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Kanji: Radical: (ひらび) : コウ; さら、ふ(ける)、ふ(かす); renovation
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 7 Index in Nelson dictionary: 42 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3541
Japanese Reading English
かいしゃこうせいほう (n) Corporate Rehabilitation Law/
さんこう (n) midnight/dead of night/the small hours/midnight to 2 a.m./the third of five night watches/
更かしよふかし (n) staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at night/nighthawk/(P)/
にこう(n) second watch/10 p.m. to midnight/
ざいりゅうきかんこうし んきょかextension of visa permit/
いまさら (adv,n) now/at this late hour/(P)/
更えころもがえ (n) seasonal change of clothing/changing (one's) dress for the season/
しょこう(n) first watch of the night/
更けてあきふけて late in autumn/
まんざら (adv) (not) altogether/(not) wholly/(P)/
へんこうりれきchange log/revision history/
せっけいへんこう (n) design changes/
ちゅうこう middle watch/12-2 a.m./
いっこう (n) first watch/8-10 p.m./
へんこうふのう unchangeable/
ひづけへんこうせん(n) International Date Line/
なおさら (adv) all the more/still less/(P)/
ごこう (n) the five night watches/fifth watch (4-6am)/
ではないまんざらゆめで はないnot altogether a dream/
へんこう (n,vs) change/modification/alteration/(P)/
更でもないまんざらでもないnot as dissatisfied (or annoyed) as (s)he would have us believe/
しんこう(n) middle of the night/dead of night/midnight/
更けよふけ(n) late at night/(P)/
ことさら (adv) intentionally/deliberately/especially/
が更にってじだいがさらにく だってlater in the period/
更しよふかし (n) staying up late/keeping late hours/sitting up late at night/nighthawk/