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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ; ; group, party
Joyo grade: 6 Stroke count: 9 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2547 Index in Halpern dictionary: 381
Japanese Reading English
ほしゅは (n) conservatives/
の派かれのは his sect (faction)/
こてんは(n) classical school/
りっぱ (adj-na,n) splendid/fine/handsome/elegant/imposing/prominent/legal/legitimate/(P)/
りったいは (n) Cubism/
いんしょうは(n) Impressionists/
ぞうは (n) reinforcements/
みらいは(n) futurism/
じんせいは (n) humanists/
しんこてんは neoclassicism/
しょうちょうは(n) the symbolist school/
ちょうとうは (n) nonpartisan/
はんたいせいは (n) people who are against the Establishment/anti-Establishment groups/
さは (n) left wing/(P)/
はんどうはthe reactionaries/
やじゅうは(n) Fauvism/the Fauvists/
むは (n) belonging to no party or school of thought/
がくは(n) school/sect/
ぜんえいは(n) the avant-garde/
ぶんぱ (n,vs) denominations/sect/branch/faction/separation from/
ほんかくは(n) (1) classical school (of music)/(2) classic style pitcher (baseball)/
かいがいはへいtroops overseas/
せいとうは(n) orthodox school/
きゅうは (n) the old school/
たんびは(n) the aesthetic school/
きゅうは(n,vs) dispatch/
しゅりゅうはmain faction/
ぶんりは (n) separatists/secessionists/
いっとういっぱ party/faction/
ひゃっかぜんしょは(n) the Encyclopedists/
たは (n) the other group/
しんぱ (n) new school (of thought etc.)/
ちにちは(n) pro-Japanese (group)/
かくは (n) each party/each faction/all sects/
鷹派たかは(n) hawk or hardline faction/
いっぱ(n) a school/a sect/a party/
逍遥しょうようがくはPeripatetic school (of philosophy)/
しんしゅうおおたにはOtani sect of Shinshu/
派なりっぱなえきbeautiful station/
けんじゅがくは cynic (phil.)/
しょうすうは(n) minority group (party)/minority/
きゅうしんは(n) radical faction or group/
ろまんは(n) romantic school/romanticism/
かいぎは(n) skeptics/
きょうは(n) sect/denomination/
じんぶんがくは humanists/
しょうかいは(n) minor political party/
こうは (n) tough elements/hard-liners/stalwart(s)/
さばくは supporters of the shogun/
せんぜんは(n) the prewar generation/
ろうまんは(n) romantic school/romanticism/
さはけいleft faction/
しゅうは(n) sect/denomination/(P)/
べっぱ(n) different sect/different party/different school/
こうきいんしょうは (n) Post-impressionism/
りゅうは (n) school (e.g. of ikebana)/
とくは (n,vs) send specially/special envoy/
とうはしん (n) factionalism/
かくしんはreformist group/
こうとうは(n) transcendentalists/
ロマン派ロマンは(n) the romantic school/
ぶんぱしゅぎ sectarianism/sectionalism/
鳩派はとは(n) soft-liner/dove/
なんぱ (adj-na,n,vs) (1) flirt/scam/scope/skirt chaser/(2) moderate party/soft school/
かいは (n) faction/denomination/communion/
とくはいん (n) correspondent/(P)/
おんけんはmoderate faction/moderates/
こうなんりょうは stalwart and insurgent factions/
かげきは(n) radical party/extremists/(P)/
しんにちは(n) pro-Japanese group/Japanophiles/
れきしがくは historical school/
まっぱ (n) sect/underling/
派なりっぱ(な)excellent, fine
せんちゅうは(n) the war generation/
どうは (n) the same sect/
はんたいは(n) opposition faction/
しょは (n) various parties or factions/minor parties/
うは(n) right wing/(P)/
たすうは(n) the majority/
せんごは(n) the postwar generation/
とうは (n) faction/(P)/