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Kanji: Radical: () : キョ; あ(げる)、あ(がる); raise
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1902 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2456
Japanese Reading English
しょうせんきょくせい (n) single-seat constituency system/
けいきょ(n) hasty or rash act/
びきょ (n) praiseworthy undertaking/commendable act/
れっきょ(n) enumeration/list/(P)/
すいきょ (n) recommendation or nomination for a post/
たいきょ(n-adv,n-t) in force/in great numbers/
よびせんきょ preliminary election/a primary (election)/
こうしょくせんきょほう (n) Public Officers Election Act/
せんきょこうほう (n) official gazette for elections/
を挙げるせんしゅてんをあげる(exp) to score the first point/
さいせんきょ(n) re-election/
ぼうきょ (n) violence/reckless action/
せんきょにん(n) qualified voter/
挙にせんきょにでる(exp) to run for election/
けいきょもうどう (n) a rash and blind act/
しちょうせんきょ (n) mayoral election/
いっきょいちどう (n) one's every action/every single move/
を挙げるなをあげる(exp) to gain fame/to make one's name/
かきょ (n) (ancient) Chinese higher civil service examinations/
ちほうせんきょlocal election/regional elections/
だいとうりょうせんきょpresidential election/
いきょ excellent deeds/
せんきょうんどう participation in election campaign/
んだ挙てるなぐさんだあげくにすてる(exp) to throw a girl away after making her one's plaything/
を挙げるへいをあげる(exp) to raise an army/
ちゅうかんせんきょ by-election/interim election/
せんきょびelection day/
ぐきょ(n) foolish undertaking/
ちょくせつせんきょ direct election/
そうせんきょ(n) general election/
いっせいけんきょ wholesale arrest/round-up/
ひせんきょけん (n) eligibility for election/suffrage/
な挙けいそつなきょ rash act/
挙にいっきょに (adv) at a stroke/with a single swoop/(P)/
せんきょせん election campaign/
ふつうせんきょ universal suffrage/(P)/
とういつちほうせん きょnationwide local elections/
せんきょじゅんび election preparations/
せんきょほう(n) election laws/
ひせんきょしかくelectoral eligibility/(P)/
挙をえてせんきょをひかえてwith the election around the corner/
ぼうきょ (n) unreasonable actions/lack of discrimination/
せんきょみん (n) voters/electorate/
挙げことあげ (n) a mention/
けんきょ (n) arrest/roundup/(P)/
ひみつせんきょ secret ballot/
そうきょ (n) ambitious (heroic) undertaking/daring enterprise/grand scheme/
そうとうせんきょpresidential election/
せんきょ (n,vs) election/(P)/
を挙げるれいをあげる (exp) to cite an example/
せんきょく(n) electoral district/precinct/
すいきょ (n) recommendation/
せんきょかんりいいんかいCommittee for Election Administration/
が挙がるながあがる (exp) to become famous/
かいきょ (n) brilliant achievement/
ぎきょ (n) noble undertaking/heroic deed/
を挙げるしきをあげる (exp) to hold a ceremony/
ほけつせんきょ special election/by-election/
いっきょしゅいっとうそ く(n) a slight effort/the least trouble/
せんきょいはんelectoral irregularities/
せんきょせいど electoral system/
せんきょ (n) recommendation/
挙げじゅうりょうあげ(n) weight lifting/
せんきょけん(n) suffrage/
いっきょりょうとく(n) killing two birds with one stone/serving two ends/
せいきょ(n) large-scale undertaking/
かんせつせんきょ indirect election/
いっきょ (n-adv,n) one effort/one action/
ひせんきょにん (n) person eligible for elective office/
さいきょ(n) another attempt/
まいきょ (n,vs) enumeration/(P)/