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Kanji: Radical: (つき) : フク; ; clothes
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3741 Index in Halpern dictionary: 878
Japanese Reading English
しんしふく men`s wear
しんぷく (n) vassalage/
えんびふく(n) tailcoat/
ふじんふく ladies' wear
すいへいふく(n) sailor's suit/
いふく clothes
めいさいふく(n) camouflaged clothes/
びふく (n) clothing designed not to attract attention/
くっぷく(n,vs) yielding/submission/surrender/giving way/succumbing/
うちゅうふく (n) space suit/
ひふく (n) clothing/(P)/
いっぷくのむto have a smoke/
なつふく (n) summer clothing/
がくせいふく(n) school uniform/
しんしふく suits for gentlemen/(P)/
すいふく (n) admiration/
ふふく (adj-na,n) dissatisfaction/discontent/disapproval/objection/complaint/protest/disagreement/ (P)/
さぎょうふく (n) work clothes/
きふく (n) submission/surrender/
こうふく (n) school uniform/
れいふく (n) ceremonial dress/(P)/
たいれいふく(n) court dress/full-dress uniform/
ぐんぷく (n) military or naval uniform/
ちゅうもんふくcustom-made clothing/
ちゃくふく (n) dressing oneself/embezzlement/(P)/
じょうばふく (n) riding habit/
なっぱふく(n) (light blue) overalls/
畏服いふく(n) awe/
ふじんふく women's clothing/
いふく (n,vs) awe into submission/
じむふく(n) work clothes/
こくみんふく(n) national uniform (such as mandated for Japanese males in 1940)/
こくふく(n) subjugation/conquest/(P)/
じょふく (n,vs) coming out of mourning/
せんすいふく(n) diving suit/
いふく (n) clothes/(P)/
いた服せのあいたふくgarment open at the back/
ようふく (n) Western-style clothes/(P)/
せんとうふく(combat) uniform/
さいふく (n) priestly vestments/
せいふく (n) uniform/regulation dress/
もんぷく (n) clothing decorated with one's family crest/
せいふくしゃにしたがう(exp) to submit to a conqueror/
せいふく (n) conquest/subjugation/overcoming/(P)/
げんぶく(n) ceremony of attaining manhood/
やかいふく(n) evening dress/
こどもふく(n) children's clothing/
あいふく (n) between-season wear/spring and autumn clothing/
にんぷふく maternity clothes/(P)/
せっぷく (n) persuasion/
せいふくよくthe lust for conquest/
いっぷくもるto poison/
あいふく(n) between-season wear/spring and autumn clothing/
こうふく(n) capitulation/surrender/submission/
せいふくせいぼう cap and uniform/
ひこうふくflight uniform/
ほうふく (n) robes of a judge or lawyer or priest/
げんぷく(n) ceremony of attaining manhood/
うわふく outer garment/
びふく (n) fine clothing/
かんたんふく(n) simple or lightweight clothing/
そうふく (n) priest's garb/(P)/
ちゅうごくふく(n) Chinese dress/
くろふく black suit/mourning clothes/
服箪笥ようふくだんす Western clothes cupboard/
りゃくふく (n) everyday clothes/informal clothes (dress)/
やかなゆるやかないふく loose garment/
しんぷく (n,vs) admiration and devotion/hearty submission/(P)/
ふゆふく(n) winter clothing/
しょうふく (n,vs) compliance/consent/submission/(P)/
わふくJapanese clothes, a kimono
ごふく (n) draperies/dry goods/piece goods/(P)/
しふく(n) civilian clothes/plain clothes/
しゅうじんふく(n) prison uniform/
わふく (n) Japanese clothes/(P)/
きせいふく(n) ready-made clothes/(P)/
便べんぷく (n) civilian clothes/
ごふくてん(n) dry-goods store/
ぼうかんふくarctic clothes/
ようふくやtailor's (shop)/dressmaker's shop/tailor/dressmaker/
ごふくしょう dry-goods dealer/
い服あいふく (n) between-season wear/spring and autumn clothing/
セーラー服 セーラーふく(n) sailor suit/middy uniform/(P)/
ごふくもの (n) piece/dry goods/piece goods/
そふく (n) plain clothing/
けいふく (n,vs) (having great) admiration for/
もふく(n) mourning dress/(P)/
しんぷく (n,vs) being convinced/
ないふく (n) internal use/
へいふく (n) civilian clothes/plain clothes/ordinary clothes/
さいふくえき re-enlistment/second imprisonment/
いっぷく (n) a dose/a puff/a smoke/lull/short rest/
ごふくや (n) draper/dry goods store/(P)/
かんぷく (adj-na,n,vs) (arch) admiration/Well done!/
ふるふくold clothes/old suit/
あっぷく (n,vs) overpower/subdue/keep down/
しきふく (n) ceremonial dress/
さいふく (n) vestments worn by priests and attendants during a festival/
ぶとうふく ball dress/dancing clothes/
ないふくやく(n) medicine taken internally/
せいふく (n) uniform/(P)/