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Kanji: Radical: () : アン; ; proposal
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 1308 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2270
Japanese Reading English
ほうあんしんぎdiscussion/debate (on a piece of legislation)/
ていあん(n,vs) proposal/proposition/suggestion/(P)/
けつぎあん(n) resolutions/
そうあん (n) original idea/
そうあん (n) draft/(P)/
じつようしんあん practical model/
はなもとじあん (n) superficial view/ill-considered plan/
几案きあん(rare) desk/
みょうあん(n) ingenious idea/excellent plan/bright idea/(P)/
案にしあんにあまる (v5) to be at wit's end/to be at a loss for what to do/
いちあん(n) an idea/a plan/
りょうあん (n) good idea or plan/
しあん (n) private plan/one's own plan/
げんあんいいんかいdraft committee/
さいしゅうあん(n) final program (plan)/
きかくげんあん standards draft/draft of a standard/
だいあん(n) alternate plan/
かんこうあんないじょtourist information center/
あっせんあんmediation plan/settlement proposal/
ほんあん (n) adaptation (of story, text)/(P)/
しゅうせいあん (n) proposed amendment/
はつあんけん (n) the right to introduce a bill or measure/
しあんなげくびbe at one's wit's end/
よさんあん(n) draft budget/
たいあん (n) counter-proposal/counter-suggestion/
そうあんしゃ originator/inventor/
ぶんあん (n) draft/
だんあん (n) conclusion/decision/
りつあん (n) draft/(rough) design/
ほうあん (n) bill (law)/(P)/
とうじょうあんない boarding announcement/
しあん (n) tentative/
ほうりつあん(n) (legislative) bill/
せっちゅうあんcompromise proposal/
はつあん (n) idea/suggestion/proposal/
せいあん (n) definite plan/
さぎょうぶかいあん working draft/
かいせいあんreform bill/reform proposal/
せいふあんgovernment bill/
ざんていあんprovisional plan/
とうあん (n) examination paper/examination script/(P)/
ひっこみじあん(n) shy/withdrawn/
はいあん(n) rejected bill (project)/
はつあんしゃ(n) original proposer/originator/
案をらすしあんをこらす(v5) to rack one's brains (i.e. for a solution)/
さいていあん proposing again/
ぐたいあんconcrete proposal/
ふあんない(adj-na,n) ignorance/inexperience/unfamiliarity/
ぞうぜいあん tax increase proposal/
案じものあんじ (n) anxiety/worry/
きょうあん (n) lesson or teaching plan/
ずあん (n) a design/sketch/
ほんあん(n) this plan/
さいあん(n) second plan/second draft/
ぐあん (n) drafting a plan/concrete plan/
ぐあん (n) foolish plan/one's plan/
だきょうあんcompromise plan/(P)/
しあんなげくび (n) at one's wits end/
がいあん the said proposal/
みずさきあんない (n) pilotage/pilot/
こうあん (n) kouan/Zen question for meditation (eg, the sound of one hand clapping)/
しんあんとっきょpatent on a new device/
しんあん (n) new idea or design/novelty/
けんあん (n) pending question/pending problem/(P)/
みちあんない (n,vs) guidepost/guidance/guide/street map/
こうあん(n) plan/device/idea/(P)/
ふしんにんあん(n) no-confidence motion/
げんあん (n) original plan/original bill/motion/draft/(P)/
えいぎょうあんない(n) pamphlet describing one's business (operations)/
かいかくあん reform proposal/
しあん (n,vs) thought/consideration/meditation/ponder/(P)/
きあん (n) drafting/
ぎあん (n) legislative bill/
けんあん (n) autopsy/
けんあんしょ(n) certificate of post-mortem/
じんせいあんないらんpersonal-question column/
ふくあん (n) one's plan/
かんあん (n,vs) taking into consideration/giving consideration (to)/thinking/
めいあん(n) good idea/(P)/
案にれるしあんにくれる(exp) to be lost in thought/