物故 | ぶっこ | (n,vs) death/ |
縁故 | えんこ | (n) relation/connection/affinity/ |
生まれ故郷 | うまれこきょう | (n) one's birthplace/ |
それ故に | それゆえに | And so .../ |
鉄道事故 | てつどうじこ | (n) railroad accident/ |
温故知新 | おんこちしん
| (n) developing new ideas based on study of the
past/learning from the past/ |
事故 | じこ | (n)
accident/incident/trouble/circumstances/reasons/(P)/ |
反故 | ほご
| (n) wastepaper/scrap paper/ |
反故 | ほぐ
| (n) wastepaper/scrap paper/ |
何故 | なにゆえ
| (adv) (uk) why/how/(P)/ |
墜落事故 | ついらくじこ
| a plane crash/ |
事故歴 | じこれき | history of (automobile) accidents/ |
世故 | せこ
| (n) worldly affairs/ |
事故原因 | じこげんいん
| source, cause of an accident/ |
反故にする | ほごにする
| (vs) to throw something into the
wastebasket/ |
無事故 | むじこ
| (adj-na,n) without accident/ |
典故 | てんこ
| (n) authentic precedent/ |
物故者 | ぶっこしゃ | dead person/the deceased/ |
旧故 | きゅうこ
| (n) antiquity/old acquaintance/ |
接触事故 | せっしょくじこ
| (n) minor collision/(have) a scrape (with
another vehicle)/ |
何故かと言うと | なぜかというと
| (exp) because/the reason why is/ |
自動車事故 | じどうしゃじこ | (n) motor(ing) (an auto) accident/car crash
(smash)/ |
何故なら | なぜなら | (conj) (uk) because/(P)/ |
エンジン故障 | エンジンこしょう | engine failure/ |
何故 | なぜ
| (adv) (uk) why/how/(P)/ |
何故ならば | なぜならば
| (conj) (uk) because/for/the reason why is
.../(P)/ |
有職故実 | ゆうそくこじつ | (n) well-versed in usages or practices of the court or
military households/ |
交通事故 | こうつうじこ | traffic accident/(P)/ |
其れ故 | それゆえ | (conj) therefore/for that reason/so/ |
何故か | なぜか
| (adv) somehow/without knowing
why/(P)/ |
坑内事故 | こうないじこ | mine accident/(P)/ |
世故 | せいこ
| (n) worldly affairs/ |
臨界事故 | りんかいじこ
| criticality (accident) in the nuclear
industry/ |
盗品故買 | とうひんこばい | dealing in stolen goods/ |
物損事故 | ぶっそんじこ
| traffic accident resulting in property
damage/ |
人身事故 | じんしんじこ | traffic accident resulting in personal injury or
death/ |