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Kanji: Radical: () : シャ; す(てる); discard
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 11 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1944 Index in Halpern dictionary: 501
Japanese Reading English
り捨てるふりすてる(v1) to shake off/forsake/
を捨てるかくをすてる (exp) to sacrifice a bishop/
ししゃごにゅう (n) rounding up (fractions)/(P)/
捨ててみすててさる(v5) to leave behind/
しゅしゃ (n) choice/option/rejection or adoption/(P)/
げ捨てるなげすてる(v1) to throw away/
を捨ててきょをすててじつをと る(exp) to discard the shadow for the substance/
び捨てよびすて(n) addressing someone by last name only/without affixing "san"/(P)/
しゅしゃせんたく(n) selection/making a choice/decision to adopt or reject/
ち捨てるうちすてる(v1) to throw away/to abandon/
を捨てるみをすてる (exp) to throw away one's life/
き捨てるやきすてる (v1) to burn up/
き捨てるかきすてる (v1) to write and throw away/to write carelessly/to begin writing then stop part-way through/
剃り捨てるそりすてる(v1) to cut off the hair/take the tonsure/
んだに捨てるなぐさんだあげ くにすてる(exp) to throw a girl away after making her one's plaything/
捨てるきりすてる(io) (v1) to truncate/to cut down/to omit/to discard/to slay/to cast away/
捨てるみすてる(v1) to abandon/to fail/to desert/(P)/
き捨てききずて inexcusable/
り捨てるのりすてる (v1) to get off/to abandon (a ship or vehicle)/
姥捨てうばすて(n) the practice of abandoning old women/
き捨てるはきすてる(v1) to spit out/
使い捨てつかいすて (n) throwaway/disposable/(P)/
ようしゃ (n) adoption or rejection/choice/separating the needed from the unneeded/
きしゃ(n) almsgiving/(P)/
を捨てるおのれをすてる (exp) to rise above oneself/
使い捨つかいすて (n) throwaway/disposable/
り捨てきりすて (n) (historical) using people of low rank as sword fodder/omission/rounding down/
い捨てるいいすてる(v1) to say (something) over one's shoulder/
姥捨てうばすてやまmountain where old women were abandoned/
ぎ捨てるぬぎすてる (v1) to fling/to throw off (clothes)/to kick off (boots)/
り捨てるきりすてる(v1) to truncate/to cut down/to omit/to discard/to slay/to cast away/(P)/
捨てよすてびと (n) hermit/recluse/
き捨てるききすてる (v1) to ignore/to overlook/
け捨てかけずて (n) failing to honor an installment payment/
り捨てるとりすてる(v1) to throw away/