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Kanji: Radical: () : ソウ; はや(い)、はや(まる)、はや(める); quick, early
Joyo grade: 1 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2100 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2390
Japanese Reading English
喧嘩早いけんかばやい (adj) quarrelsome/
お早うございますおはようございます (exp) (uk) good morning/
早くすばやく quickly/nimbly/agilely/
りが早いさとりがはやい being quick to understand/
しょうそう (adj-na,n) prematurity/(P)/
くちばや (adj-na,n) rapid talking/
を早めるきじつをはやめる(exp) to advance the date (of)/
が早いみみがはやい (exp) being quick-eared/having sharp ears/
ぎ早やつぎばや (adj-na,adj-no,n) rapid succession (e.g. questions)/
もはや(adv) already/now/(P)/
お早うおはよう(int,n) (abbr) Good morning/(P)/
が早いじきがはやいbefore scheduled/earlier than expected/
きの早いかわきのはやい fast drying (clothes)/
早くいちはやく (adv) promptly/
じきしょうそう (adj-na,n) premature/
に早くなれるおやにはやくしなれる(exp) to be orphaned while still young/
早いめばやい (adj) sharp-eyed/
きばや (adj-na,n) quick-tempered/impatient/
あしばや(adj-na,n-adv,n) quick footed/light footed/quick pace/
かれ早かれおそかれはやかれ(adv,exp) sooner or later/
り早できるかぎりそうきas soon as possible/ASAP/
早にあしばやに at a quick pace/
り早いてっとりばやい(adj) quick (and easy)/finishing up in a hurry/
きが早いわきがはやいquick to warm up/
じきしょうそう before its time/(P)/
やつぎばや(adj-na,adj-no,n) rapid succession (e.g. questions)/
りが早いさとりがはやいbeing quick to understand/
早いすばやい (adj) fast/quick/prompt/agile/(P)/
早いてばやい (adj) nimble/(P)/
り早くてっとりばやくwith dispatch/expeditiously/
早うおはよう(int,n) (abbr) Good morning/
早くあさはやく early in the morning/