another company/recruitment/scouting/
り抜けるきりぬける(v1) to cut one's way through/to tide over/to struggle through/to get over/
たくばつ(adj-na,n) excellence/superiority/preeminence/prevalence/
けいばつ (adj-na,n) scintillating/extraordinarily excellent/
籠抜けかごぬけ(n) slipping out the back way with swindled goods/
を抜くつるぎをぬく(v5) to draw a sword/
り抜ききりぬきちょう(n) a scrapbook/
ち抜くかちぬく (v5k) to win through/
り抜くほりぬく (iK) (v5k) to dig through/to drill into/to excavate/
せんばつしけんselection test/
き抜けるつきぬける (v1) to pierce through/to break through/(P)/
抜けてとびぬけてby far/far and away/by all odds/
き抜けるふきぬける (v1) to blow through/
い抜けいいぬけ (n) evasion/an excuse/
き抜くかきぬく (v5k) to extract/
抜けきぬけ (n) dispiritedness/dejection/
垢抜けるあかぬける(v1) to refine/
り抜くまもりぬく (v5k) to hold fast/to protect to the end/
抜きせぬき(n) unlined in the back/
挨拶は抜きであいさつはぬきで without compliments (greetings)/
あかぬ抜るあかぬける(v1) to refine/
抜くすっぱぬく(v5k) to expose/
り抜けるとおりぬける (v1) to cut through/to go through/
抜かりてぬかり (n) oversight/omission/mistake/
り抜くえりぬく (v5k) to select/to choose/
抜きすっぱぬき(n) exposure/disclosure/an "expose" (in a magazine)/
抜きとげぬき(n) tweezers/forceps/
かんばつ (n,vs) selection/
抜くすっぱぬく(v5k) to disclose/to expose/to unmask/
抜きくうきぬき(n) ventilator/
抜くひきぬく (v5k) to extract/to uproot/to pull out/(P)/
り抜けるすりぬける(v1) to slip through/to make one's way through quickly/
抜けちからぬけ(n) discouragement/disappointment/
を抜くとげをぬく (v5) to pull out a thorn/
綿抜きわたぬき (n) unpadded kimono/
り抜くはしりぬく (v5k) to outrun/to run through to the end/
きばつ(adj-na,n) novel/original/striking/strange/eccentric/fantastic/
抜きいろぬき (n) decolorization/
抜けそこぬけ (adj-na,n) bottomless/
が抜けるきがぬける (exp) to be let down/to go flat/to lose flavor/to become stale/
抜けるずぬける(v1) to tower above/to stand out/
しゅんばつ uncommon/above average/
め抜くそめぬく (v5k) to dye fast/to leave undyed/
い抜けるいいぬける (v1) to explain away/to answer evasively/
み抜きしみぬき(n) stain removal/
抜くみぬく (v5k) to see through/
抜きよなぬき(n) pentatonic scale (music)/
り抜くやりぬく (v5k) to carry out to completion/to accomplish/
き抜けおきぬけ(n) first thing after rising/
けんにんふばつ(adj-na,n) indomitable perseverance/invincible fortitude/
け抜けるかけぬける(v1) to run past from behind/to run through (e.g. gate)/
抜けまぬけ(adj-na,n) (uk) stupidity/idiot/dunce/blockhead/(P)/
を抜くてをぬく(exp,v5) to ease up (on an opponent)/to cut corners/to be shoddy/
き抜けふきぬけ(n) a draft/stairwell/
み抜けのみぬけ (n) drunkard/
り抜くこまりぬく (v5k) to be at one's wit's end/to be in great trouble/to be at a loss/
抜きしぶぬき(n) removing the astringent taste (from persimmons)/
釘抜きくぎぬき(n) pincers/nail puller/
ち抜くうちぬく(v5k) (1) to punch/to hit and hit/to stamp out/(2) to pierce/to bore into/to knock down walls/
い抜くおいぬく (v5k) to pass (a car)/to outdistance/to outsail/to outstrip/(P)/
を抜くせんをぬく(exp) to uncork a bottle/
抜きぜんだんぬきbanner (headlines)/
抜けつつぬけ (n) passing or going directly through (to)/
り抜きはりぬき(n) papier-mache/
抜けまぬけづらa foolish or stupid look/
抜けはぬけ (n) toothless/
抜くいぬく (v5k) to shoot through/