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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : セン; いずみ; spring
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 3099 Index in Halpern dictionary: 2567
Japanese Reading English
ふんせん(n) fountain/spring/
ふろうせんfountain of youth/
よみ (n) Hades/underworld/
きゅうせん (n) hades/nether regions/
いおうせん(n) sulfur spring/
泉のよみのくにhades/realm of the dead/the next world/
の泉ちしきのいずみsource of knowledge/
おんせんまちhot spring resort/spa town/
えんるいせん(n) salt spring/
れいせん (n) cold mineral spring/(P)/
せいせん (n) (water) well/(P)/
おんせんきょう(n) hot spring village/spa/
げんせんかぜい tax withholding at the source/
げんせんちょうしゅう tax withholding at the source/
げんせん (n) source/(P)/
かんけつせん(n) geyser/
ひせん(n) waterfall/
こうせん(n) well/
おんせんりょうほうhot spring cure/
こうせん (n) underground spring/
げんせんしょとくぜいincome tax withheld at the source/
おんせん (n) spa/hot spring/onsen/(P)/
れいせん (n) miraculous spring or fountain/
宿おんせんやど(n) hot-spring hotel/