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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ハク; と(まる)、と(める)、とま(り); stay
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 8 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2527 Index in Halpern dictionary: 331
Japanese Reading English
めた宿いっさいをこめたしゅくはくりょうall-inclusive hotel charges/
ていはく (n) anchorage/moorings/
宿しゅくはくじょ lodgings/
ひょうはく (n,vs) roaming/drifting about/wandering/
ていはくち (n) anchorage (area)/moorage/roadstead/
宿しゅくはくせつび(n) accommodation(s)/
いっぱくこうぐん an overnight march/
いっぱく (n) stopping one night/(P)/
きゅうはくじょtemporary quarters/
りょうざんぱく(n) place of assemblage for the bold and ambitious/
碇泊ていはく(n,vs) anchor/mooring/
を泊めるともだちをとめ る(exp) to put a friend up for the night/
宿しゅくはくりょう hotel charges/
泊まりねとまり (n) staying or lodging at/
みんぱく (n) private residence temporarily taking lodgers/
がいはく(n) spending night away from home/
宿しゅくはくにんlodger/boarder/paying guest/
に泊まるみなとにとまる (exp) to stay at anchor/
たんぱく (adj-na,n) candid/frank/simple/indifferent/ingenuous/light (color, taste)/plain/
泊まりすどまり(n) staying overnight without board/
泊りすどまり (n) staying overnight without meals/
錨泊びょうはく(n) anchorage/
やはく(n) night mooring/
かはく (n) emergency anchoring/
宿しゅくはく (n) lodging/(P)/
宿しゅくはくさきlodging host/lodging place/