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Kanji: 沿 Radical: (みず) : エン; そ(う); along
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2525 Index in Halpern dictionary: 328
Japanese Reading English
沿いになんがんぞいに along the southern coast/along the southern seashore/
に沿ってろせんにそって along the route (line)/
沿いうみぞい (n) coastlands/
沿いかわぞい (n) along the river/(P)/
沿いにとうがんぞいにalong the east coast/along the eastern seashore/
に沿ってたいがいせいさ くにそってin line with the foreign policy/
沿いにほくがんぞいに along the north coast/along the northern sea shore/
沿いやまぞい(n) along a mountain/
沿いなんがんぞいalong the southern coast/
沿いのやまぞいのちほう mountainous region/