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Kanji: Radical: () : オウ; さくら; cherry
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2256 Index in Halpern dictionary: 931
Japanese Reading English
かんおうかい cherry blossom viewing party/
びじょざくら(n) verbena/
いとざくら(n) droopy-branch cherry tree/
みやまざくら(n) mountain cherry tree/
あだざくら (n) ephemeral (easily scattered) cherry blossom/fickle woman/
ひがんざくら (n) cherry tree which flowers early (around the spring equinox)/
よざくら(n) cherry trees at evening/
姥桜うばざくら(n) faded beauty/
れ桜しだれざくら(n) weeping cherry/
しだれざくら(n) variety of cherry tree with drooping branches/
ひとえざくら (n) a cherry tree bearing single blossoms/single cherry blossoms/
かんおう(n) cherry blossom viewing/
やまざくら (n) wild cherry tree or blossoms/
やえざくら(n) double-flowered cherry-tree/double cherry blossoms/(P)/
はざくら(n) cherry tree in leaf/