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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ジ、チ; おさ(める)、おさ(まる)、なお(る)、なお(す); govern, cure
Joyo grade: 4 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2528 Index in Halpern dictionary: 335
Japanese Reading English
けんりょくせいじpower politics/
せいじ (n) politics/government/(P)/
なんち (n) obstinate/
せいじや(n) politician/
せいじはん(n) political offense/political offender/
とうじば(n) health resort/
せいじどうとく (n) political morality/
せいじだんたい a political organization/
きんけんせいじ money politics (i.e corruption of politics by money)/
まちあいせいじback-room political dealing/
せいじしきん political funds/
が治まらないはらのむしがおさまらない (exp) cannot contain one's anger/
あらりょうじ(n) drastic measure or treatment/
しゅうちゅうちりょうしつintensive care unit/ICU/
せいじけっしゃ a political organization/
とうち (n,vs) rule/reign/government/governing/(P)/
せんせいせいじdespotic government/autocracy/
ぶんじ (n) civil administration/
めいじ Meiji era/(P)/
ぎかいせいじ parliamentarism/parliamentary government/
じゅんきんちさん(n) quasi-incompetence/
しぜんちゆ (n) self-healing/spontaneous recovery/
ないじ(n) internal or domestic affairs/
とうじ (n) hot-spring cure/taking the baths/(P)/
こくさいせいじ(n) international (world) politics/
じちりょう(n) self-governing dominion/
ちほうじち local (governmental) autonomy/
ぶけせいじ feudal government/
とうじ (n,vs) rule/reign/government/governing/(P)/
じちかい (n) neighborhood council/student council/
きょうふせいじpolitics of fear/(P)/
がくせいじちかい(n) student body/student council/
く治まるまるくおさまる to settle peacefully/to become reconciled/
せいじけんきんpolitical contributions/
じちたい(n) self-governing body/municipality/
きょうわせいじ republican government/
鹿ななきゃ治らないばかは しななきゃなおらない(exp) once a fool, always a fool/
こんじ(n) complete (radical) cure/
りょうじ (n) treatment/therapy/cure/
ぶんかつとうち divide and rule/
こんち (n) complete (radical) cure/
りっけんせいじ constitutional government/
せいじせきにん (n) (one's) administrative responsibilities/
播きばらまきせいじ money politics/
せいじひょうろんか(n) political commentator (journalist, columnist)/
とうちけん (n) sovereignty/
ひっち certain cure/
せいじてつがく (n) political philosophy/
ぶだんせいじ military government/
しんにんとうちせいど trusteeship system/
ろうせいじか venerable statesman/
ぶんじしゅぎ governing by law and reason rather than by military force/
あくとくせいじか (n) corrupt politician/
かんりょうせいじ bureaucratic government/
を治すかぜをなおす(exp) to cure a cold/
じゅんきんちさんしゃ(n) a quasi-incompetent (individual)/
ふじ (n) incurability/
しゅじこうのう chief virtue (of a medicine)/
ぜんじ (n) complete recovery/healing/
みんしゅせいじ (n) democratic government/
しゅじい (n) attending physician/physician in charge/(one's) family doctor/
ぜんち(n) complete recovery/healing/
ぶりょくせいじ power politics/
どくさいせいじ dictatorship/despotic government/
とうちしゃ(n) the ruler/sovereign/
ちほうじちたい(n) local self-governing body/
揉みもみりょうじ(n) massage/
ひちしゃ (n) the ruled/the governed/
いでんしちりょうgene therapy/
ほうちこく (n) constitutional state/
せいじかいかく political reform/
ないち (n) internal or domestic affairs/
せいじぼうめい political exile/
なんじ (n) obstinate/
ほうちしゃかい (n) law-abiding society/
しゅうぐせいじ (n) mobocracy/mob rule/ochlocracy/
せいじきこう political structure or mechanism/
せいとうせいじparty politics/
めいじじだい Meiji period (1868-1912)/(P)/
退たいじ (n,vs) extermination/(P)/
きんちさんしゃ (n) (legally) incompetent individual/
だいぎせいじrepresentative government/
灸治きゅうじ(n) treatment with moxa/
じち (n) self-government/autonomy/(P)/
めいじいしん (n) Meiji Restoration/(P)/
ばらまきばらまきせいじmoney politics/
じちだいじん Minister of Home Affairs/
めいじじんぐう Meiji Shrine/
めいじざthe Meijiza Theater/
ぶんち (n) civil administration/
治のふじのやまいincurable illness/
けいばつせいじ government by relatives of ruler's wife/
ほうち(n) constitutional government/
を治めるくにをおさめる (exp) to manage a state/to govern a country/
じちしょう Ministry of Home Affairs/
せいじしょくpolitical coloring/
かとうせいじ (n) oligarchy/
を治めるぼうどうをおさめる(exp) to quell a disturbance/
治のせいじのふはいをなげく(exp) to deplore the corruption of politics/
せいじか (n) politician/statesman/(P)/
るいあかるいせいじclean politics/
せいじがく(n) political science/
ぶんちしゅぎgoverning by law and reason rather than by military force/
じちけん (n) autonomy/right of self-government/
しゅぐせいじ(n) mobocracy/mob rule/ochlocracy/
きょうさんとうせいじ きょくPolitburo/
しんけんせいじ theocracy/
しょくみんちとうちcolonial rule/
さんとうせいじ(n) triumvirate/
きぞくせいじ aristocracy/
ほうちこっか country with a constitutional government/
せいじもんだい(n) political issue (problem)/
せいじりょく(n) political strength/
ふち (n) incurability/
かんち (n,vs) complete recovery/
せいじてき(adj-na) political/
めいじてんのう (n) Emperor Meiji/
きんちさん(n) (legal) incompetency/
ひっちやくnecessity guaranteed to cure/