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Kanji: Radical: () : ; とき; time
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2126 Index in Halpern dictionary: 924
Japanese Reading English
いちじてき (adj-na,n) temporary/(P)/
そくじばらいspot payment/
ていじ(n) regular time/stated period/
じしゅうじかん study time/
しょようじかんをはかる(exp) to calculate the time required/
ない時すくないじかんlimited time/
しじthe four seasons/
びょうどけいstop watch/
かまくらじだい (n) Kamakura period (1185-1333 CE)/
と時ほうとじせい mood and tense/
きゅうせっきじだい(n) Old Stone Age/paleolithic/
いちじしきん lump-sum grant/
時にどうじに (adv,conj) coincident with/on the other hand/while/
すんじ(n) moment/very short time/
時までもいついつまでもindefinitely/for a long time/
鳩時はとどけい(n) cuckoo clock/
あずちももやまじだい Azuchi-Momoyama period (1558-1600 CE)/
とうじせい (n) isochronous/
ろしゅつじかん (n) exposure time/
せんじこうさい war loan/
しゅっきんじかん hour for reporting to work/
し時めざましどけい (n) alarm clock/
おうごんじだい Golden Age/
いちじあずかりじょ cloakroom/checkroom/
せいげんじかん time limit/
べんきょうじかん (n) one's study hours (time)/
いつなんどき(adv) at any time/every moment/
しゅうごうじかん (n) time appointed for meeting (assembling)/time one is supposed to meet/
でどき (n) time of departure/
の時ききゅうそんぼうのときcrisis/critical moment/critical time/
あしかがじだい (n) Ashikaga period (1333-1568 CE)/
おさんじ(n) three-o'clock snack/
しんせっきじだい(n) New Stone Age/neolithic/
おおじだい(adj-na,n) old-fashioned/antiquated/anachronistic/
うでどけい(n) wristwatch/(P)/
ちゅうせっきじだい(n) Mesolithic age/
かんりょうじせい (grammatical) perfect tense/
ぎんどけい(n) silver watch/
いくじじかん nursing time/
げんしじだい primitive times/
あすかじだい (n) Asuka period (550-710 CE)/
げんしじだい atomic age/
かんじだいHan dynasty/(P)/
ち時もちじかん(n) amount of time one has/
い時にちょうどよいとき に(exp) (uk) none too soon/
にっしょうじかん daylight hours/hours of sunshine/
時のにやらいつのまにやらunawares/unnoticed/before you know it/
どうじろくおん simultaneous or synchronous recording/
がくせいじだい student days/
時ものりにいつものとおりに as always/
つ時ここのつどき noon/midnight/
ちいきじこく local time/
れた時こわれたとけいbroken clock/
すなどけい (n) hourglass/(P)/
せんじ (n-adv,n-t) war time/
にろくじちゅう (adv,n) night and day/all the time/
へいあんじだいHeian period (794-1185)/
ひこうじかん flight time/number of flight hours/
かじ(n-t) summertime/
かいちゅうとけい (n) pocket watch/
娩時ぶんべんじ time of delivery (of a child)/
時のお伽しゅうしんじのおとぎばなしbedtime story/
ひどけい (n) sundial/
げんじてん(n) the present point (i.e. in history)/
なつどき (n-t) summertime/
すいしょうどけい crystal or quartz timepiece/
ひるどき (n-t) noon/lunch time/
きょうていせかいじ Coordinated Universal Time/UTC/
めしどき (n) mealtime/
せんじちゅう(n-t) during the war/
き時あきじかんfree time/
いちじしょとく(n) occasional income/
なつじかん(n) daylight savings time/summer time/
び時あそびじかん playtime/recess/
いちじあずけ(n) (baggage) checking/temporary depositing/
さんじ(n-adv) 3 o'clock snack/
の時せんそうのときtimes of war/
いちじのがれ (n) quibbling/temporizing/
ちしつじだい geological age/prehistory/
せんじたいせい wartime regime/war footing/
ちょうじかん(n-adv,n-t) long period of time/long playing/(P)/
いちじきん (n) lump sum/
せいねんじだい (n) (one's) youth/one's younger days/
えいぎょうじかんbusiness hours/
きんどけい(n) gold watch/
ちほうじ(n) local time/
しくやされた時むなしくついやされたとき wasted time/time passed in vain/
じつじかんreal time/
け時ひけどき(n) closing time/
かいちゅうどけい (n) pocket watch/
ひじょうじ(n) (time of) emergency/crisis/
ひょうじゅんじ(n) standard time/
え時きりかえどきresponse time/time to switch over/
なんじかんhow many hours?/(P)/
せんじさんぎょう wartime industry/
時のなしにいつのなしに naturally/
りんじこっかい extraordinary session of the Diet/
やよいじだい Yayoi period (c. 300 BCE-300 CE)/
じょうえいじかん (n) running time (e.g. of movie)/
いっとき (n-adv,n) one hour/short time/once/a time/temporarily/at one time/twelfth part of a day/
しゅうしょくじtime of employment/
げんじだいthe present era/
え時きりかえときresponse time/time to switch over/
な時ひまなとき leisure time/(P)/
きどうじかん startup (interval of) time/
の時ぎんがわのとけい silver watch/
べ時のべじかんtotal man hours/
ればすうじかんすれば in a few hours/
りんじせいふ provisional government/
いちじていし (n,vs) suspension/
へんじ (n) a moment/an instant/
しゅうぎょうじかん closing hour/
時までいつまで (adv) (uk) how long?/till when?/
時でもいつでも (adv) (uk) (at) any time/always/at all times/never (neg)/whenever/(P)/
と時ほうとときmood and tense/
時もいつも (adv,n) always/usually/every time/never (with neg. verb)/(P)/
さいじき (n) almanac of seasonal words (for haiku poets)/
そくじ(n) promptly/immediately/(P)/
はらどけい(n) one's internal clock/
きゅうけいじかん rest time/intermission/(P)/
時しかいつしか (adv) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares/
せんじか in times of war/
はんとき (n-adv,n-t) about an hour/short time/
にちじthe date and time
いつ (n-adv) (uk) when/how soon/(P)/
し時めざましとけい (n) alarm clock/(P)/
なんじ what time
じゅうにじtwelve o'clock/noon/midnight/
こうそくじかん total hours spent working/
る時あるときばらい(n) paying loan installments whenever one happens to have money/
じょうもんじだいthe Jomon period/
せんじこくさいほうinternational law in time of war/
にじゅうよじかんせい (n) around-the-clock system/
しゅっぱつじかん (n) starting (departure) time/
れ時かきいれどき(n) busy business period/
る時いえにかえるときwhen returning home/
どうじせい(n) simultaneity/
いちにちへんじ (n) a short time/
ぐんでんぱんじかん(n) group delay (in fibre optics)/
えどじだい Edo period (1603-1868 CE)/
せいどうきじだいBronze Age/
-時 -じ-o'clock
まし時めざましとけい(n) alarm clock/
あんこくじだい the Dark Ages/
たいくうじかん (n) duration of a flight/
げんざいかんりょうじpresent perfect tense/
てっきじだい Iron Age/
めんかいじかん visiting or office hours/
たんじかん(n-adv,n-t) short time/
ぜんせいじだい golden age/
しろくじちゅう (adv,n) around the clock/day and night (Note: 4 x 6 = 24)/
かたとき(n) a moment/an instant/
こうどうはっきじこく h-hour/
はしらどけい(n) wall clock/
蓋時りょうぶたどけい hunting-case watch/
つうきんじかん commuting time/
とうちゃくじこく (n) arrival time/
しゅんじ (n-adv,n-t) moment/instant/(P)/
しおどき (n) tidal hour/psychological moment/favourable opportunity/(P)/
しょうりゃくじ default/
ひととき (n-adv,n) moment/time/(P)/
ようじ (n-adv,n-t) cradle/
たんじじつ(n) short period of time/
まる時がないこころのやすまるときがない have no moment of ease/
でんきどけい electric clock/
へいきんたいようじmean solar time/
ち時まちじかんwaiting time
じつじかんしょり (n) real-time operation/
ち時まちじかん(n) waiting time/
ふじ (n) emergency/unexpectedness/
時時いつじぶんabout what time/
時頃いつごろ (n-t) about when/how soon/(P)/
なつじこく(n) daylight-saving time/
はなどき (n) flowering season/
たんじかんa short time
りんじやとい temporary employment or employee/
やまとじだい Yamato period (300-550 CE)/
じょうじ (n-adv,n-t) usually/ordinarily/
みずどけい(n) water clock/
ちの時おとこもちのとけい gentlemens watches/
りんじぞうかん (n) extra (special) issue (e.g. of a magazine)/
時にいちどきに(adv) at a time/at one time/
しゅうぎょうじかん work hours/(P)/
ようねんじだい childhood/
時ぞやいつぞや (adv) once/some time ago/
せいじ (n) prime of life/era of national prosperity/
とうじ(n-adv,n-t) at that time/in those days/(P)/
ていしじかん stop time/
の時ねのとき midnight/
時までもいつまでも (adv) (uk) forever/for good/eternally/as long as one likes/indefinitely/(P)/
蝉時せみしぐれ(n) outburst of cricket chirping/
時でもなんどきでも (adv) (uk) (at) any time/always/at all times/never (neg)/whenever/
しゅつがんじ (at the) time of application/
りんじ (n) temporary/special/extraordinary/(P)/
に時しにどき(n) time to die/
え時きりかえときresponse time/time to switch over/
モデルしゅんじかくとくモデルinstantaneous acquisition model/
しんじだいnew period/new age/new epoch/
にほんひょうじゅんじ(n) Japanese Standard Time/
にちじ (n) date and time/(P)/
れの時しちながれのとけい unredeemed (pawned) watch/
ほうそうじかん (n) time (for a program)/broadcasting hours/air time/
こてんじだいthe classical period/
えた時さかえたじだいprosperous age/
いちじばらい(n) paying in a lump sum/
え時きりかえどきresponse time/time to switch over/
或る時 あるときonce (i.e. "once, when I was studying ...")/
りんじきごう(musical) accidental/
なんじ (n) what time?/(P)/
どうじつうやく simultaneous interpretation/
しゅうぎょうじかんちゅう(n) during working hours/
まる時がこころのやすまるときがないhave no moment of ease/
れいじ (n) 12 o'clock (midnight)/(P)/
ろうどうじかん working hours/man hours/(P)/
わりびきじかん discounted hours/reduced rate hours/
退き時ひきどきa good time to quit/
やこうどけいluminous watch/
よじ 4 o'clock/
たいないどけい biological clock/
せんじしょくwartime appearance/
はれいちじこさめclear, with brief light rain/
きゅうじ(n-adv,n-t) ancient times/
いちじき(n-adv) a period (of time)/
めいじじだい Meiji period (1868-1912)/(P)/
へいせいじだい Heisei period (1989-)/
りんじひ(n) incidental expenses/
ふじちゃく(n) emergency landing/(P)/
きどうじstartup (point in) time/
いちじききゅう temporary layoff/
しょうわじだい Showa period (1926-1989 CE)/
時にどうじに at the same time, simultaneously
いちじ 1 o'clock, once, for a time
ひょうがじだい glacial period/
てきじだ(n) timely hit/
じゅぎょうじかん (n) school hours/hours of teaching (instruction)/
どうじ(adj-no,n) simultaneous(ly)/concurrent/same time/synchronous/(P)/
ちゅうおうひょうじゅ んじCentral Standard Time/
たいしょうじだい Taisho period (1912-1926 CE)/
時かいつか (adv) (uk) sometime/someday/one day/some time or other/the other day/in due course/in time/
しゅうかくじtime of harvest/
べつじ another time/time of separation/
いちじあずかりしょ cloakroom/checkroom/
さぎょうじかん (n) working hours/
げんしりょくじだい(n) atomic age/
にほんじかん (n) Japan time/
いちじかいこ a layoff/
こいちじかん nearly one hour/
れ時しもがれどき(n) winter (season)/slack or off season/
はなどけい(n) flower clock/
てきじ (adj-na,adj-no,n) timely/opportune/
ちゅうしょくじ lunch time/
かりいちじあずかり(baggage) checking/temporary custody/
そうこうじかん run time/(P)/
せきじ (n-adv,n-t) old times/former times/
かきじかんdaylight-saving time/
ていしゃじかん (n) stoppage time/
なんどき what time/
はなみどき(n) (cherry) blossom season/
いついつ(n) when (emphatic)/
とちゅうけいじ one's time at a certain point (at various points) of a race/
いちじばらい (n) lump-sum payment/
せんごくじだい the age of civil war/
かどうじかん number of hours worked/
ずいじ (n-adv,n) at any time/as occasion calls/
と時えるほんととけいをかえる(exp) to swap a watch for a book/
おうじ (n) ancient times/
ぶけじだい the feudal period (1185-1867)/
いちじかんone hour/
ばんこくひょうじゅん じuniversal time/
き時おきどけい(n) table clock/
まいじ (n-adv,n-t) every hour/hourly/(P)/
りんじれっしゃ special train/
いちじかんいないwithin one hour/
れ時かきいれどき(n) busy business period/
なんぼくちょうじだい(n) period of the northern and southern dynasties (in China, 5th-6th c. C.E. in Japan, 1336-92)/
時凌ぎいちじしのぎ (n) makeshift/temporary expedient/
じゆうじかん (n) free time/time at leisure/
べいとうぶじかんEastern Standard Time (US)/
きんじ (n-adv,n-t) recently/
時からいつから since when/how long/
にっていじだい era of Japanese imperialism/
すいみんじかん (n) (one's) sleeping hours/hours of sleep/
ていじせい (n) part time (school system)/
ならじだい (n) Nara period (710-794 CE)/
へいじ (n) normal times/peace time/
けいじ (n) clocking/timing/
ぜんしじだい prehistoric period/
いっときのがれ(n) quibbling/temporizing/
げんちじかん (n) local time/
いまじぶん(n-adv,n-t) about this time/
じつどうじかん actual work hours/(P)/
叢時むらしぐれ(n) autumn shower/
こうぞくじかん (n) duration of a cruise (flight)/endurance/
いまどき(n-adv,n-t) present day/today/recently/these days/at this hour/
しょうじ(n-adv,n-t) one's early days/little while/
しょようじかん the time required/
時のにかいつのまにか(adv) before one knows/unnoticed/unawares/(P)/
ふじちゃくりくemergency landing/
きんむじかん (n) office (business, working) hours/
そくじていせんimmediate cease-fire/
ももやまじだい Momoyama period (1583-1602 CE)/(P)/
劃時かくじだいてき (adj-na,n) epoch-making/
においてはげんじてんにおいてはat the present time/at present/
け時かけどけい(n) wall clock/
ざんじ (adv,n) short while/(P)/
せっきじだい Stone Age/
ほうけんじだい feudal period/
れいじ (n) the usual time/
かりてにもついちじあずかりしょshort-term hand-luggage storage/(P)/
ポインタすなどけいポインタhourglass pointer/
しい時のくるしいときのかみだ のみDanger past, God forgotten/
いちじ (n-adv,n) one hour/short time/once/a time/temporarily/at one time/twelfth part of a day/(P)/
こふんじだい (n) Tumulus period (of Japanese history)/
まし時めざましどけい(n) alarm clock/(P)/
ごはんどき(n) mealtime/
どうじだい the same age/same period/