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Kanji: Radical: () : ソン; そこ(なう)、そこ(ねる); loss
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1979 Index in Halpern dictionary: 651
Japanese Reading English
の損のうのそんしょう brain damage/
損うみそこなう (v5u) to misjudge/to mistake/to miss seeing/(P)/
い損なういいそこなう(v5u) to say by mistake/to make a slip of the tongue/
に損なうしにそこなう(v5u) to fail to die/to survive/to outlive/
損なうできそこなう(v5u) to be badly made/to fail/
りょうぞん (n) loss on both sides/
じどうしゃそんがいばいしょうせきにんほけん mandatory vehicle liability insurance/
けっそん(n) deficit/shortage/loss/damage/(P)/
損なうでそこなう (v5) to fail to go/to fail to come/
まそん(n,vs) wear and tear/friction loss/abrasion/
はそん(n) damage/(P)/
ざっそん (n) miscellaneous losses/
り損なうやりそこなう (v5u) to fail/
ぶつてきそんがい physical damage/
に損ないしにぞこない (n) a person who has escaped death/dotard/
損じるしそんじる(v1) to blunder/to fail/to make a mistake/
を損なうけんこうをそこなう(exp) to lose one's health/
を損ねるきげんをそこねる(exp) to displease/to offend/to hurt (a person's) feelings/
まそん(n) wear and tear/
み損うよみそこなう (v5u) to misread/to mispronounce/(P)/
き損なうかきそこなう(v5u) to miswrite/
おおぞん (n) heavy loss/(P)/
ぶっそん property damage (i.e. as from an accident)/
損なうみそこなう(v5u) to misjudge/to mistake/to miss seeing/(P)/
げんそん(n) decrease/
損うねそこなう(io) (v5u) to miss a chance to sleep/to be wakeful/
り損ほねおりぞん (n) waste of labor or energy/vain effort/
損ねるみそこねる(v1) to miss seeing/
い損いたいそんしつpainful loss/
まるぞん(n) total loss/
損じるしそんじる (v1) to blunder/to fail/to make a mistake/
損なういそこなう(v5u) to shoot and miss/
き損なうききそこなう (v5u) to mishear/to fail to catch/
いそんひん(n) fragile article/
ぜんそん (n) total loss/
さそん (n) (profit sheet) loss/
り損じるつくりそんじる (v1) to fail in making/
溺れ損なうおぼれそこなうto come near being drowned/
おそん (n) stain/
損ないできそこない(n) failure/badly done/good for nothing/
損なうしそこなう (v5u) to blunder/to fail/to make a mistake/to miss/
れいじそん excitation loss/
しの損ですこしのそんですむto get off with a little loss/
かいそん (n) sea damage/average loss/
かいせつそんdiffraction loss/
り損なうとりそこなう (v5u) to miss/to fail to capitalize/
み損じるよみそんじるto fail to read correctly/
駒損こまそんloss of material (in shogi)/
り損なうのりそこなう (v5u) to miss (a train)/
りょうそん (n) loss on both sides/
損なうえいがをみそこな う(exp) to fail to see a film/
きそん (n) assassination/damage/injury/waste/
損なうしそこなう(v5u) to blunder/to fail/to make a mistake/to miss/
損なうねそこなう(v5u) to miss a chance to sleep/to be wakeful/
り損なうつくりそこなう(v5) to fail in making/
り損なうつくりぞこなう (v5) to fail in making/
毀損きそん(n) assassination/damage/injury/waste/
ぶっそんじこ traffic accident resulting in property damage/
ち損なううちそこなう(v5u) to fail to hit/to miss/
り損なうすりそこなう (v5) to misprint/to spoil in printing/