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Kanji: Radical: () : コウ; かま(える)、かま(う); construct
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2343 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1049
Japanese Reading English
ち構えるまちかまえる(v1) to lie in wait/to be on the watch for/(P)/
構いおかまい(n) entertainment/hospitality/
構えみせがまえ (n) store's appearance/
たいしんこうぞう earthquake-resistant construction/
たいふうこうぞう wind-resistant construction/
くこうぞうぶんぽうphrase structure grammar/
きこうかいかく reorganization/structural reform/
ヒグスヒグスきこうHiggs mechanism (physics)/
構えこころがまえ (n) preparedness/readiness/(P)/
かんたいへいようこうそ う(n) the Pacific Rim conception/
くこうぞうきそくphrase structure rule/
コンピュータしんせだいコンピュータかいはつきこう ICOT/
せいしんこうぞう(n) one's mental make-up (structure)/
じょういこうぞう higher structure/
さんぎょうこうぞう (n) industrial structure/
りゅうつうきこう (n) distribution system/
かぞくこうせい (n) family structure/
けいざいきょうりょく かいはつきこうOECD/Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development/
さいこうちく (n) reconstruction/
構えいえがまえ (n) appearance or style of a house/
ふどうしょうすうてん えんざんきこうfloating-point arithmetic unit (computer)/
構わずところかまわず(adv,exp) irrespective of the occasion/indiscriminately/
西きたたいせいようじょ うやくきこう(n) NATO/North Atlantic Treaty Organization/
構えそとがまえ(n) outward appearance (of a house)/
構えおもてがまえ (n) the front of a building/facade/
きこう(n) mechanism/organization/(P)/
さいこうせい(n) reconstruction/reorganization/reconstitution/
構えつらがまえ (n) expression/look/
お構いおかまい(n) entertainment/hospitality/
かがくこうぞう (n) chemical structure (of a drug)/
を構えてじゅうをかまえてready with a rifle leveled/
を構えるきょをかまえる (exp) to take up one's residence/
とういこうぞう coordinate structures/
きていこうぞう deep structure/underlying structure/
しゅじくどうくこうぞう ぶんぽうhead-driven phrase structure grammar/HPSG/
構えきがまえ (n) pose/
構えもんがまえ (n) style of a gate/gate-equipped house/
エネルギーちょうせんはんとうエネルギーかいはつきこう Korean Energy Development Organization (KEDO)/
お構いなくおかまいなく(exp,n,pol) please don't fuss over me/
構いなくおかまいなく(exp,n,pol) please don't fuss over me/
こうそくえんざんきこ うhigh-speed arithmetic unit (computer)/
にちべいこうぞうきょうぎ(n) Structural Impediments Initiative talks/SII/
に構わないいっこうにか まわないdoesn't care at all/doesn't matter at all/
構えにだんがまえ (n) keeping an alternative up one's sleeve/two-stage preparation/
せいじきこうpolitical structure or mechanism/
ぶぶんじょうほうこうぞ うpartial information structures/
いっぱんめいれいえん ざんきこうgeneral instruction unit (computer)/
ないぶこうぞう(n) inner structure/internal anatomy/
シフトシフトえんざんきこうshift arithmetic unit (computer)/
せきゆゆしゅつこくきこう(n) OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries)/
構えさんだんかまえ triple/three-way/threefold/
きょこう (adj-no,n) fictitious (imaginary) thing/(P)/
けっこう(adj-na,n-adv,n) (1) (uk) splendid/nice/well enough/tolerably/wonderful/delicious/sweet/(2) (arch) construction/architecture/(P)/
を構ういぬをかまう(exp) to tease a dog/
いこう (n) remains/
構えみがまえ (n) posture/
構いなしおかまいなし (adj-na,n) being unmindful/
だんわひょうじこうぞう りろんdiscourse representation structure theory/
に構えるしゃにかまえる(exp) to couch (a sword)/to stand ready (to do)/
ひょうそうこうぞうsurface structure/
そせいこうぞう feature structures/