五斗米 | ごとべい
| (n) small salary/ |
北斗星 | ほくとせい | (n) the Great Bear/the Great Dipper/Ursa
Major/(P)/ |
一斗 | いっと | 1 to (~18l)/(P)/ |
斗 | のし | (n) long
thin strip of dried sea-ear or paper attached to a gift/ |
熨斗袋 | のしぶくろ | (n) paper bag for putting a present in/ |
胆斗の如し | たんとのごとし | be as bold as a lion/ |
抽斗 | ひきだし
| (oK) (n) drawer/drawing out/ |
熨斗紙 | のしがみ | (n) wrapping paper for a present/ |
南斗 | なんと
| (rare) constellation in Sagittarius/ |
熨斗目 | のしめ | (n) variety of ceremonial dress made of intertwined
cloth and silk threads/ |
北斗七星 | ほくとしちせい | (n) the Great Bear/the Great Dipper/Ursa
Major/(P)/ |
漏斗 | じょうご | (n) funnel/ |
泰斗 | たいと | (n) (abbr) a great authority/ |
星斗 | せいと
| (n) star/ |
熨斗を付ける | のしをつける | (v1) to make a gift of/ |
漏斗 | ろうと
| (n) funnel/ |
火熨斗 | ひのし
| (n) an iron/ |