巡拝 | じゅんぱい | (n,vs) circuit pilgrimage/ |
英雄崇拝 | えいゆうすうはい
| hero worship/ |
伏し拝む | ふしおがむ
| (v5m) to kneel and worship/ |
遥拝 | ようはい | (n,vs) worshipping from afar/ |
偶像崇拝 | ぐうぞうすうはい
| worship/idolatry/ |
三拝九拝 | さんぱいきゅうはい | (int,n) kowtowing/bowing repeatedly/ |
黄金崇拝 | おうごんすうはい
| mammon worship/ |
奉拝 | ほうはい
| (n) worship/ |
崇拝者 | すうはいしゃ | worshipper/admirer/ |
九拝 | きゅうはい
| (n) bowing many times (in
apology)/ |
偶像礼拝 | ぐうぞうれいはい | idolatry/ |
天皇崇拝 | てんのうすうはい | emperor worship/ |
物崇拝 | じゅぶつすうはい
| fetishism/ |
礼拝 | らいはい
| (n,vs) adoration/worship/divine
service/ |
崇拝 | すうはい | (n,vs) worship/adoration/admiration/cult/(P)/ |
祖先崇拝 | そせんすうはい | ancestor worship/(P)/ |
天体崇拝 | てんたいすうはい
| star worship/astrolatry/ |
聖体拝領 | せいたいはいりょう
| the Eucharist/Holy Communion/ |
三拝 | さんぱい
| (n) worshipping three times/ |
自然崇拝 | しぜんすうはい
| nature worship/ |
礼拝堂 | れいはいどう | (n) place of worship/ |
礼拝 | れいはい
| (n,vs) adoration/worship/divine
service/(P)/ |
再拝 | さいはい | (int,n) worshipping again/bowing twice/epistolary
clothing/ |
参拝 | さんぱい | (n,vs) worship/(P)/ |
動物崇拝 | どうぶつすうはい
| zoolatry/ |