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Kanji: Radical: () : セン; そ(める)、そ(まる)、し(みる)、し(み); dye
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2240 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2572
Japanese Reading English
かんせんしょう (n) infectious disease/infection/
染めすみぞめ (n) dying black/dyed black/dark/
馴染みむかしなじみ (n) old friend/familiar face/
ほうしゃのうおせんradioactive contamination/
おせん (n) pollution/contamination/(P)/
焚き染めるたきしめる(v1) to perfume clothes by burning incense/
に染まるあくにそまる (exp) to steeped in vice/
おせんじょきょ decontamination/
に染みるみにしみる (exp) to come home to/to go to one's heart/
染めいろぞめ(n) dyeing/
藍に染める あいにそめる(exp) to dye deep blue/
さいかんせん getting the same sickness/
を染ぬのをせんりょうにひ たす(exp) to soak cloth in a dye/
いんないかんせん infection incurred while hospitalized/
ふくごうおせんmultiple contamination/
かんせんげんsource of infection/
おせんぶっしつ (n) pollutant/contaminant/
おせんげんsource of pollution/
染めちぞめ (adj-no,n) bloodstained/
り染みたとしよりじみたcharacteristic of the aging/
蝋染めろうぞめ(n) batik/
染みるあぶらじみる(v1) to become greasy/to be oil-stained/
ゆうぜんぞめ (n) type of dyeing method or pattern/silk printed by the Yuzen process/
に染まるあけにそまる(exp) to welter in blood/
ねつおせん(n) thermal pollution/
藍染めあいぞめ(n) indigo dye/
馴染 むなじむ(v5m) to become familiar with/
あいぜんみょうおう(n) (Buddhism) esoteric school deity of love/
せいせんしょくたい(n) sex chromosome/
染めかたぞめ (n) stencil dyeing/
たいきおせん air pollution/(P)/
染めじぞめ (n) texture dyeing/
染めべつぞめ special dyeing/
染めけぞめ (n) hair coloring/hair dye/
せっしょくかんせん infection through contact/
かんせん (n,vs) infection/contagion/(P)/
頬を染めるほおをそめる(exp) to blush/
染をでんせんをふせぐ(exp) to prevent infection/
に染みるみにしみるかぜpiercing wind/
とどけいででんせん びょうinfectious disease which by law a physician must report to the authorities within 24 hours of diagnosis/
染みるあぶらじみる (v1) to become greasy/to be oil-stained/
ばいせん(n) color fixing/mordantizing/
でんせんせい(n) contagiousness/
い染みているきちがいじみている(exp) to be slightly crazy/to have a touch of insanity/
染みたこどもじみた childish/
でんせんびょう(n) infectious disease/contagious disease/epidemic/(P)/
染めさきぞめ(n) yarn dyeing/
垢 染みるあかじみるto become grimy or dirty/
染めのすみぞめのころも (n) priest's black robe/
染めにしめ (n) vegetables such as taros, carrots, konnyaku, etc. cooked almost to dryness in soy sauce and water/
染めるにしめる (v1) to boil down/
藍染あいぞめ(n) indigo dye/
捺染 なっせん(n,vs) print/
くうきでんせん(n) air-borne infection/
を染めるてをそめる (exp) to have a hand (in)/
馴染みふるなじみ (n) old friend/
どじょうおせん soil pollution/
馴染おさななじみ (n) childhood friend/friend from infancy/old playmate/
染みるあせじみる(v1) to be sweat-stained/
あいぜんみょうおう Ragaraja/Buddhist deity of love/
ほうていでんせんびょうinfectious disease requiring official reporting/
捺染てんしゃなっせん transfer print/
染めしらがぞめ(n) hair dye/
ろうけつ 染めろうけつぞめ(n) batik (handbag)/
染めゆうぜんぞめ (n) type of dyeing method or pattern/silk printed by the Yuzen process/
かんせんけいろ(n) infection route/
馴染みなじみ(n) intimacy/friend/
ばいせんざい(n) mordant/
でんせん(n) contagion/(P)/
くんせん (n) good influence/
り染めしぼりぞめ (n) tie-dye/
くうきおせん air pollution/
染のくすかんせんのおそれを なくす(exp) to preclude the possibility of infection/
かんきょうおせんenvironmental pollution/
ちょくせつでんせん direct infection/
しんせん (n) dyeing/
てつせんしょくiron staining/
馴染みおさななじみ(n) childhood friend/friend from infancy/old playmate/
染めすみぞめごろも (n) priest's black robe/
馴染みかおなじみ (n) acquaintance/friend/familiar face/
おせんきん contaminant/
馴染かおなじみ(n) acquaintance/friend/familiar face/
くうきかんせん air-borne infection/
いかんせんせい (adj-na) compromised/
く染まるくろくそまる to be dyed black/
せいこういかんせんしょ うsexually transmitted diseases/