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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ショウ; け(す)、き(える); extinguish
Joyo grade: 3 Stroke count: 10 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2574 Index in Halpern dictionary: 443
Japanese Reading English
艶消しつやけし(adj-na,adj-no,n) frosted (glass)/matted/
拭き消すふきけすto wipe out/to erase/
ひしょう (n,vs) spending/
消し壺ひけしつぼ charcoal extinguisher/
消しどくけし (n) antidote/
まっしょう (n) erasure/delete (DEL)/(P)/
り消すとりけす (v5s) to cancel/(P)/
ましょうとうろくしょうめいしょproof of vehicle having been registered as disposed of/
み消すふみけす(v5) to stamp out (a fire)/
たいきゅうしょうひざいdurable (consumer) goods/
き消すふきけす (v5s) to blow out (a flame)/
しゃふつしょうどく sterilization by boiling/
インク消しインクけし(n) ink eraser/
うちけし (n) (gram) negation/denial/negative/
いきしょうちん(n,vs) depressed in spirits/dispirited/disheartened/rejection/
こじんしょうひ consumer spending/
い消しにおいけし deodorant/
とりけし (n) cancellation/cancel (CAN)/
姿を消すすがたをけす (v5) to disappear/
はってんてきかいしょう(n) dissolution of several sections into a new organization/
くんじょうしょうどく(uk) fumigation/
消しうちけし (n) (gram) negation/denial/negative/(P)/
り消しとりけし(n) cancellation/cancel (CAN)/(P)/
掻き消すかきけす(v5s) to erase/
ち消えたちぎえ (n) die out/fall through/
消しちょうけし (n) cancellation/writing off/(P)/
こくないしょうひぜいexcise tax/
り消すすりけす(v5) to erase/to efface/
叩き消すたたきけす(v5) to beat out (a fire)/
みしょうかunfulfilled (orders)/
消るたまげる (v1) to be astonished/to be startled/to be appalled/
消しとりけし(n) cancellation/cancel (CAN)/(P)/
消し壷ひけしつぼ (n) charcoal extinguisher/
消しひけし (n) extinguishing a fire/(Edo-period) fireman/
うんさんむしょう(n) vanishing like mist/
掻き消えるかききえる(v1) to disappear/
消すうちけす (v5s) to deny/to negate/to contradict/(P)/
揉み消すもみけす(v5s) to crush/to hush up/
消壷ひけしつぼ(n) charcoal extinguisher/
ふしょうか(adj-na,n) indigestion/
ふしょうかぶつ indigestible materials/
消しすみけし blotting out characters with ink/
かいしょう (n) cancellation/liquidation/(P)/
ざいしょうしょうめつ (Buddhism) expiation of sins/
ち消しうちけし (n) (gram) negation/denial/negative/(P)/
消しいろけし(adj-na,n) achromatism/
ち消すうちけす (v5s) to deny/to negate/to contradict/(P)/
斑消えむらぎえ(n) remaining in spots/