貧乏暮し | びんぼうぐらし
| (io) needy circumstances/living in
poverty/ |
お歳暮 | おせいぼ | (n) end of the year/year-end present/(P)/ |
一人暮し | ひとりぐらし | (n) a single life/a solitary life/living
alone/ |
一人暮らし | ひとりぐらし
| (n) a single life/a solitary life/living
alone/(P)/ |
朝令暮改 | ちょうれいぼかい | (n) an unsettled course of action/(orders or laws) being
revised often with no guiding principles/ |
旦暮 | たんぼ | (n) dawn and dusk/morn and eve/ |
盆暮れ | ぼんくれ
| (n) Bon and year-end seasons/ |
遊び暮す | あそびくらす
| (v5s) to idle away one's time/ |
野暮用 | やぼよう | (n) minor business/ |
貧乏暮らし | びんぼうぐらし | needy circumstances/living in poverty/ |
野暮天 | やぼてん | (n) boorishness/coarseness/stupidity/ |
夕暮れ族 | ゆうぐれぞく | couple with older man and younger woman/ |
掻き暮れる | かきくれる | (v1) to be sad/ |
途方に暮れる | とほうにくれる | be at a loss/be puzzled/ |
遊び暮らす | あそびくらす
| (v5s) to idle away one's time/ |
泣き暮す | なきくらす
| (v5s) to spend one's days in tears and
sorrow/ |
薄暮 | はくぼ | (n) dusk/nightfall/twilight/ |
待ち暮らす | まちくらす
| (v5s) to wait all day/ |
楽に暮らす | らくにくらす
| (exp) to live in comfort/ |
朝三暮四 | ちょうさんぼし
| (n) being preoccupied with immediate
(superficial) differenes without realizing that there are no differences in
substance/ |
泣き暮らす | なきくらす | (v5s) to spend one's days in tears and
sorrow/ |
倹しく暮す | つましくくらす | to live frugally/ |
明け暮れ | あけくれ
| (n-adv,n-t) morning and evening/all the
time/ |
恋い暮らす | こいくらす | (v5) to live deeply in love/ |
年暮れる | としくれる
| the year ends/ |
貧しく暮らす | まずしくくら
す | to live in poverty/ |
言い暮らす | いいくらす
| (v5s) to pass the time talking/ |
夕暮れ | ゆうぐれ
| (n-adv,n) evening/(evening)
twilight/(P)/ |
日暮れに | ひぐれに | toward the evening/ |
御歳暮 | おせいぼ | (n) end of the year/year-end present/ |
向こうで暮らす | むこうでく
らす | to live overseas/ |
行き暮れる | ゆきくれる
| (v1) to be overtaken by darkness/ |
倹しく暮し | つましくくらし
| living frugally/ |
日暮れ | ひぐれ
| (n) twilight/sunset/dusk/evening/(P)/ |
歳暮 | せいぼ | (n) end of the year/year-end gift/(P)/ |
盆暮 | ぼんくれ
| (n) Bon and year-end festivals/ |
独り暮らし | ひとりぐらし
| (n) a single life/a solitary life/living
alone/ |
野暮 | やぼ | (adj-na,n)
unrefinedness/uncouthness/boorishness/(P)/ |
年の暮れ | としのくれ
| (n) year end/ |
思案に暮れる | しあんにくれる | (exp) to be lost in thought/ |