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Kanji: Radical: (うじ) : ミン; たみ; people
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 5 Index in Nelson dictionary: 25 Index in Halpern dictionary: 3036
Japanese Reading English
かみん(n) the masses/the lower classes/the common people/
じみんとうそくrules of the Liberal Democratic Party/
韓民だいかんみんこくRepublic of Korea/
ぶんみんとうせい civilian control/
なんみんじょうやく Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees/
ぼうみん(n) a mob/
とうあしょみんぞく East-Asian peoples/
けんみんぜいtax on the residents of the prefecture/
きばみんぞく an equestrian tribe/
しみんしゃかい civil society/
ちょっかつしょくみんちcrown colony/
めいよしみんhonorary citizen/(P)/
じんみんこうしゃ (in China) people's commune/
こくみんしゅけんsovereignty of the people/
のうみんうんどう agrarian movement/
じゅうみんぜい(n) municipal tax/
こくみんがっこうelementary school (in an educational system operated in Japan between 1941 and 1947)/
ばんみん(n) savage people/
とみん (n) city populace/resident of Tokyo/
びてく民ほろびていくみんぞくdying race/
ひこくみん (n) unpatriotic individual/
ちょくせつみんしゅせいdirect democracy/
じょうみん the masses/the people/
しょうこくみん(n) the rising generation/children/
ふほういみんillegal immigration/
ドイツ民ドイツみんしゅきょうわ こくGerman Democratic Republic (i.e. former East Germany)/
ぎょみん(n) fishermen/
さんみんしゅぎ(n) (Sun Yat-sen's) Three Principles of the People/
じみん(abbr) Liberal Democratic Party/LDP/
こくりみんぷく national interests andthe people's welfare/
やまとみんぞく(n) Yamato race/
ひなんみん(n) refugees/evacuees/
しょくみんちせいさくcolonial policy/
ばんみん (n) all people/the whole nation/
じんみんかいほうぐん(n) People's Liberation Army/
賤民せんみんoutcasts/lowly people/
どみん (n) a native/
しみんかくめい people's or popular revolution/
のうみんいっきagrarian revolt or uprising/
こくみんせいかつ the life of the people/the people's living/
しみんせいかつ(n) civic life/
こくみんぐん(n) national army/
どうこくみんfellow countrymen/
しょくみんち(n) colony/(P)/
こくみんそうししゅつ(n) gross national expenditure (GNE)/
じんみん (n) people/public/(P)/
こくみんそうせいさん(n) gross national product/GNP/gross domestic product/GDP/(P)/
こくみんてき (adj-na) national/
ちょうせんみんしゅしゅ ぎじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Democratic Republic of Korea (North Korea)/
ぜんしみん all the citizens of the city/
べいこくみんAmerican (citizen)/
こくみんけんこうほけん national health insurance/
ちゅうかみんこく Chinese Republic (Taiwan)/
しみんかいかんCity meeting hall/
の民るろうのたみwandering people/the Jews/
せんみんしそう elitism/
じんみんさいばん (n) people's trial (court)/
ぐみん (n) ignorant people/
民窟ひんみんくつ (n) slums/
かんそんみんぴ (n) respecting the authorities and denigrating ordinary citizens/
しょうすうみんぞくminority peoples/
せんみん (n) (the) chosen people/
しみんたいかい (n) citizens' rally/mass meeting/
ぜんじゅうみんall the inhabitants/
ぶらくみんBurakumin (lit. village people, descendants of feudal outcast group)/
賎民せんみん(n) humble or lowly people/
こくみんせい (n) national traits or character/nationality/
こくみん(n) national/people/citizen/(P)/
こうみんとうImperialist Party/
しみん (n) the four social classes (samurai, farmers, artisans, merchants)/the masses/
こくみんかいへいuniversal conscription/
きみん(n) starving people/
しみんかいきゅう bourgeoisie/
ちょうみん (n) townspeople/(P)/
こくみんきゅうかむら(n) national vacation village/
ゆうぼくみん(n) nomads/
こくみんふく (n) national uniform (such as mandated for Japanese males in 1940)/
けんみん(n) citizens of a prefecture/
しみんだんたい citizen's group/
せんじゅうみん(n) former inhabitant/
くみん (n) ward residents/
しょくみん (n) colonization/settlement/
はんかんはんみん (adj-no,n) semi-governmental/semi-official/(P)/
じゅうみんひょう (n) citizen (identification) card/
こくみんねんきん national pension/government pension system/
じみんとう LDP/Liberal Democratic Party/
きゅうみん (n) disaster relief/
じんみんいいん (early Soviet era) People's Commissar/
じもとみん (n) local people/
どうみん (n) people of Hokkaido/
ぐみんせいさく policy of keeping the people ignorant and easily subjugated/
民のこくみんのきゅうじつNation`s Day (May 4)
さいみん (n) relieving the sufferings of the people/
いつみん(n) retired person/recluse/
じんみんとうひょう plebiscite/referendum/
りゅうみん (n) refugees/
さいみん (n) the poor/
へいみんしゅぎ democracy/
ちゅうかじんみんきょうわこくPeople's Republic of China/Communist China/(P)/
とみんかいかんTokyo meeting hall/
しみん (n) citizen/townspeople/(P)/
ゆうみん (adj-na,n) idler/the unemployed/
かんみんぞく(n) Chinese people/Han race/
じんみんせんせん (n) popular front/
しんみん (n) subject/national/(P)/
なんみんきかん return of refugees/
なんみん (n) refugees/(P)/
きょりゅうみん(n) a resident/
ぎみん (n) public-spirited or self-sacrificing individual/
ぜんみんしゅう all the peoples/
しみんほう(n) civil law/
じゅうみんうんどうneighborhood (protest) movement/
こくみんけいざい (n) national economy/
にほんこくみん (n) Japanese citizen(s)/
と民のかんとみんのきょうりょ くcooperation between the private and public sectors/
のうこうみんぞくagricultural people/
こうみんけん(n) civil rights/franchise/citizenship/
せんきょみん(n) voters/electorate/
きゅうみん (n) poor people/the poor/
しゃかいみんしゅしゅぎ social democracy/
ばんこくみんthe people of all nations/
こくみんとうひょう national referendum/
くんみん (n) monarch and subjects/
ぼくみん (n) governing/
げんじゅうみん(n) native people/aboriginal/(P)/
いみんほうimmigration law/
しょみん (n) masses/common people/(P)/
そんみん (n) villager/(P)/
じゅうみんとうろく resident registration/
じこうみん (n) (abbr) Liberal Democratic Party, Komeito and Democratic Socialist Party/
しみんけん (n) citizenship/
のうみんぶんがく peasant literature/
ぐんみん (n) the military and civilians/
のうぎょみんthe fishing and agrarian populace/
こうみんきょういく civic or citizenship education/
烝民じょうみんthe masses/the people/
けんみんかいかん prefectural meeting hall/
じんみんしょゆう people's ownership/publically owned/
しょみんてき (adj-na) normal/natural/common/(P)/
ぜんこくみん the whole nation/
しみんうんどう citizens' campaign/citizens' group/
とうみん(n) islanders/
しょうしみん (n) petty bourgeois/lower middle class/
こうみん(n) citizen/freemen/
こくみんかいほけん(n) medical insurance for the whole nation/
びてく民ほろびていくみんぞく dying race/
じゅうみん (n) citizens/inhabitants/residents/population/(P)/
じんみんぐんPeople's Army/
げみん(n) the masses/the lower classes/the common people/
くさのねみんしゅしゅぎ(n) grass-roots democracy/
ちょうみん the whole nation/all the people/
民のこくみんのきゅうじつ National People's Day Holiday (May 4)/
いみん(n) emigration/immigration/emigrant/immigrant/(P)/
宿こくみんしゅくしゃnational youth hostels/(P)/
へいみん (n) commoner/plebeian/
しゅりょうさいしゅうみんhunters and gatherers/
しゅけんざいみん the sovereignty of the people/
るみん (n) refugees/
こうみんがっこう citizenship training school/
こくみん people, nation, citizen
りょうみん (n) good citizens/law-abiding people/
りょうみん(n) population of a fief/
こうみんせいかつ national life/
こうみんかん(n) public hall/community center/(P)/
しょみんげきdrama of ordinary people/
のうみん (n) farmers/peasants/(P)/
ぶんみん (n) civilian/
しゃみんとうSocial Democratic Party (abbr.)/
こくみんきんゆうこうこ People's Finance Corporation/
しょくみんちとうちcolonial rule/
たこくみん other nations/other peoples/
じゆうみんしゅとうLDP/Liberal Democratic Party/
こくみんたいいくたいか いnational athletic meet/
しゃかいみんしゅとうSocial Democratic Party/
ざいりゅうみん(n) residents/
しみんぜい (n) municipal tax/
くみんぜい(n) a ward tax/
じゅうみんとうひょう (n) local referendum/poll of residents/
こうみんけんほう(n) (U.S.) Civil Rights Act/
こくみんしょとく national income/
しょみんきんゆう loans for low-income people/
かんみん (n) government and people/
こくみんしんさ national review (as an act of a peoples' sovereignty)/
しょくみん(n,vs) colonization/
ひんみん (n) poor people/
じゆうみんけんろん(early Meiji era) democratic rights ideology/