観梅 | かんばい | (n) plum blossom viewing/ |
紅梅 | こうばい
| (n) red-blossomed plum tree/(P)/ |
白梅 | しらうめ
| (n) white plum blossoms/ |
脳梅毒 | のうばいどく | (n) cerebral syphilis/ |
蝋梅 | ろうばい | (n) Japanese allspice/ |
青梅 | あおうめ
| (n) unripe plum/ |
寒梅 | かんばい
| (n) plum tree which blossoms in
winter/ |
空梅雨 | からつゆ
| (n) (unusually) dry rainy season/rainless
tsuyu/ |
入梅 | にゅうばい | (n) entering the rainy season/(P)/ |
松竹梅 | しょうちくばい | (n) high, middle, and low ranking/ |
塩梅 | あんばい
| (n)
seasoning/condition/manner/flavour/state/(P)/ |
先天梅毒 | せんてんばいどく
| congenital syphilis/ |
実梅 | みうめ
| Japanese apricot/ume/ |
臘梅 | ろうばい | (n) Japanese allspice/ |
菜種梅雨 | なたねづゆ
| (n) long spell of rain in early
spring/ |