布施 | ふせ | (n) alms/offerings/ |
更生施設 | こうせいしせつ
| rehabilitation facilities/halfway
house/ |
養護施設 | ようごしせつ | institution for the handicapped/ |
公共施設 | こうきょうしせつ
| public facilities/ |
策を施す | さくをほどこす
| (exp) to take measures/ |
応急手当を施す | おうきゅうてあてをほどこす | (exp) to give (a person) first aid/ |
遊休施設 | ゆうきゅうしせつ
| unused facilities or equipment/ |
医療施設 | いりょうしせつ
| medical facilities/ |
観光施設 | かんこうしせつ
| tourist facilities/ |
娯楽施設 | ごらくしせつ
| (n) amusement (recreational)
facilities/ |
防衛施設庁 | ぼうえいしせつちょう
| (Japan's) Defense Facilities Administration
Agency/ |
実施 | じっし | (n,vs) enforcement/enact/put into practice/carry
out/operation/(P)/ |
厚生施設 | こうせいしせつ | welfare facilities/ |
実施例 | じっしれい | example of execution (patents)/ |
面目を施す | めんぼくをほどこす | (exp) to get credit/to win honor/ |
軍事施設 | ぐんじしせつ
| military installations/ |