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Kanji: Radical: () : モウ; ; hair
Joyo grade: 2 Stroke count: 4 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2473 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3453
Japanese Reading English
たんもう(n) short hair/
ごうもう (n) bristle/
さかげ (n) hair which is combed back or puffed up or teased/
にもうさく (n) two crops a year/
らかい毛やわらかいもうふsoft blanket/
きもう(n) nap raising/
け睫毛つけまつげ false eyelashes/
こんもう (n) root hair/
げんもう (n) raw wool/(P)/
兎の毛うのけ(n) just a hair/
じゅうもう (n) soft hair/
ようもうざい(n) hair tonic/
かな毛あたたかなもうふwarm blanket/
あかげ(n) redhead/
毛を梳くようもうをすく(exp) to card wool/
こうもうじん(n) foreigner/
ランブ ル鞭毛ランブルべんもうちゅうgiardia/
脇毛 わきげ(n) hair of the armpit/
つむじ(n) a whorl of hair on the (back of the) head/
うぶげ(n) soft, downy hair (i.e. such as on one's cheek)/
毛のふもうのち deserted and desolate land/
さんもうさく(n) three crops a year/
がりつむじまがり(adj-na,n) perversity/cantankerous/eccentric/
うらけ(n) fleece lining/
はんもう (n) reclaimed wool/
せんもう (n) a whorl of hair on the (back of the) head/
いんもう(n) pubic hair/pubes/
かんもう (n) thistledown/
はけ (n) paint brush/
えいきゅうだつもう (vs) removing hair permanently/
むなげ (n) chest hair/breast down/
くせげ (n) kinky or curly hair/
みけねこtortoise-shell cat/cat with three colors of fur/
ランブル鞭毛ランブルべんもうちゅう しょうgiardiasis/
そうけだつ(v5t) to relate a hair-raising account or experience/
ぼうもう(n) carded wool/
の毛かみのけ (n) hair (head)/(P)/
栗毛くりげ(n) chestnut (horse)/
いちもうさく(n) a single crop/
せんもうちゅう(n) ciliate/
れ毛おくれげ(n) straggling hair/
こうもう (n) red hair/
みけ (n) tortoise-shell (pattern)/
しょくもう (n) hair transplantation/
葦毛あしげ(n) grey horse/dappled grey/
剪毛せんもう(n) wool shearing/
腋毛わきげ(n) underarm hair/
いちもう (n) one-tenth of a rin/
れ毛ちぢれげ (n) curly or kinky or frizzy hair/
うもう feather, plume
だつもう (n,vs) hair removal/
鵝毛がもう(n) goose down/goose feather/
鵞毛がもう(n) goose down/goose feather/
かんかくもう(n) sensory hair/
まつ毛まつげ(n) (uk) eyelashes/
ちもう (n) pubis/
睫毛まつげ(n) (uk) eyelashes/
毛をようもうをかる(exp) to shear sheep/
梳毛そもう(n) combed wool (yarn)/
せんもう (n) cilia/fine hairs/
たもう (n) hairy/
ふもう (adj-na,adj-no,n) sterile/barren/unproductive/sour/(P)/
うもうふとん(n) down(-filled) quilt (futon)/
はけめ(n) brush marks/
たもうさく(n) multiple cropping/
だつもうざい(n) depilatory/
はなげ (n) nostril hairs/
尨毛むくげ(n) shaggy hair/
毛のりんもうのけいちょうなしbe equal in weight (significance)/
ぎもう (n) imitation wool/
眉毛まゆげ(n) eyebrows/(P)/
綿わたげ (n) down/fuzz/fluff/
だつもうしょう(n) alopecia/baldness/
あかげわしゅ type of Japanese cow/
あかげっと(n) red blanket/country bumpkin/
し毛さしげ (n) hair of different color mixed into an animal's coat/
ふゆげ(n) winter fur/winter plumage/
ち毛たちげ (n) unharvested crops/
け毛ぬけげ (n) fallen hair/combings/
うもう (n) feathers/plumage/down/(P)/
ようもう (n) wool/(P)/
ロン毛ロンげlong hair/
きゅうぎゅうのいちもうmere fraction/drop in the bucket/
ようもう wool
りんもう(n) farthing/trifle/(P)/
じゅんもう (n) all-wool/(P)/
絨毛じゅうもう(n) wool/
まきげ(n) curl/curly hair/
しょくもうじゅつ a hair transplant/
はけさき(n) brush tip/
えだげ(n) split end of hair/
綿めんもう (n) down/fuzz/fluff/
れ毛いれげ (n) false hair/switch/
むもう hairless/
いくもうざい(hair) tonic/
でんきもうふelectric blanket/