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Kanji: Radical: () : ; ; investigate
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2235 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2437
Japanese Reading English
かんさほうこくaudit report/
しんさかん examiner (e.g. patent examiner)/
調よろんちょうさ public opinion poll/
調じったいちょうさ factual investigation/
そうさほんぶ (criminal) investigation headquarters/(P)/
にゅうこくさしょうentrance visa/
調さいちょうさ re-examination/reinvestigation/
せいさ (n) close investigation/careful examination/
調ちょうさだん (n) inquiry commission/research group/
けんさやく (n) inspector/
たんさき(n) (space) probe/
ゆしゅつけんさ export inspection/
調しんそうちょうさ fact finding/
かんさ (n) inspection/audit/judgement/(P)/
尿にょうけんさ urine analysis/
けつえきけんさ blood test/
にゅうがくこうさentrance examination/
しょうさ (n,vs) checking against (up)/examining by reference/verification/
けんさ(n,vs) inspection (e.g. customs, factory)/examination/(P)/
どうぶつけんさanimal quarantine/
たいかくけんさ physical examination/
調こうはんちょうさ trial record/
調よびちょうさ (n) preliminary investigation/
したけんさpreliminary inspection/
調ちょうさいん(n) investigator/examiner/
調こくせいちょうさ (n) (national) census/
調しせいちょうさ municipal census/
調げんちちょうさ (n) field survey/field work (research)/on-the-spot investigation/
調せろんちょうさpublic opinion poll/
調しじょうちょうさ market research/
じこけんさ self-checking/self-diagnosis/
調ぜいせいちょうさかいSelect Committee on the Taxation System/
にんいそうさ search conducted with the consent of the party concerned/
調しんようちょうさcredit check/
こうさ(n) examination/consideration/test/quiz/
そうさじん(n) criminal investigation squad (team)/
調じんこうちょうさ census/
しゅさ (n) chief examiner or investigator/
けんしょうかん (n) inspector/examiner/auditor/
調じじつちょうさ fact-finding/
たんさ (n,vs) probe/inquiry/investigation/
ちのうけんさintelligence test/
じゅんさちょう(n) head patrol officer/
かいけいけんさいん(n) Board of Audit/
かんさやく(n) auditor/inspector/
調げんいんちょうさ investigation (to determine the cause of something)/
かんさしょうせきaudit trail/
じゅんさ(n) police/policeman/(P)/
しんさ (n) judging/inspection/examination/investigation/(P)/
調でぐちちょうさ exit poll/
調こうあんちょうさちょう(Japan's) Public Security Investigation Agency/
調ちょうさほうこく(n) report (of an investigation)/investigation (investigative) report/
れんぽうそうさきょく Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)/
尿にょうのけんさ urinalysis/
けんさいん(n) inspector/
輿 調よろんちょうさ public-opinion survey/
かんさいいん supervisory auditor/member of inspection committee/
てきせいけんさaptitude test/
さいけんさ re-examination/
そうさ (n,vs) search (esp. in criminal investigations)/investigation/(P)/
こうつうじゅんさtraffic officer/
かたくそうさ household search/(P)/
けんさかん(n) inspector/examiner/auditor/
かんさきろく audit trail/
りょけんさしょう visa/
そうさせん (n) scan line (e.g. TV)/
とうさ (n) survey/exploration/field investigation/(P)/
うちゅうたんさ(n) space exploration/
かんさ (n) inspection/audit/judgement/
調じつじょうちょうさいいんかいfact-finding committee/
ちょうへいけんさ physical examination (given at conscription)/
調ちょうさぶちょうassistant chief of staff, g2/
そうさとうきょく investigating authorities/
さんざし (n) hawthorn/
ききこみそうさ (police) legwork/
調でんわちょうさ telephone survey/
喀痰かくたんけんさ(n) examination of somebody's sputum/
調ちょうさ (n,vs) investigation/examination/inquiry/survey/(P)/
むかんさ(adj-no,n) not submitted to the selecting committee/
調ちょうさけっかresults (of a study)/
調ちしつちょうさ geological survey/
じゅんさぶちょう police sergeant/
しりょくけんさ (n) eye (eyesight) test/
そうさ (n) scanning (e.g. TV)/
調ついせきちょうさ (n) follow-up (tracing) survey/
調ちょうさひょう(n) questionnaire/
こくみんしんさ national review (as an act of a peoples' sovereignty)/
こうかいそうさopen criminal investigation/
かいけいかんさ (financial) audit/auditing/
くうちゅうささつ aerial inspection/