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Kanji: Radical: () : ヨウ; さま; formal title
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2341 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1052
Japanese Reading English
様ならさよなら(conj,int) (uk) good-bye/(P)/
り様ありさま (n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should be/truth/(P)/
おきゃくさま(n) (honoured) guest/
う様おもうさま (adj-na,adv,n) to one's heart's content/
とざま(n) collateral line/one not included in the favored group/outsider/outside daimyo/
うずまきもようwhirling or spiral pattern/
り様ありよう (n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should be/truth/
おまちどおさま(exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you waiting/
みようみまね (exp,n) learn by watching others/
かみさま (n) god/(P)/
様でございますごしゅう しょうさまでございますcondolences/
おうさま king
いちよう(adj-na,n) uniformity/evenness/similarity/equality/impartiality/(P)/
い様おたがいさま(adj-na,n) we are of equal status in this regard/
かんのんさま (1) Kannon (Kwannon)/Goddess of Mercy/(2) (sl) clitoris/
さかさま(adj-na,adj-no,n) inversion/upside down/(P)/
おかあさま(n) (hon) mother/
しようがき(n) specification documents/
おひさま(n) the sun/
殿とのさまげい (n) dilettantism/amateurism (in art)/
ご馳様でしたごちそうさまでした(exp) said after meals/
そめもよう(n) dyed pattern/
れ様おつかれさま(adj-na,exp,int) Thank you/many thanks/(P)/
ゆきもよう(n) threatening to snow/
かんじゃさま(medical) patient/
殿とのさまふうlordly air/
とざまだいみょうnon-Tokugawa daimyo/
たよう (adj-na,n) diversity/variety/(P)/
様おみやさまおふたところ two Imperial princes/
しようしょ(n) specification document/
き様いきざま (n) form of existence/way of life/
いかよう(adj-na) how/
ぬいもよう embroidered design/
様でしたごちそうさまでした(exp) said after meals/
ブラシ様のはブラシようのものsomething resembling a toothbrush/
く様なかのなくようなこえ very thin voice/
の様なことどのようなことwhat kind (of thing)/
さよう (adj-na,adv,int,n) so/such/
きっこうもよう hexagonal pattern/
あめもよう(n) signs of rain/threat of rain/
お蔭様おかげさま(n) (your) backing/assistance/
おかあさま(n) (hon) mother/
様にどうように identically/in the (exact) same way/similarly/
ちゅうようとっきえん appendicitis/
殿とのさまそだちbrought up in luxury/
なにさま (adv,n) what kind/how/indeed/truly/extremely/to be sure/
様がないしようがない (adj,exp) It can't be helped/It is inevitable/Nothing can be done/
ごくろうさま(adj-na,n) Thank you very much for your..../
げる様におよげるようになる (exp) to learn how to swim/
おきゃくさま(n) (honoured) guest/
紗の様しゃのよう(adj-na) gauzy/
ありさま (n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should be/truth/(P)/
い様いいよう(n) manner of speaking/
ける様にはじけるようにわらう(exp) to burst into laughter/
おおおくさまlady of the house/
てんきもよう weather conditions/
みやさま (n) prince/princess/
おあいにくさま (adj-na,int,n) that's too bad (ironical)/
おひさま (n) the sun/
みずたまもよう polka dots/
ぶざま (adj-na,n) unshapely/unsightly/clumsy/unpresentable/uncouth/
じんじょういちよう (adj-na,n) ordinary/common/mediocre/
様様しゅじゅさまざま all sorts or kinds of/
おこさま(n) (pol) child (someone else's)/
おじょうさま(n) (term of respect for) another's daughter/daughter of a high-class family/
みよう(n) point of view/way of seeing/
すいようえき(n) (translucent) aqueous solution/
ぐ様すぐさま (adv) immediately/promptly/
蔭様おかげさま (n) (your) backing/assistance/
もよう (n) pattern/figure/design/(P)/
さよう (adj-na) such/of that kind/like that/yes/indeed/well.../
殿とのさましごとdilettante work/amateur word (in art)/
様のないしようのない hopeless/good-for-nothing/incorrigible/
によう (n) methods/
さかさま (adj-na,adj-no,n) inversion/upside down/
憚り様はばかりさま(int,n) thank you for your trouble/unfortunately.../
たいよう(n) situation/terms/
い様おたがいさま(adj-na,n) we are of equal status in this regard/
ねざま(n) sleeping posture/
様にまさかさまにheadlong/head over heels/
たしゅたよう (adj-na,n) a great variety of/diversity/
たようか (n,vs) diversification/
おおよう (adj-na,adv,n) largehearted/generous/
殿様蛙とのさまがえる(n) bullfrog/edible frog/
ぶざま (adj-na,n) unshapely/unsightly/clumsy/unpresentable/uncouth/
ありよう (n) state/condition/circumstances/the way things are or should be/truth/
きさま(n) (vulg) you/
すそもよう(n) kimono with design on the skirt/
おくさま (n) (pol) wife/your wife/his wife/married lady/madam/(P)/
うえざま(n) emperor/shogun/honored person/
お蔭様でおかげさまで(exp) Thanks to god/thanks to you/(P)/
ごちそうさま(int) feast/
かいさまupside down/inside out/
ないぶしよう internal method/inner resources/
きんりさま(n) the emperor/
斯 様かよう(adj-na,n) in such a manner/like this/
そうもよう (n) (clothing) patterned all over/
ひめさま daughter of a nobleman/
す様にっているたなごころをさ すようにしっている(exp) to know (something) like the palm of one's hand/
でよう(n) attitude/move/measures (to take)/
あまもよう(n) signs of rain/threat of rain/
せいかつようしき one's lifestyle/
そらもよう(n) look of the sky/weather/
じ様におなじように similarly/
どうよう (adj-na,n) identical/equal to/same (kind)/like/(P)/
様のしようのない hopeless/good-for-nothing/incorrigible/
様にのけざまに (adv) on one's back/
り様おのぼりさんcountryside people/visitor from the country/country bumpkin/
わりかわりもよう (n) fancy pattern/
使い様つかいよう (n) how to use/
いきがみさまliving god/saintly person/
に様しにざま (n) manner of death/
様でございますごしゅう しょうさまでございますcondolences/(P)/
く様なはのうくようなおと noise that sets one's teeth on edge/
どちら様どちらさま (hon) (id) who are you?/
わかさま (n) young master/
の様にゆきのようにしろいwhite as snow/
く様にめるいくようにすすめる (exp) to encourage someone to go/
れ様おつかれさま(adj-na,exp,int) Thank you/many thanks/
様ならさようなら (conj,int) (uk) good-bye/(P)/
し様あしざま (n,adj-no) unfavourable/
みなさま (n) everyone/(P)/
しよう (n) way/method/resource/remedy/(technical) specification/
ごくろうさま (adj-na,n) Thank you very much for your..../
もんよう(n) pattern/design/
む様なむねがいたむようなでき ごとpainful incident/
ほとけさま (n) a Buddha/deceased person/
おりもようwoven pattern or design/
此の様このよう(adj-na) like this/this sort/this way/
いかさまし (n) cheat/swindler/
使の様なてんしのようなしょうじょangel of a girl/
いろもよう(n) colored pattern/love scene/
みなみなさま(n) Ladies and Gentlemen!/all of you/everyone/
いまよううた (n) Heian poetry style/
しんぴんどうよう as good as new/
ごぜんさま(exp,n) person who stays out all night/
おうさま (n) king/(P)/
さよう (adj-na,adv,int,n) like that/that's right/
かくじんかくようSo many men/so many ways./
の様にどろのようにねる(v1) (col) to sleep like a log/
おくさま someone's wife; madam
ひとさま (n) (pol) other people/another/
蔭様でおかげさまで (exp) Thanks to god/thanks to you/
おまちどおさま (exp,int,n) I'm sorry to have kept you waiting/
いまよう(n) modern style/
さきさま (n) the other party/
せんたいばんよう (n) great diversity of form/
様がしようがない(adj,exp) It can't be helped/It is inevitable/Nothing can be done/
の様どのよう(adj-na,exp) how/
け様つづけざま (n) one after another/
しまもよう(n) striped pattern/
あねさまにんぎょう paper doll modeled after a kimono-clad woman/
まっさかさま (adj-na,n) head over heels/headlong/
はなもよう(n) floral pattern/
りょうよう (n) two ways/both ways/two kinds/
もようがえ(n) rearranging/remodeling/
し様にあしざまに unfavorably/slanderously/
うえさま (n) emperor/shogun/honored person/
の様へびのよう (adj-na) snakelike/snaky/serpentine/
ろ様にれるうしろざまにたおれ る(exp) to fall backward/
いかさま(adv,n) fraud/trickery/counterfeit/
よこざま (adj-na,n) wickedness/sideways/unreasonable/
こんにちさま (n) sun god/
え様かんがえよう way of thinking/one's perspective/
ぎ様およぎよう way of swimming/
からよう (n) Chinese design/Chinese style/(P)/
殿とのさま(n) feudal lord/
もんよう (n) pattern/design/
あれもよう(adj-na) stormy/threatening/
てんとうさまthe sun/providence/god/
しもざま (n) lower classes/common people/
よこさま (adj-na,n) wickedness/sideways/unreasonable/
いよう(adj-na,n) bizarre/strange/eccentric/odd/queer/
だいりさま (n) the Emperor/emperor and empress dolls/