覆没 | ふくぼつ | (n,vs) capsizing and sinking/ |
病没 | びょうぼつ
| (n) dying of illness/dying of natural
causes/ |
日没 | にちぼつ | (n) sunset/ |
戦没者追悼記念日 | せんぼつしゃついとうきねんび | Memorial Day (US)/ |
戦没 | せんぼつ
| (n) death in battle/killed in action/ |
沈没 | ちんぼつ | (n) sinking/foundering/(P)/ |
陥没湖 | かんぼつこ | (n) lake formed in volcanic caldera/ |
生没年 | せいぼつねん | dates of birth and death/ |
陣没 | じんぼつ
| (n,vs) death in battle/ |
水没 | すいぼつ
| (n) submerge/ |
神出鬼没 | しんしゅつきぼつ
| (n) appearing in unexpected places and at
unexpected moments/elusive/phantom/ |
日没前 | にちぼつぜん
| before sunset/ |
日没後 | にちぼつご | after sunset/ |
陥没 | かんぼつ | (n) cave-in/subsidence/(P)/ |
収没 | しゅうぼつ
| confiscation of possessions/ |
戦没者 | せんぼつしゃ | persons who have fallen in battle/ |
出没 | しゅつぼつ
| (n,vs) appearing
frequently/infesting/appearance and disappearance/(P)/ |
埋没 | まいぼつ
| (n,vs) burying/embedding/(P)/ |
死没 | しぼつ
| (n) death/ |
沈没船 | ちんぼつせん | sunken ship/ |