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Kanji: Radical: (ひらび) : タイ; か(える)、か(わる); substitute
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2140 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2783
Japanese Reading English
を替えるしょうばいをか える(exp) to change to a new business/
りょうがえにん money exchanger/
だいがえ (n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/(P)/
替えふきかえばんdubbed version/
れ替えるたましいをいれかえる(exp) to turn over a new leaf/to reform (oneself)/
葺き替えるふきかえる(v1) to reroof/to rethatch/to retile/
り替えとりかえ(n) swap/exchange/(P)/
りょうがえきmoney-changing machine/
替わるでかわる (v5,vi) to take someone's place/
り替えるきりかえる (v1) to change/to exchange/to convert/to renew/to throw a switch/to replace/to switch over/
替えきりかえ (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/
替えたたみがえ(n) renewing mats/refacing mats/(P)/
け替えるかけかえる (v1) to replace/to substitute/
替えるきがえる (v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/
り替えきりかえ (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/(P)/
み替えるくみかえる(v1) to rearrange (classes)/to recompose/to reset/to recombine (genes)/
れ替わりち替わりいれかわりたち かわり(adv) by turns/
り替えるすりかえる (v1) to substitute/to sidestep (an issue)/
み替えるつみかえる(v1) to transship/
替りひがわり (n) daily special (e.g. meal)/(P)/
し替えさしかえ (n) replacement/
り替えるすりかえる (v1) to secretly substitute/
かわせさえき profit on currency exchange/
りょうがえしょう(n) money-exchange business/
り替えるのりかえる (v1) to transfer (trains)/to change (bus, train)/
い替えるならいいかえるならif we put this another way/in other words/
替えやくがえ (n) change of post/
れ替えいれかえ (n) replacement/substitution/change/
り替えるぬりかえる(v1) to repaint/(P)/
りょうがえじょ(n) exchange counter (office)/
せったい (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/
み替えくみかえ(n,vs) rearrangement (of classes)/recomposition/recombination/
め替えるつめかえる(v1) to repack/to refill/
け替えるむけかえる (v1) to change direction/
替えひきかえけんexchange coupon/
て替えるたてかえる (v1) to rebuild/to reconstruct/
り替えるはりかえる (v1) to re-cover/to reupholster/to repaper/
り替えふりかえ(n) transfer (money)/exchange workday for holiday/change/(P)/
替えるきかえる(v1) to change one's clothes/(P)/
ないこくかわせ domestic exchange/
かたがわせ(n) exchange imbalance/
し替えるさしかえる (v1) to change/to replace/
だいたいひん(n) substitute article/back-up/
き替えにひきかえに conversely/
だいたい (n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/(P)/
り替えるとりかえる (v1) to exchange/to replace/(P)/
り替わるきりかわる (v5r) to change completely/
でんしんかわせ telegraphic transfer/
替えだいがえ (n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/
替わりだいかわりtaking over (store or family's headship)/
れ替わりいれかわり (n) substitution/replacement/shifting/change/
ふりかえ (n) transfer (money)/exchange workday for holiday/change/
け替わるぬけかわる(v5r) to shed/to moult/to fall out/
け替えのないかけがえの ない(adj-pn) thing with no substitute/money can't buy/
すいたい(vs) declining/weaken/
宿替えやどがえ (n) change of lodgings/
き替えひきかえ (n) on the contrary/on the other hand/(P)/
き替えるはきかえる(v1) to change (clothes)/
えんがわせ(n) yen exchange/
とりかえ (n) swap/exchange/
えんかわせ(n) yen exchange/
りょうがえてすうりょう(n) commission for an exchange/
れ替えるいれかえる (v1) to replace/to substitute/to shift/to change places/
替えいどがえ (n) well cleaning/
替えおもてがえ (n) refacing (tatami) mats/
かわせ (n) money order/exchange/(P)/
り替えるくりかえる (v1) to exchange/
み替えるすみかえる (v1) to change one's residence/
替えしょうばいがえchange of occupation/
かわせとうき currency speculation/
替えふきかえ (n) dubbing/stand-in/dummy/
せ替えきせかえにんぎょう (n) a dress-up doll/
かわせかんり exchange control/
でんししきんふりかえ electronic fund transfer/EFT/
ち替わるたちかわる (v5r) to alternate/to take turns/
し替えるうつしかえる (v1) to shift (move) (an object) to (into)/
替レートかわせレート(n) exchange rate/
へんどうかわせそうばせい(n) floating exchange rate system/
替えころもがえ (n,vs) (1) change of dress/seasonal changing of clothes/
り替わるいりかわる(v5,vi) to change places/to relieve (one another)/
替わりかたがわり(n) takeover/a transfer/shouldering a load/subrogation/
替えきがえじょ dressing room/
み替えつみかえ (n) transshipment/reshipment/
にこうたいせいろうどう two-shift work program/
り替えるつくりかえる (v1) to remake/to remold/to convert/to reconstruct/to adapt/to parody/
り替えきりかえとき response time/time to switch over/
替るひきかえる (v1) to exchange (things)/to reverse/
き替えだいきんひきかえCash On Delivery/
替えるしかえる (v1) to do over/to start anew/
い替えいいかえ (n) putting in other words/
け替えるつけかえる (v1) to renew/to replace/to change for/to attach anew/
れ替わるいれかわる(v5r,vi) to change places/to relieve one another/
け替えかけがえ(n) replacement/
り替えきりかえどきresponse time/time to switch over/
替えいれかえぶひん replacement parts/
て替えるたてかえる (v1) to pay in advance/to pay for another/to pay someone else's debt as a loan to him/(P)/
り替えふりかえ transfer
かわせそうばexchange rates/
りょうがえ (n,vs) change/money exchange/(P)/
け替えつけかえ (n) replacement/
こうたい rise and fall (of nations)/
だいたいぶつ(n) substitute article/
替エネルギーだいたいエ ネルギーalternative (substitute) energy/
そうきんかわせremittance bill/
替えだいがえひん(n) substitute article/back-up/
かわせさいてい exchange arbitration/
替えひきかえ (n) on the contrary/on the other hand/(P)/
こうたい(n,vs) alternation/change/relief/relay/shift/(P)/
し替えめしかえ (n) change of clothes/
便ゆうびんふりかえ (n) postal transfer/
がいこくかわせ foreign exchange/
替尻かわせじり (n) balance of exchange/
替えだいがわり (n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/
き替えふきかえ(n) dubbing/stand-in/dummy/
て替えたてかえ (n) pay for another/
き替えるひきかえる (v1) to exchange (things)/to reverse/
を替えるたたみのおもて をかえる(exp) to replace the covers of old mats with new ones/
替りひがわりていしょくdaily lunch or dinner special/
だいがえひん(n) substitute article/back-up/
かわせぎんこう exchange bank/
替えきがえ (n) changing clothes/change of clothes/(P)/
便ゆうびんかわせpostal money order/
替わりでがわり (n) periodical relief or replacement of workers/
替えだいたい(n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/
替わりひがわり(n) daily special (e.g. meal)/(P)/
て替えたてかえきん(adj-na,n) advance/
り替えるふりかえる (v1) to change/to make up for/
にがわせ(n) documentary bill/bill of exchange/
替えころもがえ to change one's wardrobe
き替えるかきかえる (v1) to rewrite/to renew/to transfer/
替えもようがえ (n) rearranging/remodeling/
りょうがえや(n) money-exchange shop/
を替えるところをかえる (exp) to change sides/to change places/
鞍替え くらがえ(n) changing jobs/changing quarters (geisha, etc.)/
だいがわり (n) change of ownership/substitution/subrogation/
ふりかえゆそうtransfer (of passengers or freight)/
りゅうたい (n) rise and decline/
ふりかえきゅうじつ compensatory holiday/
きりかえ (n) exchange/conversion/replacement/switching (to)/switchover/
こがわせ (n) money order/postal order/
替えいでんいんしくみか えrecombinant gene splicing/
み替えるよみかえる (v1) to read a kanji with a different pronunciation/
さんきんこうたいofficial attendance service (by a daimyou in the Edo era)/
い替えるいいかえる(v1) to say in other words/to put another way/to express in different words/to reword/