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Kanji: Radical: (がつへん) : ; し(ぬ); die
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 6 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2439 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3521
Japanese Reading English
死にうえじに(n) (death from) starvation/(P)/
にし (n) two out/
しぜんし(n) (dying of) natural causes/
かし (n) asphyxiation/apparent death/
きしかいせい (n) revival of the dead/recovering from a hopeless situation/resuscitation/
すいし(n) on the verge of dying/
むし (n) baseball with no outs/
ふくじょうし(n) death during sexual intercourse/
しょうしたい(n) burnt corpse/
ちゅうどくしdeath from poisoning/
爛死らんしburning to death/
ぎし (n) feigning death/
あんらくし(n) euthanasia/(P)/
かくし (n,vs) dying abroad/dying in a foreign land/
きょうし(n) dying insane/
せんし (n) death in action/(P)/
けっしたい(n) suicide corps/
え死ぬこごえしぬ (v5n) to freeze to death/to die of cold/
すいし(n,vs) becoming emaciated and die/wither away/
ごくし(n) death in jail/
こいじに (n) dying of love/
ふろうふし (n) perpetual youth and longevity/
死にひとじに (n) death/casualty/
がし (n) (death from) starvation/(P)/
うえじに (n) (death from) starvation/(P)/
にゅうじしぼうりつinfant mortality/
け死ぬやけしぬ (v5n) to be burnt to death/
きし (n) saving from the brink of death/
とし(n) dying in vain/
すいせいむし (n) idling one's life away/
さんし three outs/
じょうし (n) double love suicide/
きゅうし (n,vs) sudden death/
あんしじゅつ(method of) euthanasia/
うちじに (n,vs) die in battle/die in action/
斃死へいし(n,vs) falling dead/perishing/dying/
かっし (vs) (archaic) dying of thirst/
死のせいしのさかいbetween life and death/
諫死かんし(n) prepared to die in an effort to dissuade one's lord/
はんし(n) half dead/
とつぜんし sudden death/
死にきゅうしにいっしょうをうる(exp) to have a narrow escape from death/
かろうし(col) death from overwork/
せんびょうし(n) death from disease contracted at the front/
死にはやじに(n) premature death/
けんし (n) autopsy/inquest/investigation of death/(P)/
おうし(n) violent (tragic or accidental) death/dog's death/
へんししゃ person accidentally killed/
きし exposing a corpse in the city/
鹿は死ななきゃらないばかはしななきゃなおらない(exp) once a fool, always a fool/
溺死できしたいdrowned body/
こくしびょう (n) bubonic plague/black death/
せいし (n) life and death/(P)/
えんし (n) death by smoke suffocation/
え死にうえじに (n) (death from) starvation/
死にいぬじに (n) die in vain/
そくし (n) instant death/(P)/
きゅうし (n) dying in miserable circumstances/
死になってひっしになってdesperately/for one's dear life/
けっし (n) preparedness for death/do-or-die spirit/
あっし(n,vs) crushing to death/
斬り死にきりじに(n) fighting (with a sword) to death/
けいし (n) execution/
瀕死ひんし(n) dying/verge of death/
がれ死にこがれじに (n) pining away/dying from love/
え死にこごえじに (n,vs) death from cold/freezing to death/(P)/
せんししゃ person killed in action/the war dead/
悶死もんし(n,vs) die in agony/
じゅんし(n,vs) dying a martyr/following someone in suicide/(P)/
溺死できししゃdrowned person/
く死なれるおやにはやくしなれる(exp) to be orphaned while still young/
きゃくし (n,vs) dying abroad/dying in a foreign land/
にしご after two outs/
刎死ふんしdecapitating oneself/
えし (n) necrosis/
とうし dying by the wayside/
き死にいきしに (n) life and or or death/
ちしりょう(n) lethal dose/(P)/
ふし (n) immortality/eternal life/
とうし (n,vs) death from cold/freezing to death/(P)/
れ死にのたれじに (n) dying by the roadside/dying a dog's death/
牢死ろうし(n) dying in prison/
ろうし(n) die of old age/
溺死できし(n,vs) death by drowning/
とうししゃperson frozen to death/
ししきゅう(n) four dead balls (baseball)/
え死ぬこごえじぬ (v5n) to freeze to death/to die of cold/
ついし(n,vs) falling to one's death/(P)/
ふんし (n,vs) dying in a fit of anger or indignation/
ちっし(n) (rare) death from suffocation/
ごういじょうし double suicide/
こし (n) withering/dying/(P)/
そんげんし(n) death with dignity/
むしまんるい bases are loaded with no outs/
ばくし (n) bomb victim/atomic bomb victim/
死にむだじに (n) dying in vain/
びょうし (n,vs) (dying a) natural death/(P)/
轢死れきし(n) death by being run over/
しゅっけつしbleeding to death/
いっしほうこく dying for one's country/
あいたいじに(n) double suicide/
の死をえるとものしをうれえる(exp) to grieve for the death of a friend/
はんしはんしょう (n) all but dead/half killed/
死にかかわるせいしにかかわるもんだ いa matter of life and death/
ざんしたいcorpse of a person who has met a violent death/
きゅうし(n) narrowly averting death/
のうし (n) brain death/(P)/
を死にひとをしにいたす(exp) to cause the death of a person/
死にひっしに frantically/desperately/for one's life/(P)/
すいし(n) drowning/(P)/
い死にくるいじに (n,vs) death in madness/dying insane/
死にきゅうしにいっしょうnarrow escape from death/
きゅうしいっしょう a narrow escape from the jaw of death/
ざんし(n) tragic death/violent death/(P)/
り死にきりじに (n,vs) fighting to the death (with swords)/
かしつちしざい (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
死にわかじに(n,vs) premature death/(P)/
かいし (n,vs) mysterious death/
いっしごafter one out (in Baseball)/
いっし (n) dying/one out (baseball)/
ふしちょう(n) phoenix bird/
かしつちし (n) involuntary manslaughter/accidental homicide/
ちし(adj-no,n) lethal/fatal/
ひんし on the verge of death/
ち死にうちじに (n,vs) die in battle/die in action/(P)/
え死にうえじに(n) (death from) starvation/
しょうし (n,vs) death by fire/
夭死ようし(n) premature death/
縊死いし(n) death by hanging/
ばんし (n) certain death/
ちっそくし(n) death by suffocation/(P)/
ふじみ(adj-na,n) invulnerability/immortality/insensibility to pain/(P)/
へんし(n) unnatural death/accidental death/violent death/
の死ひごうのし unnatural death/
ひっし (adj-na,adj-no,n) inevitable death/desperation/frantic/inevitable result/(P)/
頓死とんし(n) sudden death/