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Kanji: Radical: (ぼくづくり) : スウ、ス、サク、ソク; かず、かぞ(える); number
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2057 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1790
Japanese Reading English
こうりぶっかしすうretail price index/
ぜんすう (n) the whole number/all/
そすう (n) prime numbers/
しつりょうすう(n) mass number/
びけいすうdifferential coefficient/
はんすう version number/revision number/
たすうけつ(n) majority rule/
むせんしゅうはすうradio frequency/RF/
さいだいこうやくすう(n) greatest common divisor/
かすう (n) mantissa/
ひょうすう number of straw bags/
ふすう (n) negative number/
たんすう (n) singular (number)/(P)/
ぜったいたすう absolute majority/
こにんずう(n) small number of people/
けいすうかん(n) a counting machine/
はんてんぶんぷけいす うpopulation inversion factor/
せんせんだんだんせいけい すうelastic shear modulus/
ばいすう (n) multiple/
かんすうげんけい function prototype/
たいすう (n-adv,n-t) great number/round number/
しゅっせきにっすう(n) number of days (times) one has attended/
さいたすう largest number/plurality/
しぜんすう(n) natural number/nonnegative integer/
こすう (n) number of households (houses)/
ていすう (n) base/radix/
かすうぶmantissa portion/
ごすう (n) number of words/
おかず (n) (uk) side dish/accompaniment for rice dishes/(P)/
はんぶんすう (n) complex fraction/
かいすう (n) number of times/frequency/(P)/
はんすう (n) reciprocal number/
じきもれけいすうdispersion coefficient (magnetic leakage coef.)/
かぶんすう (n) improper fraction/
ほうていとくひょうすう(n) minimum number of votes required to elect a candidate/
とうひきゅうすうgeometric series/
シグモイドシグモイドかんすうsigmoid function/
とうひょうすう(n) votes cast/
むりすう(n) irrational number/
どくりつへんすう independent variable/
せいすうろん(n) theory of numbers/number theory/
ちょうすう number of pages
ねつぼうちょうけいすうthermal expansion coefficient/
かすう (n) addend/
ひょうすう (n) vote tally/
やくすう (n) (a) measure/
だいたすう(adj-no,n) great majority/(P)/
アラビア数アラビアすうじ(n) Arabic numeral/
しゅうはすう(n) frequency (of waves)/
しゅうはすうへんかんそうちfrequency converter/
だいすうてきわ algebraic sum/
しょうすうとう(n) minority party/
げんすう (n) present number/
あたまかず (n) number of persons/numerical strength/head count/
せいしどあつけいすうcoefficient of earth pressure at rest/
ふくすうぎょうむ multi-tasking (comp)/
いんすう (n) factor (in math)/
かんすうろん(n) theory of functions/
ぎゃくかんすう(n) (mathematics) the inverse function/
こにんず(n) small number of people/
ふくすうこ(n) multitude/
ふとくていたすう (adj-no,n) unspecified large number (of people)/
てかず(n) number of moves/trouble/
どうかんすう(n) a derivative/derived function/
ちのうしすう (n) intelligence quotient (I.Q.)/
しょうすう (n) minority/few/(P)/
きすう (n) cardinal number/
じゅどうどあつけいすうcoefficient of passive earth pressure/
けいすう (n) figures/numbers/
たいすうひょう(n) table of logarithms/log table(s)/
げんすう (n) decreasing in number/type of cell division (biol)/
めいだいかんすう(n) propositional (sentential) function/
ほすうけい(n) a pedometer/
がいすう (n) round numbers/
きやくぶんすう irreducible fraction/
そせいしすう plasticity index/
たすういけん (n) majority opinion/
じゅうすう (pref) ten-odd/
しょうすう (n) fraction (part of)/decimal/(P)/
しょうすうみんぞくminority peoples/
たんすうけい(n) singular form (of a noun)/
こうやくすう(n) common divisor/
とうさきゅうすう (n) arithmetic series/
さつすうnumber (of books) printed/
ふどうしょうすうてんえんざんきこう floating-point arithmetic unit (computer)/
みんすうき the Book of Numbers (in the Bible)/
しゅっぱんぶすうcirculation/number printed/
めいすう (n) span of life/destiny/
おろしうりぶっかしす うWPI/wholesale price index/
ふどうしょうすうてんfloating point/
じょすう (n) an ordinal number/
ほすう (n) number of steps/
かへんすうvariable number/
数をてんすうをかせぐ(exp) to score points with (a person)/
しょうすうてん(n) decimal point/(P)/
たんすうけいsingular form/
するかんすうてきにいぞんするあたいfunctionally dependent values/
えいすうじ(n) alphanumeric character/
ほんすう (n) number of long thin objects (movies, TV programs, baseball games, etc)/
のべにっすう (n) total days/
ふかいしすう (n) discomfort index/
つぼすう (n) floor space/area (in tsubo)/(P)/
むりょうだいすうbigger than 10^64/
とうひょうそうすう (n) total number of votes cast/
ひげんすう(n) minuend/
ねんすう(n) number of years/
じすう (n) number of characters or letters/
はんしゃけいすうreflection coefficient/
けんすう (n) number (of things)/
だいすうほうていしき(n) algebraic equation/
じょうすう (n) (mathematical) constant/
こすう (n) number of articles/
だいすうがく(n) algebra/
むげんしょうすうinfinite decimals/
れいすう number of cases/
しょとうすうがく (n) elementary mathematics/
しんりかんすう (n) truth-function/
あっとうてきたすうoverwhelming numbers/
へんすう (n) variable (e.g. math)/
こうすう (n) number of people, items, etc./
めいちゅうすうnumber of hits/
れきすう(n) calendar making/number of years/one's fate/the year/
お数おかず(n) (uk) side dish/accompaniment for rice dishes/
ていすう(n) constant/
しぼうすう number of death/
じゅっすう (n) strategem/
で数えるねんれいをまん でかぞえる(exp) to count age in full/
きょすうたんい (n) imaginary unit/
ぎゃくすう (n) reciprocal number/
どすうぶんぷ (n) frequency distribution/
かくりつみつどかんす うthe probability density function (statistics)/
ひんすう(n) frequency/
じつかんすう (n) real variable function/
ぎゃくてんぶんぷけい すうpopulation inversion factor/
にんずう (n) the number of people/(P)/
はんせいすうしき integral expression/
せいけいひしすうcost of living index/
かいすうけん(n) book of tickets/(P)/
とうすう (n) number of persons/numerical strength/head count/
ちょうえつかんすうtranscendental function/
函数かんすう(oK) (n) function (e.g. math, programming)/
しんどうすう(n) frequency/
いすう(adj-no,n) unusual/exceptional/phenomenal/
はくすう count of beats in music/
てんすうきっぷ ration-point coupon/
ちょうすう (n) number of pages/even numbers/
りょうがえてすうりょう(n) commission for an exchange/
かんすうかいせき functional analysis/
しなかず (n) number of articles/
ぶんすうしき(n) fractional expression/
いんかんすう(n) implicit function/
じょうすう number of tatami (mats)/
しゅっしょうすうnumber of live births/
じょすう (n) divisor/
てすう (n) trouble/labor/handling/(P)/
ひとかず (n) the number of people/
ばいかいへんすう parameter/
どうはかんていすうwaveguide constant/
てすうりょう(n) handling charge/commission/(P)/
きすう (n) odd number/(P)/
さんようすうじ Arabic numerals/
てんすう (n) marks/points/score/runs/number of items/credits/(P)/
しょうすうは (n) minority group (party)/minority/
じゅんせいすうがくpure mathematics/
せたいすう (n) number of households/
せいすう(n) positive number/
かんすうくうかん functional space/
そいんすう(n) prime factor/
しんすう (number) base (e.g. 10)/
しゅっせいすうnumber of live births/
みちすう(n) unknown number/
さっきょうしすう rice-crop index/