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Kanji: Radical: () : ; は(たす)、は(てる)、は(て); fruit
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 107 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3560
Japanese Reading English
ぶたいこうかstage effects/
の果てあげくのはて (adv,n) finally/in the end/on top of all that/
ち果すうちはたす(v5s) to slay/
の果てあげくのはて (adv,n) finally/in the end/on top of all that/
を果たすせきをはたす(exp) to fulfill one's responsibility/
の果てちのはて end of the earth/
こうけっかgood results or outcome/
り果てるくさりはてる (v1) to be corrupt/
れた果うれたかじつmellow (ripe) fruit/
果てるみはてる (v1) to see through to the finish/to be seen to the end/
ふけっか (adj-na,n) failure/poor results/
ぜんか (n) good results/
たにくか(n) fleshy or pulpy fruit/
けいざいこうか economic result/
わり果てるかわりはてる (v1) to be completely changed/
こうこくこうか effect or effectiveness of advertising/
けっかろん (n) hindsight-based opinion/
いんが (adj-na,n) cause and effect/karma/fate/(P)/
果覿こうかてきめん bring an immediate result on/have an instant effect on/
げ果せるにげおおせる(v1) to escape/
せんか (n) sorting fruit/
こうかてき(adj-na) effective/successful/
ち果てるくちはてる (v1) to rust away/to rot away/to decay/to fall to ruins/to die in obscurity/
果せるしおおせる(v1) to accomplish/
おんしつこうか greenhouse effect/
おんきょうこうか sound effects/acoustics/
し果たねなしかじつ seedless fruit/
かいひょうけっか (n) results of the vote count/
さいしゅうけっか (n) end result/
ち果たすうちはたす (v5s) to kill/to slay/
そうじょうこうか synergy/
え果てるおとろえはてる (v1) to be utterly spent or crushed/
れ果てつかれはてbeing tired out/
れ果てるくれはてる (v1) complete nightfall/
こうか (n) effect/effectiveness/efficacy/result/(P)/
果てさいはて (n) the farthest ends/
せいか (n) fruit(s) and vegetables/
いんがおうほう (n) retribution/karma/
せんでんこうか impact of publicity or propaganda/
り果てるこまりはてる (v1) to be greatly perplexed/to be greatly embarrassed/(P)/
ぜんいんぜんかgood action lead to good rewards/one good turn deserves another/
使い果たすつかいはたす(v5s) to use up/to squander/
となり果となるいんとな りかとなるto constitute the cause and effect/
せいか(n) results/fruits/(P)/
に果てるいきょうにはてる(exp) to die in a strange land/
かんそうか(n) dried fruit/
ちりょうこうか (n) (medicine with) a curative effect/(having) therapeutic value/
いんがりつ(n) law of cause and effect/principle of causality/
とくしゅこうか(n) special effects/
げ果てるみさげはてる(v1) to despise/to scorn/to look down on/
せいかいちば vegetable and fruit market/
てんねんかじゅう natural fruit juice/(P)/
ぶっか (n) Buddhahood/Nirvana/
けっか (n-adv,n-t) result/consequence/(P)/
かっか(n) a drupe/stone fruit/
ごうか effects of karma/
とうひょうけっか results of a vote/voting results/
あつでんこうか (n) piezoelectric effect/
穎果えいか(n) caryopsis/
い果あおいかじつ unripe (green) fruit/
の果てせかいのはてend of the world/
てきか (n) thinning out superfluous fruit/
の果てあげくのはて (adv,n) finally/in the end/on top of all that/
果をめるせいかをおさめる (exp) to achieve success/
を果たすにんをはたす (exp) to fulfill (discharge) one's duty (duties)/
こうかおん sound effect(s)/
せいかぶつ(n) fruit and vegetables/greengrocery/
漿果しょうか(n) berry/juicy fruit/
ごうか valor and decisiveness/
呆れ果てるあきれはてる(v1) to be flabbergasted or dumbfounded/
げんいんけっか cause and effect/causality/
あっか bad results/
ぎゃくこうか(n) backfire/counterproductive/opposite effect/(P)/
き果てるつきはてる(v1) to be exhausted/
このこのけっかconsequently/as a result/
ちょうか (n) a hooked fish/a catch/
り果てるなりはてる (v1) to be reduced to.../
せんか (n) military gains/war results/fruit of battle/
果ががるこうかがあがる (exp) to bear fruit/to take effect/
の果てあげくのはて (adv,n) finally/in the end/on top of all that/
かつどうせいかresults (of an activity)/
けんか (n) nut/
り果てるよわりはてる (v1) to be exhausted/to be at a loss/to be worn out/to be helpless/
使を果たすしめいをはたす (exp) to carry out one's mission/
え果てるきえはてる (v1) to vanish completely/
いちじく(n) fig/
みるべきせいかnoticeable (remarkable) result/
かんか (n) dried fruit/
毬果きゅうか(n) (pine) cone/
れ果てるあれはてる (v1) to fall into ruin/to be desolated/
調ちょうさけっかresults (of a study)/
果てるあれはてる (v1) to fall into ruin/to be desolated/
いんがもの unlucky person/
え果てるたえはてる (v1) to be extinguished/to be exterminated/to cease completely/
ぎゃっこうか (n) backfire/counterproductive/opposite effect/
じょうすうこうかmultiplier effect (econ.)/
れ果てるつかれはてる (v1) to get tired out/to be exhausted/(P)/
あくいんあっか(n) sowing and reaping evil/
いんがかんけい consequence/causal relationship/nexus/