付添い | つきそい | (n) attendance
on/attendant/escort/chaperon/retinue/(P)/ |
書添える | かきそえる
| (v1) to add/to write a postscript/ |
介添え | かいぞえ
| (n) helper/assistant/second/ |
申し添える | もうしそえる
| (v1) to add to what has been said/ |
後添い | のちぞい
| (n) one's second wife/ |
付添 | つきそい
| (n) attendance
on/attendant/escort/chaperon/retinue/ |
付き添い | つきそい | (n) attendance
on/attendant/escort/chaperon/retinue/(P)/ |
食品添加物 | しょくひんてんかぶつ | (n) food additive/ |
力添え | ちからぞえ
| (n) help/assistance/service/(P)/ |
巻き添え | まきぞえ
| (n) getting involved (entangled) in/getting
mixed up in/involvement/by-blow/(P)/ |
付き添い看護婦 | つきそいかんごふ
| private nurse/ |
付き添う | つきそう
| (v5u) to attend on/to wait upon/to accompany/to
escort and wait on/to chaperone/ |
趣が添う | おもむきがそう | (exp) to add color to/ |
書き添える | かきそえる
| (v1) to add/to write a postscript/ |
差し添え | さしぞえ
| (n) short sword/ |
人の要求に添う | ひとのようきゅう
にそう | (exp) to meet one's demands/ |
二度添い | にどぞい | second wife/ |
付き添い人 | つきそいにん
| attendant/ |
巻添え | まきぞえ
| (n) getting involved (entangled) in/getting
mixed up in/involvement/by-blow/(P)/ |
口添え | くちぞえ | (n) recommendation/putting in a good word for
someone/ |
付き添い婦 | つきそいふ
| practical nurse/ |
連れ添う | つれそう
| (v5u) to be man and wife/to be married
to/ |
手紙を添える | てがみをそえる
| (exp) to attach a letter to/ |
心添え | こころぞえ
| (n) advice/suggestion/ |
寄り添う | よりそう
| (v5u) to get close/to cuddle close together/to
nestle close to/to snuggle up to/ |