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Kanji: Radical: () : シュ; かぶ; stock
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2257 Index in Halpern dictionary: 935
Japanese Reading English
の株しょうばいのかぶ goodwill of a business/
ゆうりょうかぶ(n) blue chip/blue chip stock/gilt-edged stock/
おやぶんかぶ position of boss (big shot)/
にんきかぶ(n) a popular stock/
ほうじんかぶぬし institutional stockholder/
きゅうかぶ (n) old stock (in a firm)/
しゆうどうしゅ (n) (in botany) monoecism/
じょうじょうかぶ(n) listed stock/
ゆうせんかぶぬし holder of preferred stock/
してかぶ(n) speculative stock/
はながたかぶ(n) popular stock/
じつかぶ (n) shares actually traded/
からかぶ (n) fictitious stock/
ち株もちかぶがいしゃ holding company/
あたまかぶ (n) chief/leader/
り株きりかぶ (n) stump/stubble/
はかぶ (n) odd lot (e.g. in share purchase or sale)/
おかぶ(n) one's forte/
きりかぶ (n) stump/stubble/(P)/
しさんかぶ(n) income stock/
しゅりょくかぶleading shares/
こかぶ (n) (plant's) new bulb/new stocks/
しゅしゅ (n) lack of innovation/stupidity/
しんかぶ (n) new stocks or shares/
くうかぶ (n) fictitious stock/
ダウダウへいきんかぶかDow-Jones average/(P)/
さいさんかぶinvestment stocks/
まんかぶ (n) full subscription (of shares)/
むきめいかぶ (n) a bearer stock/
てんとうかぶ(n) over-the-counter stock (financial)/
きめいかぶregistered stock/
嵩株ねがさかぶ (n) high-priced stocks/blue-chip shares/
せいちょうかぶ (n) growth stock/person with future promise/
しゆういしゅ(n) (in botany) dioecism/
ふどうかぶ(n) floating stock/
ゆうぼうかぶ(n) hopeful stock (share)/
ふるかぶ (n) old-timer/veteran/senior/
こうはいかぶ(n) deferred stock/
しんきかぶしきこうかい initial public offering (IPO)/
し株みずましかぶwatered stock/
ち株もちかぶ(n) stock holdings/one's shares/
ふつうかぶ(n) equities/
こうぼかぶ publicly subscribed shares or stock/
とうきょうかぶしきしじょうTokyo Stock Exchange/
おやかぶ (n) parent root or stock/pre-split stock or share/
ゆうれいかぶ (n) watered stock/bogus shares/
り株かりかぶ (n) stubble/
じょうがいかぶ(n) unlisted stocks/
ゆうせんかぶ(n) preferred stock/preference shares/
ざつかぶ (n) assorted stocks/