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Kanji: Radical: () : ボウ; ; rod
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2302 Index in Halpern dictionary: 983
Japanese Reading English
麺棒めんぼう(n) rolling pin/
篦 棒べらぼう(n) awful/unreasonable/
棍棒 こんぼう(n) stick/club/cudgel/
どろぼう(n,vs) thief/burglar/robber/theft/(P)/
ん棒まるたんぼう(n) log/
かなぼうひき (n) (1) a gossip/(2) night watchman/
つうぼう(n) (1) severe attack/bitter (harsh) criticism/(2) stick used to strike inattentive Zen meditators/
けんぼう (n) good batting/
かなぼう (n) metal rod/
よこぼう bar set in a horizontal position/horizontal bar/
綿めんぼう(n) cotton swab/
箆 棒べらぼう(adj-na,n) absurd/unreasonable/awful/
麪棒めんぼう(n) rolling pin/
ねんりょうぼう(n) (nuclear reactor's) fuel rod/
にゅうぼう (n) pestle/
ようじんぼう(n) bodyguard/
かなぼう(n) iron rod/crowbar/horizontal bar (gymnastics)/
秤棒てんびんぼう(n) shoulder carrying pole/
梶棒かじぼう(n) shafts (of rickshaws or similar vehicles)/thills/
り棒しんばりぼう (n) a bar/
い棒つっかいぼう(n) a prop or support/
かじばどろぼうlooter at the scene of a fire/
しんぼう (n) shaft/axle/(P)/
にほんぼう(n) simpleton/henpecked husband/sniveler/
おさきぼう(n) a person whose services are at the disposal of another/
棒をらえるどろぼうをとらえ る(exp) to arrest a thief/
だぼう (n) batting/
せいぎょぼう(n) control rod/
へいこうぼう(n) parallel bars/
けいぼう (n) baton/
てつぼう (n) iron rod/crowbar/horizontal bar (gymnastics)/(P)/
かなぼうひき (n) (1) a gossip/(2) night watchman/
み棒あみぼう(n) knitting needle/
べ棒のべぼう (n) (metal) bar/
あいぼう (n) partner/pal/accomplice/(P)/
飴ん棒あめんぼう(n) stick of candy/
しんしょうぼうだい (adj-na,n) exaggeration/making a mountain out of a molehill/
だんちがいへいこうぼ う(n) (gymnastics) uneven parallel bars/
のべぼう(n) (metal) bar/
け棒杭やけぼくい (n) charred stake/
ぶっきら棒ぶっきらぼう(adj-na,n) curt/blunt/brusque/(P)/
しきぼう(n) conductor's stick/conductor's baton/
さきぼう (n) front palanquin carrier/cat's-paw/
びんぼう(oK?) poverty/