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Kanji: Radical: () : ロウ; ; high building
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 13 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2322 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1019
Japanese Reading English
迦楼かるらGaruda (man-bird deity of Hindu-Buddhist myth)/
がろうpicture gallery/high decorated building/
ぼうろう (n) watchtower/observation tower/lookout/
こうろう(n) lofty (high) building/skyscraper/
とうろう (n,vs) going up a tower/going into a tall building/visiting a brothel/
はくぎょくろう (n) the dead/
せいろう (n) (Edo-period) brothel/
さんすいろうSansuiro (name of an exclusive restaurant)/
殿きんでんぎょくろう (n) magnificent palace/
まてんろう(n) skyscraper/(P)/
そうろう (n) tall building/
しょうろう (n) belfry/bell tower/(P)/
妓楼ぎろう(n) brothel/
くうちゅうろうかくa castle in the air/
しんきろう(n) mirage/