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Kanji: Radical: (あくび) : ; うた、うた(う); song
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 14 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2422 Index in Halpern dictionary: 1825
Japanese Reading English
え歌たうえうた (n) rice-planting song/
かくめいか(n) revolutionary song/
歌うよろこびうたう (v5) to rejoice and sing/
ぞっか (n) popular song/fold song/ditty/ballad/
ろうどうか (n) songs of labor/
げんか (n,vs) singing/
さんびか(n) hymn/hymnal/
ほうか (n) loud singing/
せいかたい(n) choir/
み歌ちゃつみうた (n) tea-picking song/
ぼっかてき(adj-na) pastoral/idyllic/
こうた (n) (from the Heian era onward) type of popular song, as opposed to courtly oouta/
こもりうた (n) lullaby/(P)/
とうか the old Kanto-area folk songs/
こくじんれいか (n) Negro spiritual/
めいか (n) excellent or famous poem/
へんか (n) ode in reply/
ちんこんきょくか (sung) requiem/
じりではなうたまじりではた らくto work while humming a tune/
あいしょうか(n) (one's) favourite song/
えいか (n) poem/song/(Budd.) pilgrim's song/(P)/
歌を綴るしいかをつずる(exp) to compose poetry/
じうた (n) a (style of) folk song/
ひか (n) elegy/dirge/mournful melody/
り歌はやりうた(n) popular song/
やまとうた(n) waka/tanka/
こうかほうぎん singing at the top of one's voice/
じょうか (n) love song/
おんなかぶき (n) girls kabuki/
頌歌しょうか(n) anthem/carol/hymn of praise/
けいかげき(n) light opera/
さんびか(n) hymn/hymnal/
せんか (n) selection of poems/selected poems/
ふるうた(n) old song/old poem/
さっか (n) writing songs or poems/poem/
わかやまけん prefecture in the Kinki area/
め歌うほめうたう (v5) to sing praises to/
楚歌しめんそか(n) be surrounded by enemies on all sides/be betrayed (forsaken) by everybody/
れんがし (n) renga poet/
凱歌がいか(n) victory song/victory/
ほうかこうぎん loud singing/
鄙歌ひなうた(n) folk song/
こうか(n) loud singing/
たんか (n) tanka/31-syllable Japanese poem/(P)/
かえうた(n) parody (of a song)/
佗歌わびうたsad song/singing in a lonesome tone/
歌うひとふしうたうto sing a tune/
るいか (n) similar song/
こうはくうたがっせんannual singing contest held on New Year's Eve/
こっか(n) national anthem/(P)/
こいうた (n) love song/love poem/
れっうれっこかしゅ popular singer/
わか (n) 31 syllable poem/(P)/
つ歌うかつのみかつうた うto drink and sing at the same time/to drink as well as sing/
さんびか(n) hymn/hymnal/
え歌かえうた (n) parody (of a song)/
れんが (n) early Japanese poetry form/poetic dialogue/
讚歌さんか(n) (song or hymn of) praise/paean/
ふなうた(n) sailor's song/chantey/
い歌いわいうた (n) festive poem or song/
がか (n) Song of Solomon/
はなうた (n) humming/
さんか (n) praise/admiration/
りょうか (n) dormitory song/
歌慷ひかこうがい(n) indignant lamentation over the evils of the times/
しか(n) Japanese (& Chinese) poetry/(P)/
ざれうた (n) limerick/funny song/comic song/
どうか(n) moral poem/
しゅうか (n) splendid tanka or waka/
れ歌ざれうた (n) comic song/
きかげき(n) comic opera/
しゃか company song/
からうた (n) Chinese poem/
ふなうた (n) sailor's song/boat song/(P)/
しいか (n) Japanese (& Chinese) poetry/(P)/
こうか(n) school song/
じりはなうたまじり(n) humming a tune/
絃歌げんか(n) singing and (string) music/
ぎ歌つむぎうた spinning song/
もとうた (n) original song/
めや歌えのめやうたえ revelry/
ちょうか (n) elegy/dirge/
しんじんかしゅ (n) new singer/
ごえいか(n) song in praise of the Buddha/
こいか (n) love song/love poem/
讃歌さんか(n) song of praise/eulogy/paean/
謳歌おうか(n) glorification/eulogy/song of praise/
あいか (n) lament (song)/elegy/dirge/sad song/(P)/
み歌くみうた(n) medley of (Japanese) songs/
おおうた (n) Heian period court song/
こっか national anthem
こか (n) old song/old poem/
ち歌もちうた (n) one's (song) repertoire/
せいか (n) hymn/chant/sacred song/
ぐんか (n) war song/
わらべうた (n) children's (folk) song/
りゅうこうか(n) popular song/hit song/(P)/
きょうか (n) comic (satirical) tanka/
はなうたまじりhumming unconcernedly/
いまよううた(n) Heian poetry style/
えんか modern Japanese ballad
ぼっか (n) pastoral song or poem/a pastoral/
ちょうか(n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment/type of waka/
しい歌かなしいうたdoleful song/sad song/
えんか (n) enka/modern Japanese ballad/
え歌かぞえうた (n) counting song/
れんか (n) love song/love poem/
の歌はくちょうのうた(n) swan song/
を歌った歌かみのとくを うたったうたpoem in praise of God/
歌をわかをよむ(exp) to compose a waka/
しゅだいか(n) theme song/
ながうた (n) long epic song with shamisen accompaniment/type of waka/
挽歌ばんか(n) elegy/funeral song/
挽き歌こびきうた(n) sawyers song/
艶歌えんか(n) troubadour/
はんか (n) tanka appendage to a long poem/
しょうか(n) singing/songs/(P)/
ぞうか (n) miscellaneous poems/
おうえんか(n) rooters' song/