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Kanji: Radical: () : ; か(れる)、か(らす); wither
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2238 Index in Halpern dictionary: 898
Japanese Reading English
えいこ(n) vicissitudes/ups and downs/(P)/
かんこ (n,vs) completely drying up/
り枯らすきりからす (v5) to destroy/to kill off (trees)/
ち枯れたちがれびょう (n) damping-off/
枯れあおがれびょう(n) bacterial wilt/
枯れふゆがれ (n) wintry desolation/poor business conditions/
えいこせいすい(n) ups and downs of life/vicissitudes of fortune/
枯れしもがれ(n) nipped by frost/bleak/
枯れうらがれ (n) dying of the little twigs and branches/
枯れるうわがれる(v1) to die at the top/
きがらちゃ(n) bluish yellow/
り枯らしすりからし serious abrasion/wearing out (of clothes)/
枯れなつがれ(n) summer slump/
枯しこがらし (n) cold wintry wind/(P)/
枯らしこがらし (n) cold wintry wind/(P)/
枯らびるひからびる (v1) to dry up completely/to become stale/
枯れしもがれどき (n) winter (season)/slack or off season/
ち枯れたちがれ(adj-no,n) blighted/withered/
枯れるしもがれる (v1) to be withered or nipped by frost/
れっ枯らしすれっからし(n) shameless person/sophisticated person/brazen hussy/
枯れるうらがれる(v1) to die (esp. foliage as winter approaches)/
枯れくさがれ(n) autumn/withering of the grass/