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Kanji: Radical: (とめる) : ; と(まる)、と(める); stop
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2429 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2941< tr class='WordListKanji'>
Japanese Reading English
はかいかつどうぼうしほ う(n) (Japan's) Anti-Subversive Activities Act/
めいきょうしすい(n) clear and serene (as a polished mirror and still water)/
はつばいきんしprohibition of sale/
き止めるつきとめる (v1) to make sure/to locate/to find out/to ascertain/
せいでんきぼうし anti-static (elec)/
止めあしどめ (n,vs) house arrest/confinement/keeping indoors/inducement to stay/(P)/
おことてん (n) marks to aid in reading Chinese classics/
はとば (n) wharf/quay/landing-stage/jetty/(P)/
しょうきゅうし (n) a break or breather/
止めるいとめる (v1) to shoot dead/to make something one's own/
し止めるおしとどめる(v1) to check/to stop/to keep back/
せいしがstill image/
堰き止める せきとめる(oK) (v1) to dam up/to hold back/to keep back/to intercept/to check/
り止むふりやむ (v5m) to stop raining or snowing/
諫止かんし(n) dissuasion/
を止めるしごとをやめる(exp) to stop (leave off) work/
止めくるまどめ (n) (railway) buffer stop/bumper/bumping post/
み止まるふみとどまる(v5r) to stay on/to remain/to hold out/to stop (doing)/to give up/to hold one's ground/
きょし (n) bearing/deportment/
い止どまるおもいとどま る(v5r) to give up (a plan or idea or idea)/to desist from (doing)/
繋ぎ止めるつなぎとめる(v1) to tie/to fasten/to hitch/
もくし(n,vs) keeping quiet/taking no measures/
しんていしcardiac arrest/
ちょうちょうはっし (adv) crossing swords/violent argument/
り止めのとりとめのない incoherent/wandering/vague/rambling/whimsical/
しゅうし(n,vs) termination/cessation/stop/(P)/
せいしどあつけいすう coefficient of earth pressure at rest/
ていしかかく pegged price/
き止めるだきとめる (v1) to hold a person back/to restrain/to catch/
ばいしゅんぼうしほう (n) (Japan's) Anti-Prostitution Law (of 1956)/
咳止めせきどめcough medicine or lozenge/
ち止めるうちとめる(v1) to kill/to slay/to shoot to death/to bring down (bird)/
ていし(n) cessation/
ち止めるうちとめる(v1) to kill/to slay/to shoot to death/to bring down (bird)/
ぜんめんきんしcomplete prohibition/
ち止めるうちとめる (v1) to kill/to slay/to shoot to death/to bring down (bird)/
し止めるさしとめる(v1) to stop/to prohibit/to forbid someone to do something/
せいし(n) stillness/repose/standing still/(P)/
せいし (n) control/check/restraint/inhibition/(P)/
きゅうし (n) pause/cessation/rest/(P)/
を止めるめをとめる (v1) to take notice/to pay attention/
き止めるかきとめる(v1) to record/to chronicle/
しょしゃつうこうどめClosed to Traffic/No Thoroughfare/
ほうそうきんしようご (n) banned word/word which is not allowed to be used on the air (on the TV or radio)/
止めかわどめ(n) suspension of ferry service/
たちいりきんし (exp,n) no entry/Keep Off!/No Trespassing/(P)/
たちいりきんし(exp,n) no entry/Keep Off!/No Trespassing/(P)/
いちじていし(n,vs) suspension/
が止まるちがとまる (exp) to stop bleeding/
せいしじょうたい (n) in) a state of rest/
うせつきんし No Right Turn!/(P)/
ちゅうし stoppage, suspension
しょうしせんばん (adj-na,n) highly ridiculous/quite absurd/
そうおんぼうしほう Noise Abatement Act/
かがくへいききんしじょ うやくchemical weapons ban treaty/
止のちゅうしのていstate of standstill/
止むをなければばんやむをえなければ(exp) if necessary/when unavoidable/
止めえきどめ (n) delivery of freight to a station/
き止むなきやむ(v5m) to stop crying/to cry oneself out/
き止まりいきどまり dead end
辷り止めすべりどめcreepers/tire chains/taking the entrance examination to a university as a safety measure in case one fails at other universities/
せいしきどうgeostationary orbit/geosynchronous orbit/
ていしせん(n) stop line/
沮止 そし(n) check/obstruction/hindrance/
ぼうしししんprevention guideline/
使しようきんし unavailable/disabled/
止めつうこうどめ(n) No Thoroughfare!/Road Blocked!/(P)/
に止まるめにとまる (v5) to catch one's attention/
とうけつぼうしざい(automotive) antifreeze/
きんしほう(n) negative statute/law against something/
さいきんしreimposition of an embargo/reprohibition/
ぼうし (n) prevention/check/(P)/
止むをばんやむをえずthere is no hope/
つなぎ止めるつなぎとめる(v1) to tie/to fasten/to hitch/
せんじょうこうくうそ しbattlefield air interdiction/
し止めさしとめ (n) prohibition/ban/suspension/
けて止めるいいかけてやめるto stop in the middle of a sentence/
せいしえいせい satellite in geosynchronous orbit/
い止めるくいとめる (v1) to check/to hold back/(P)/
止めあせどめ (n) an antisudorific (agent or material)/
止みあまやみ(n) break in the rain/
止めうちかたやめCease fire/
錆止めさびどめ(n) rust-proofing/anti-corrosive/
止されたはいしされた extinct/
煽り止めあおりどめ(n) doorstop/
きゅうしふ (n) rest (music)/period/full stop/
止めすんどめ(n) stopping just before/
止めおびどめ (n) sash clip (fastener)/
ぜんきゅうしふ whole rest (music)/
ちゅうしゃきんし No Parking/
ていしじかん stop time/
ひこうきんしくういき no-fly zone/
ち止まるたちどまる (v5r) to stop/to halt/to stand still/(P)/
さんかぼうしざい antioxidant/
鎌止めかまどめ(n) cutting grass and trees is prohibited/
止めくちどめ (n,vs) forbidding to speak/muzzling (a person)/(P)/
ていししんごう(n) stop signal/stoplight/
諌止かんし(n,vs) dissuasion/
しゅうしけい(n) (gram) predicative form/
け止めるうけとめる (v1) to catch/to stop the blow/to react to/to take/(P)/
へいし(n) stoppage/
し止めるけしとめる(v1) to put out/to extinguish/
止めふだどめ (n) full house/sold out/
ていし (n,vs) suspension/interruption/stoppage/ban/standstill/deadlock/stalemate/abeyance/(P)/
き止まりゆきどまり(n) dead end/no passage/
しょうし (adj-na,n) laughable/ridiculous/pitiful/contemptible/absurdity/
きんし(n,vs) prohibition/ban/(P)/
き止まりいきどまり (n) dead end/no passage/(P)/
せいしがほうそう(n) broadcasting of still pictures/
止めるひきとめる (v1) to detain/to check/to restrain/(P)/
止めちどめ(n) styptic/
を止めるたばこをやめる (exp) to give up smoking/
止めはどめ (n) brake/(P)/
に止まるえきにとまる (exp) to stop at a station/
い止すいいさす (v5s) to break off (in middle of sentence)/
止めるくいとめる(v1) to check/to hold back/(P)/
止めきゃくどめ (n) draw a full house/
うんてんていし (vs) suspension of operations/
ち止めうちどめ (n) end (of an entertainment or match)/
よくし(n) check/checkmate/stave off/control/restraint/(P)/
はんだんちゅうしsuspension of judgement/
とうなんぼうし (exp) burglar-proof/
かくよくしりょく (n) nuclear deterrent force/
ちゅうし (n,vs) suspension/stoppage/discontinuance/interruption/(P)/
しゅっこうていし embargo/
たちいりきんし (exp,n) no entry/Keep Off!/No Trespassing/(P)/
び止めるよびとめる(v1) to challenge/to call somebody to halt/
塞き止めるせきとめる(v1) to dam up/to hold back/to keep back/to intercept/to check/
り止めすべりどめ(n) tyre chains/anti-skid device/backup measure/taking entrance examination to a university in case one fails at other universities/
じどうれっしゃていしそうちautomatic train stop (ATS)/
どくせんきんしほうantitrust law/
きょし(n) refusal/
み止めいたみどめ(n) painkiller/
み止しのよみさしのほんunfinished book/
み止すよみさす (v5s) to leave half-read or unfinished/
け止めひやけどめ sunscreen/suntan lotion/
り止めるとりやめる (v1) to cancel/to call off/
ぼうしほうanti-... law/
止めくちどめりょう (n) hush money/(P)/
しゅうしふ(n) full stop/period/end/(P)/
きんしじょうやく ban (treaty)/
い止まるおもいとどまる (v5r) to give up (a plan or idea or idea)/to desist from (doing)/
はいし(n,vs) abolition/repeal/(P)/
たちいりきんし (exp,n) no entry/Keep Off!/No Trespassing/(P)/
しゃげききんしちいきno fire area/
き止めるひきとめる(v1) to detain/to check/to restrain/(P)/
そし (n,vs) obstruction/check/hindrance/prevention/interdiction/(P)/
止めいろどめ (n) color fixing/