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Kanji: Radical: () : ; く(らす)、く(れる); live
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 4041 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2354
Japanese Reading English
暮しびんぼうぐらし (io) needy circumstances/living in poverty/
おせいぼ(n) end of the year/year-end present/(P)/
暮しひとりぐらし(n) a single life/a solitary life/living alone/
暮らしひとりぐらし (n) a single life/a solitary life/living alone/(P)/
ちょうれいぼかい(n) an unsettled course of action/(orders or laws) being revised often with no guiding principles/
旦暮たんぼ(n) dawn and dusk/morn and eve/
暮れぼんくれ (n) Bon and year-end seasons/
び暮すあそびくらす (v5s) to idle away one's time/
やぼよう(n) minor business/
暮らしびんぼうぐらしneedy circumstances/living in poverty/
やぼてん(n) boorishness/coarseness/stupidity/
暮れゆうぐれぞくcouple with older man and younger woman/
掻き暮れるかきくれる(v1) to be sad/
に暮れるとほうにくれるbe at a loss/be puzzled/
び暮らすあそびくらす (v5s) to idle away one's time/
き暮すなきくらす (v5s) to spend one's days in tears and sorrow/
はくぼ(n) dusk/nightfall/twilight/
ち暮らすまちくらす (v5s) to wait all day/
に暮らすらくにくらす (exp) to live in comfort/
ちょうさんぼし (n) being preoccupied with immediate (superficial) differenes without realizing that there are no differences in substance/
き暮らすなきくらす(v5s) to spend one's days in tears and sorrow/
しく暮すつましくくらすto live frugally/
け暮れあけくれ (n-adv,n-t) morning and evening/all the time/
い暮らすこいくらす(v5) to live deeply in love/
暮れるとしくれる the year ends/
しく暮らすまずしくくら すto live in poverty/
い暮らすいいくらす (v5s) to pass the time talking/
暮れゆうぐれ (n-adv,n) evening/(evening) twilight/(P)/
暮れにひぐれにtoward the evening/
おせいぼ(n) end of the year/year-end present/
こうで暮らすむこうでく らすto live overseas/
き暮れるゆきくれる (v1) to be overtaken by darkness/
しく暮しつましくくらし living frugally/
暮れひぐれ (n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening/(P)/
せいぼ(n) end of the year/year-end gift/(P)/
ぼんくれ (n) Bon and year-end festivals/
り暮らしひとりぐらし (n) a single life/a solitary life/living alone/
やぼ(adj-na,n) unrefinedness/uncouthness/boorishness/(P)/
の暮れとしのくれ (n) year end/
に暮れるしあんにくれる(exp) to be lost in thought/