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Kanji: Radical: () : サツ; す(る)、す(れる); rub
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 17 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2025 Index in Halpern dictionary: 790
Japanese Reading English
擦るわるずれる(v1) to get worse and worse/
擦るうわずる (v5r) to be or get excited/to sound shallow/to sound hollow (a voice)/to ring false (a voice)/to sound shrill and nervous (a voice)/to be high-pitched and unstrung (a voice)/
擦れくつずれ (n) shoe sore/(P)/
て擦るあてこする (v5r) to insinuate/to satyrize/to take a dig at/
かんぷまさつa rubdown with a dry towel/
擦りみみこすり (n) whispering/
わるずれ (n,vs) over-sophistication/
擦れとこずれ (n) bedsores/
頬擦りほおずり(n) nestling one's face against/
まさつ (n,vs) friction/rubbing/rubdown/chafe/(P)/
擦れてずれ(n) becoming worn or soiled with handling/being old-fashioned/
貿ぼうえきまさつtrade friction/
の擦れるこのはのこすれるおとrustling of leaves/
貿にちべいぼうえきまさ つ(n) Japan-U.S. trade friction/
擦れひとずれ (n) sophistication/
擦れきぬずれ (n) rustling of clothes/
まさつねつ(n) frictional heat/
まさつおん(n) fricative sound/
れいすいまさつ rubdown with a wet towel/cold-water rubbing/(P)/
あばずれ(adj-na,n) a bitch/
どうまさつ(n) kinetic friction/
はさつおん(n) affricative sound (ling)/
擦れあばずれ(adj-na,n) a bitch/
擦れせけんずれ(n) worldly wise/sophisticated/
とさつ (n) rubbing an ointment into the skin/
とさつざい (n) liniment/ointment/salve/
て擦りあてこすり (n) snide remark/insinuation/
擦れわるずれ (n,vs) over-sophistication/
を擦るしんだいをする(exp) to lose a person's fortune/
ちょうせきまさつtidal friction/
くいしゅうめんまさつ りょくpile shaft frictiion/
鞍擦れくらずれ(n) saddle sores/
擦でこったまさつでおこったねつ heat generated from friction/