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Kanji: Radical: (ぶん) : ブン、モン; ふみ; writings
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2064 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1962
Japanese Reading English
あんぶん(n) draft/
こうごぶん (n) colloquial language or sentence/
そうにゅうぶん parenthetic sentence/
旺文おうぶんしゃOubunsha (publisher)/
ロシア文ロシアもじRussian character(s)/
註文 ちゅうもん(n,vs) order/request/
てぶんこ (n) box for holding papers or stationery/
じょりゅうぶんがくしゃ lady of letters/
まり文きまりもんく(n) cliche/
いぶん(n) literary remains/
じょじぶん(n) narration/description/
おんぴょうもじ (n) phonetic symbols/
こてんぶんがく classical literature/
しい文やさしいぶんしょうeasy (simple) writing/
ぎこぶん(n) classical style/
げ文なげぶみ (n) (love) letter tossed into a home/
きじぶん (n) descriptive composition/
りゃくぶん (n) abridged sentence/
さんこうぶんけん bibliography/
しぶんしょ(n) private document/
はんけつぶんjudgment paper/
さんもんばん(n) ready-made seal/cheap literature/
めいれいぶん(n) imperative sentence/
じょうそうぶんreport to the throne/
しぶん (n) poetry and prose/literary works/
さいぶん(n) address to the gods/type of song which spread from mountain hermits to the laity during the Kamakura era/
こぶんしょ(n) ancient documents/archives/
おんなもじ(n) woman's handwriting/hiragana/
じどうぶんがく juvenile literature/
にせいぶんけい binary system/
きこうぶん(n) traveller's journal/(P)/
はいぶん (n) prose with a poetic haiku flavor/
ちょうぶん(n) funeral address/
くこうぞうぶんぽうphrase structure grammar/
こぶんがくpaleography/the study of ancient writings/
わぶん (n) Japanese text/sentence in Japanese/(P)/
かじょうもん (n) spiral pattern/
せいぶんほう(n) written or statutory law/
い文かたいぶんしょうstiff style/
ぞくぶんがく popular literature/
どうしゅどうぶん (n) same race and same language/
いんぶん (n) verse/poetry/(P)/
てんもんこうほう celestial navigation/
ふぶんぽう(n) unwritten law/common law/
せいもんばらいbargain sale/
き文くどきもんく(exp) (loving) words/
ふつぶん (n) French/French writing/French literature/
せつぶん(n) poor writing/
ばいぶん (n) hack writer/
きんだいぶんがく modern literature/
しゅうしろんぶん (n) master's thesis (in anthropology)/
りつぶんlegal provisions/verse/
らかい文やわらかいぶんしょうinformal style/
あんごうぶん(n) cryptogram/
かんそうぶんwritten description of one's thoughts/
がくいろんぶん thesis/
はかせろんぶん Doctoral dissertation/
凄文すごもんく(n) intimidating language/
ゆうげんじょうたいぶん ぽうfinite-state grammar/
じんぶん (n) humanity/civilization/culture/
じょうぶん (n) redundancy/
じゅうようむけいぶんかざいimportant intangible cultural asset/
はちもんじ(n) (in) the shape of the character hachi (eight)/
さくぶん(n) composition/writing/(P)/
つうぞくぶんがく school of popular writing/(P)/
じんぶんしゅぎ humanism/
い文つたないぶんしょうpoor writing/
ひかくぶんがくcomparative literature/(P)/
ひていぶんnegative sentence/
ちもんがく(n) physical geography/
かいぶんしょ(n) objectionable literature/
えいこもじ lower-case letters/
がくじゅつろんぶん (n) treatise/monograph/study/
文のさくぶんのだいsubject of a composition/
まんぶん (n) random jottings/rambling essays/
いぶん(n) strange tale/another story/variant (reading)/strange report or tale/
ふくぶん(n) complex sentence/
ふぶんほう(n) unwritten law/common law/
しょかんぶん(n) epistolary style/
えいぶんかいしゃく (n) interpreting an English text/
ふおんぶんしょ inflammatory pamphlets/
くろもじ(n) spicebush/toothpick/
きょうどぶんがく folk literature/
むいちもん(adj-na,n) penniless/broke/
こうぶんしゃ Koubunsha (publisher)/
じゅうぶん (n) (abbr) compound sentence/important national treasure/
猥褻文わいせつぶんしょ(n) indecent writings/pornography/
さいちゅうもんrepeat order/
こうぶん(n) official document/archives/
じゅうようぶんかざいimportant national treasure/important cultural property/
せいぶん(n) the official text/
いちもんじ(n) straight line/beeline/
ほうてきぶんしょ legal document/
こくぶんがく(n) Japanese literature/
きねんろんぶんしゅう(n) essays (contributed) in celebration of something)/
ちゅうもんとり order-taking/salesperson/
いろぶみ (n) love letter/
こうにゅうちゅうもん purchase order/
さんもん (n) cheapness/farthing/
けつぶん (n) missing part (of manuscript)/
こもん (n) ancient writing/classical literature/
がんもん(n) Shinto or Buddhist prayer (read)/
えいぶんかdepartment of English literature/
ちゅうこうぶんこ Chuukou bunko (publisher)/
にほんぶんぽう Japanese grammar/
じんもん (n) humanity/civilization/culture/
な文かのうなぶんぽう possible grammar/
こくぶん (n) written report to the gods/imperial edict/written appeal to a superior/
たんぶん(n) short sentence/short piece/
ちゅうもんふくcustom-made clothing/
ちゅうもんさきrecipient of an order/
がぶん (n) elegant (literary) style/
しょうぶんせつsmall paragraph (WNN)/
てんもんがくてき (adj-na) astronomical/
こくぶん (n) national literature/
こもじ (n) lower case letters/(P)/
あんもん (n) draft/
こうぶんもくsyntax tree/
じょうもん(n) Jomon period/straw-rope pattern/(P)/
かんじぶんかけんcountries which use Chinese characters/
ふへんぶんぽう universal grammar/
てんもん (n) astronomy/
ぎもんぶん(n) interrogative sentence/
げんだいぶんめい modern civilization/
かなぶみ(n) publication in kana alone/
たんぶん (n) simple sentence/
る文くせのあるぶんしょう mannered style/
ふぶんりつ(n) unwritten law/unwritten rule/common law/(P)/
いしぶみ(n) stone monument bearing an inscription/
文文さんもんぶんしhack writer/
こうしょくぶんがくerotic or pornographic literature/
えいぶんがく(n) English literature/
てんもんだい(n) astronomical observatory/(P)/
き文かきもじdrawn lettering/sound effects lettering/
疇文はんちゅうぶんぽうcategorial grammar/
文縟はんぶんじょくれい (n) red-tapism/
だつぶん (n) missing passage/lacuna/
いんぶん (n) lettering of an engraving/
ごいきのうぶんぽうlexical-functional grammar/LFG/
かいぶん (n) circular (document)/palindrome/
きじゅつぶんぽうdescriptive grammar/
キリル文キリルもじCyrillic character/
じり文かなまじりぶん mixed writing (characters and kana)/
えもじ (n) ideograph/pictograph/
じょぶん (n) preface/foreword/(P)/
ちゅうもんしょ(n) written order/order form/
じょぶん preface/introduction/
きろくぶんがく reportage/documentary/
おとこもじ(n) man's handwriting/kanji/
はくしろんぶん Doctoral dissertation/
こもんじょ(n) ancient documents/archives/
ぞくぶん (n) colloquial style/
ぶっしつぶんめい material civilization/
らかい文やわらかいぶんしょうinformal style/
廻文 かいぶん(n) circular (document)/palindrome/
くうぶん(n) dead letter/
衍 文えんぶん(n) (inadvertent) redundancy in a text/
いんようぶん a quotation/
ほうぶん (n) text of the law/
じょうもんじだい the Jomon period/
きょうもん (n) sutras/
雁の文かりのふみa letter/
けた文くだけたぶんしょう plain (informal) writing/
じんぶんちり descriptive geography/
ぎぶん (n) humorous writing/
し文ころしもんく(exp,n) "killing" (loving) words/
れいぶん (n) model sentence/(P)/
いつぶん (n) unknown or lost writings/
じんだいもじ (n) ancient Japanese characters (regarded today as created at a much more recent date)/
呪 文じゅもん(n) spell/charm/incantation/
やぶみ(n) letter affixed to an arrow/
だいぶんせつlarge paragraph (wnn)/
なんぶんがく (n) love story/erotic literature/
こうぶんしょ(n) official document/archives/
しょうぎょうぶんcommercial correspondence/
はなもじ(n) ornate initial/capital letters/flowers planted to form characters/
しゅじくどうくこうぞう ぶんぽうhead-driven phrase structure grammar/HPSG/
ふぶんけんぽうunwritten constitution/
せつめいぶん(n) explanatory note/
かんぶんがく(n) Chinese literature/literature in Chinese/
西せいおうぶんめい(n) Western civilization/
跋文ばつぶん(n) afterword/
調びぶんちょう an ornate style/
こだいぶんめい ancient civilization/
ほんもん (n) text (of document)/body (of letter)/(P)/
かんぶん(n) Chinese (classical) literature/(P)/
でんぱてんもんがくradio astronomy/
かなもじ the Japanese syllabary symbols/
杓文しゃもじ(n) wooden spoon/ladle/rice scoop/
おおもじ(n) (1) upper case letters/large characters/(P)/
めいぶん(n) statement (e.g. law)/
かしらもじ(n) initials/first letter of a word/
ほうぶん (n) the Japanese language/
せんそうぶんがく war literature/
しい文うつくしいあや beautiful design/
じゅうもんじ(adj-no,n) a cross/cruciform/
ひぶん (n) inscription/epitaph/epigraph/(P)/
えいさくぶん (n) English composition/
めいぶんか(n) stipulate/
しゃせいぶん (n) word picture/
ほんぶん (n) text (of document)/body (of letter)/(P)/
こくぶんか (n) department of Japanese literature/
おうぶん(n) horizontal (Western) writing/
めいぶんかfine writer/
允文允 いんぶにんぶbe versed in the literary and military arts/
ふくしゅうぶん review sentences/
さんぶん (n) prose/(P)/
じんぶんしhistory of civilization/
にそくさんもん (n) dirt cheap/very cheap/
あくぶん (n) bad style/poor writing/
じぶん (n) modern literature/
ほんもんひひょう textual criticism/
いちもんなし(adj-na) penniless/
文のきょうもんのぎをとく (exp) to explain the meaning of a sutra/
たいけいぶんぽうsystemic grammar/
じんぶんかがく social sciences/humanities/(P)/
じんぶんがくは humanists/
きのうたんいつかぶんぽうfunctional unification grammar/FUG/
すいしょうぶんけんもく ろくselected bibliography/
ざつぶん (n) literary miscellany/
そうろうぶん (n) epistolary style/
せいもん (n) written oath/(P)/
どうぶんどうしゅ same race and same script/
せもじ(n) lettering on the spine of a book/
けんきゅうろんぶん research thesis/treatise/
かんぶんくんどく (vs) reading a Chinese text in Japanese/
おうぶん (n) European language/foreign text/
へいじょぶん (n) declarative sentence/
せいぶんか(vs) codification/
ひともじ(n) arranging a group of people so as to form a character or spell out a message/
こくぶんぽう (n) Japanese grammar/
こうもん (n) written report to the gods/imperial edict/written appeal to a superior/
げいぶん(n) art and literature/
こいぶみ(n) love-letter/(P)/
かんじぶんか (the so-called) kanji culture/
さんぶんし(n) prose poem/
はくぶん (n) unpunctuated Chinese texts/
こうぶん (n) syntax/sentence structure/
しゅぶんきん(n) Japanese shubunkin goldfish variety/
れば文さんにんよればもんじゅのちえ(exp) two heads are better than one/
やくぶん (n) a translation/translated sentence/
のうみんぶんがくpeasant literature/
ちもん (n) physiography/physiographical features/
斯文しぶん(n) this academic subject or field of study/Confucian studies/
よこもじ(n) European writing/cross-wise writing/(P)/
むけいぶんかざい intangible cultural asset/
こうていぶんaffirmative sentence/
ひょうおんもんじ phonetic symbol/phonogram/
こうこつぶん(n) ancient inscriptions of Chinese characters on oracle bones and carapaces/
いちもんあきない a penny store/business on a small scale/
じょうもんどきstraw rope-patterned ancient Japanese pottery/
だいもんじ (n) (1) upper case letters/large characters/(2) the (kanji) character "dai" meaning "big"/(3) huge character "dai" formed by fires lit on the side of a mountain in Kyoto on 16 Aug each year/
げんぶん (n) the text/original/(P)/
でんきぶんがくbiographical literature/
のうぶん (n) skilled in writing/
せいぶんりつwritten or statutory law/
ろんぶん (n) thesis/essay/treatise/paper/(P)/
しゅぶん(n) (gram) the text/the main clause/the main part of a document/
ついかちゅうもん(n) additional order/
しょうもん (n) bond/deed/contract/
こうようぶん(n) official terminology/
いちもん (n) something insignificant/one mon (10th sen)/
し文おどしもんく threatening words/(P)/
きんせきぶん(n) epigraph on a stone monument/ancient inscriptions on monuments/
し文おとしぶみ(n) letter dropped in the road/Japanese insect/
けそうぶみ (n) love letter/
でんぶん (n) telegram/
しょくぶんか(n) dietary (food) culture/
ゆうけいぶんかざいtangible cultural properties/
こうがくもじ optical character/
えいぶん (n) sentence in English/(P)/
謳い文うたいもんく(n) catchphrase/promotional line/
ふくろこうじぶん garden-path sentences/
かくぶんぽうcore grammar/
ばんこくこくさいおんぴょうもじInternational Phonetic Alphabet/
せいせいぶんぽう generative grammar/
めいぶん (n) inscription/
にっきぶんがく literature written in diary form/
てんもんがく(n) astronomy/(P)/
じょうぶん (n) the foregoing/
そつぎょうろんぶん graduation thesis/
さんもんしょうせつ dime novel/
びぶん (n) flowery prose/
さんぶんてき(adj-na) prosaic/
退こうたいもじ backspace/
ふつぶんがく(n) French literature/
たつぶん (n) skilled writing/
でんしょうぶんがく oral literature/
きんもじ(n) gold or gilt letters/
ぜんぶん (n) preamble/the above statement/
ごちゅうもん(n,vs) order/request/
めいぶん (n) famous literary composition/
じんもんちり descriptive geography/
ふつぶんかdepartment of French literature/
にそくさんもん (n) dirt cheap/very cheap/
いちぶん (n) a sentence/
なりゆきちゅうもんmarket order/
だぶん(n) poor piece of writing/
さいもん (n) address to the gods/type of song which spread from mountain hermits to the laity during the Kamakura era/
げんぶんいっち unification of the written and spoken forms of a language/
けんしょうろんぶんessay contest/
きょうぶん(n) (Edo-period) humorous literature/
たいしゅうぶんがく popular literature/(P)/
の文じのぶん descriptive (narrative) part/
ぼうめいぶんがく exile literature/
けつぎぶんwritten resolution/
しょうようぶん(n) business correspondence/
どうぶん (n) same script/same language/
しょうそくぶん(n) personal letter/
絢文けんぶんcolorful pattern/
こうぎぶんwritten protest/
り文きまりもんく(n) cliche/
ふごうかもじしゅうごう coded character set/
くもんじょ(n) (historical) government office/
こぶん (n) ancient writing/classical literature/(P)/
こうぶん(n) writing (style)/
ゆうぶん (n) respect for literary culture/
にほんごもじJapanese character/
のうぶんかskilled writer/
しぶん (n) dead letter/meaningless writing/
さんしょうぶんけんreference document/
ひょういもじ ideograph(s)/hieroglyph(s)/calligraphy/
がいこうぶんしょ diplomatic papers or documents/
からしょうもんempty promise/
にほんぶんがく(n) Japanese literature/
どくぶん (n) German literature/German sentence/
諺文おんもん(n) (old name for) Hangul/the Korean script/
ふぶん(n) (1) unwritten/(2) illiterate/uneducated/
ひょうおんもじphonetic symbol/phonogram/
ふくぶん (n) reply letter/retranslation (into the original language)/
こうどくぶん responsive readings/
ギリシア文ギリシアもじ(n) Greek character(s)/
じょうぶん (n) text/provisions (act, treaty)/(P)/
じょうもんしきどき (n) straw-rope pattern pottery/Jomon ware/
せいぶん(n) written expression/writing/
西せいようぶんめい (n) Western civilization/
ほうぶんがくぶ (n) faculty of law and literature/
きしょうもん(n) (historical) written vow to the gods/
じゅんぶんがく(n) pure literature/belles lettres/(P)/
はんこうせいめいぶんletter of responsibility (for a crime)/
檄文げきぶん(n) written appeal/manifesto/declaration/
け文つけぶみ (n) love letter/
なんぶん (n) difficult sentence/
ちゅうもん (n,vs) order/request/(P)/
こくぶんせんmajor in Japanese literature/
文のなんかいぶんのしゃく elucidation of a difficult passage/
ちょうぶん(n) long sentence or letter/
ぜんぶん (n) whole passage/full text/whole sentence/full paragraph/
くさびがたもじ (n) cuneiform (writing)/
せんでんもんく sales message/sales copy/
ざつぶんかmiscellanist/miscellaneous writer/
きかいぶんめい technical civilization/(P)/
ちゅうもんひんordered goods/
こくぶんがくしhistory of Japanese literature/
しょうねんぶんがく juvenile literature/
えいぶんぽう(n) English grammar/
しみいちもんおしみ(n) stinginess/miserliness/
ちゅうもんどおりas ordered/
じょうけんぶん conditional statement/
まいちもんじ (n) straight/as the crow flies/
ゆもじ(n) loincloth/
どうぶんつうたつ(Papal) encyclical/
おやもじ(n) capital letter/first character of a dictionary entry/
わぶんえいやくJapanese-English translation/
げきぶんがく(n) dramatic literature/