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Kanji: Radical: () : ; も(つ)、も(てる); hold
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1903 Index in Halpern dictionary: 374
Japanese Reading English
け持つうけもつ(v5t) to take (be in) charge of/(P)/
持ちしゅもち (n) serving a master/employee/
持ちこもち (n) person with kid(s)/parent/
しじしゃ(n) supporter (of the arts, e.g.)/
しょじ (n,vs) possession/owning/
こじ (n,vs) insistence (positive nuance)/persistence/strong-willed/
持ちしょたいもち(n) married man or woman/housekeeping/
ほじしゃholder (of a record)/
槍持ちやりもち(n) spear carrier/
持ちひもち (n) fire-holding qualities/
ひんしつほじきげん freshness assured through this date/
この持ちこのさきのこころも ちfeelings from this point on/
しじりつapproval rating/
せんたんしじりょくend bearing capacity/
け持ちかけもち (n,vs) holding two or more positions concurrently/
しゅうもち(n) serving a master/employee/
持ちちょうちんもち(n) lantern bearer/
きもち (n) feeling/sensation/mood/
持ちおんなもち (n) for women/
を持ついけんをもつ(exp) to hold an opinion/
持ちにょうぼうもちmarried man/
癇癪持ち かんしゃくもちhot-tempered person/
ちあんいじほう(n) Maintenance of Public Order Act (1900)/
持ちならないはなもちな らないstink/intolerable/
せ持つあわせもつ (v5t) to own (something) as well/
持ちきょうじょうもちa criminal/
持ちかねもち(n) rich man/(P)/
しじ (n,vs) support/maintenance/(P)/
持ちたいこもち(male) professional entertainer/sycophant/
持ちこころもち (adv,n) feeling/mood/somewhat/slightly/
きょうじsecuring rights and profits/
持ちおももち (n) expression/look/countenance/face/
り持ちとりもち(n) mediation/entertainment/
しじりょくbearing capacity/
持てこわもて (n) deferential treatment (out of fear)/
し持つかくしもつ(v5t) to carry (something) under cover/
しじりょくりろんbearing capacity theory/
げんじょういじ (n) maintenance of the status quo/
しじ support
矜 持きょうじ(n) pride/dignity/
い持てなしあついもてなしcordial reception/
かじ (n) faith-healing/incantation/
持ちしゅじんもちsamurai attached to a daimyo/
捧持ほうじ(n,vs) bearing/presenting/holding up (emperor's picture)/
持ちしんしょうもち good housekeeper/
持ちみもち (n) conduct/behavior/pregnant/
持ちあいもち (n) joint ownership/sharing/going Dutch/
持ちでまえもち boy who delivers cooked food/
しょじひんthings at hand/
持ちおとこもち (n) men's/for men/
脛に疵持つすねにきずもつ(adj-pn) to have a guilty conscience/
ふち (n) ration/stipend/allowance/(P)/
持ちさいしもちman with wife and kid(s)/
いじひmaintenance costs/(P)/
持ちてもちげんきん ready cash/cash on hand/
持ておおもて (n) great popularity/
持ちいえもち (n) homeowner/head of a household/
くいぶち(n) cost of one's food/
持ちまるもち (n) moneyed man/
持ちはらもち (n) feeling of fullness/slow digestion/
持ち沙汰てもちぶさた (adj-na,n) being bored or at loose ends/
岡持ちおかもち(n) wooden carrying box/
持ちかたなもち(n) swordbearer/
しゅもち (n) serving a master/employee/
持ちのおとこもちのとけい gentlemens watches/
持ちしゅうもち (n) serving a master/employee/
持杭しじこう bearing pile/
持ちちからもち (n) muscleman/strong man/(P)/
厭な持ちいやなきもちunpleasant feeling/
へいわいじかつどう peace-keeping operation/
ほうじ (n,vs) bearing/presenting/holding up (emperor's picture)/
こうぞうほじstructure preserving/
しじりょくけいすうbearing capacity factor/
持ちてもち (n) holdings/goods on hand/
り持つとりもつ(v5t) to mediate/to entertain/to serve/
持ちものもち (n) rich, wealthy person/
け持ちうけもち (n) charge (of something)/matter in one's charge/(P)/
へいわいじぐん peace-keeping force/
持ちかぞくもちperson with a family/family man/
持ちかさもち (n) umbrella carrier/
持ちながもち (n,vs) long lasting/long wearing/(P)/
持ちふみもち (adj-na) misconduct/profligacy/licentiousness/
持ちたちもち (n) swordbearer/
いじ (n,vs) maintenance/preservation/(P)/
こもちこんぶkelp with herring roe (sushi type)/
持ちきもち (n) feeling/sensation/mood/(P)/
の持ちたからのもちぐされ(n) pearls thrown before swine/
を持つかたをもつ (v5) to side with/to support/
を持たせるはなをもたせ る(exp) to let (a person) have the credit for (the success)/
しょじきん money in one's possession/
持ちいいきもちいい (adj) good feeling/feeling good/
せりもち (n) arch/
ひろいしじbroad support/wide-ranging support/
かじきとうincantation and prayer/
持ちきょうじょうもちa criminal/
ほじ(n,vs) retention/maintenance/preservation/
持ちえんのしたのちからもち(n) unsung hero/person who does a thankless task/
しじりょくていしき bearing capacity formula/
持ちうけもち (n) charge (of something)/matter in one's charge/
はじ(n,vs) grasp/hold/grip/(P)/
持ちてもちひんgoods in stock or on hand or in one's possession/
を持ちみをもちくずす (exp) to ruin oneself/
持になるくらいきもちになる(exp) to feel gloomy/
に持つねにもつ (exp,v5) to hold a grudge/
いしもち (n) Blue drum (fish)/
ふちまい(n) stipend in rice/
いやなきもちunpleasant feeling/
い持てなしあついもてな しcordial reception/
鞄持ちかばんもち(n) private secretary/flunky/
せいめいいじそうち (n) life-support system/
けんじ (n,vs) holding on to/sticking to/(P)/
を持つひようをもつ (exp) to bear the expenses/
ごじ (n,vs) defend and maintain/support/protection/
じゅうじ(n) chief priest of temple/
はらもち (n) ability of a food to fill you up/
持ちかいしゃもち at company's expense/