端末装置 | たんまつそうち | terminal equipment/ |
語末 | ごまつ
| (n) end of a word/suffix/ |
本末転倒 | ほんまつてんとう
| (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
終末論 | しゅうまつろん | (n) eschatology/ |
行末 | ぎょうまつ
| (n-adv,n-t) fate/one's future/end of (text)
line/ |
議論の末に | ぎろんのすえに
| after a heated discussion/ |
月末 | げつまつ
| (n-adv,n-t) end of the month/(P)/ |
結末 | けつまつ
| (n) end/conclusion/(P)/ |
木末 | こぬれ
| (n) twigs/treetops/ |
本末顛倒 | ほんまつてんとう | (n) failing to properly evaluate the (relative)
importance (of)/putting the cart before the horse/mistaking the cause for the
end/mistaking the insignificant for the essential/ |
跡始末 | あとしまつ | (n,vs) settlement (of affairs)/remedial
measures/ |
本末 | ほんまつ | (exp,n) essence and fringe/beginning and ending/root and
branch/means and end/ |
場末 | ばすえ | (n) squalid outskirts/ |
旧年末 | きゅうねんまつ | end of last year/ |
月末 | つきずえ
| (n-adv,n-t) end of the month/ |
粗末に扱う | そまつにあつかう | (exp) to handle (a thing) roughly/ |
行の末尾 | ぎょうのまつび | end of line/ |
学年末 | がくねんまつ
| (n) end of school year/ |
始末 | しまつ
| (n,vs) management/dealing/settlement/cleaning
up afterwards/(P)/ |
文末 | ぶんまつ | (n) end of a sentence/ |
粗末なお菜 | そまつなおさい | poor side dish/ |
期末 | きまつ
| (n) end of term/(P)/ |
年末 | ねんまつ
| (n-adv,n-t) end of year/(P)/ |
行末 | ゆくすえ
| (n-adv,n-t) fate/one's future/end of (text)
line/ |
巻末 | かんまつ | (n) end of a book/ |
平家の末 | へいけのすえ | descendant of the Taira (Heike) family/ |
年末調整 | ねんまつちょうせい
| year-end tax adjustment/ |
亜鉛末 | あえんまつ | zinc dust/ |
世紀末 | せいきまつ
| (n) end of a century/ |
今月末 | こんげつまつ | end of this month/ |
年末迄 | ねんまつまで
| before the end of this year/ |
硼酸末 | ほうさんまつ | borax powder/ |
学期末 | がっきまつ
| end of term/ |
粉末 | ふんまつ
| (n) fine powder/(P)/ |
季末 | きまつ
| end of the season or term/ |
終末 | しゅうまつ
| (n) an end/a close/ |
粗末 | そまつ
| (adj-na,n)
crude/rough/plain/humble/(P)/ |
野末 | のずえ | (n) corners of a field/ |
始末屋 | しまつや | (n) thrifty person/ |
幕末 | ばくまつ
| (n) closing days of the Tokugawa shogunate/end
of Edo era/ |
断末魔 | だんまつま
| (n) death agony/ |
顛末 | てんまつ | (n) circumstance/facts/details/ |
歳末 | さいまつ
| (n) year end/(P)/ |
毫末 | ごうまつ | (n) minute amount/ |
枝葉末節 | しようまっせつ
| unimportant details/unessentials/(lit) branches
and leaves/ |
後始末 | あとしまつ
| (n,vs) settlement (of affairs)/remedial
measures/(P)/ |
葉末 | はずえ | (n) tip of a leaf/ |
不始末 | ふしまつ | (adj-na,n)
/ |
週末 | しゅうまつ | weekend |
週末 | しゅうまつ | (n-adv,n) weekend/(P)/ |
期末試験 | きまつしけん
| final exam/ |
年末を凌ぐ | ねんまつをしの
ぐ | (exp) to pull through the year
end/ |
始末書 | しまつしょ
| (n) written explanation or
apology/ |
瑣末 | さまつ | (adj-na,n)
trivial/trifling/ |
不仕末 | ふしまつ
| (adj-na,n)
mismanagement/malpractice/wastefulness/carelessness/misconduct/unthriftiness/ |
端末機 | たんまつき
| (n) a terminal (unit)/ |
行く末 | ゆくすえ
| (n-adv,n-t) fate/one's future/end of (text)
line/ |
端末 | たんまつ | (n) computer terminal/ |