出し渋る | だししぶる | (v5r) to grudge/to be stingy/to be unwilling to
pay/ |
難渋 | なんじゅう | (adj-na,n) retardation/ |
柿渋 | かきしぶ | (n) (astringent) persimmon juice/ |
交通渋滞 | こうつうじゅうたい
| traffic congestion/ |
茶渋 | ちゃしぶ
| (n) tea incrustation/ |
下渋り | したしぶり
| (stock market) steadiness/ |
言い渋る | いいしぶる
| (v5r) to hesitate to say/ |
苦渋 | くじゅう
| (n) bitterness/mortification/difficulty in
understanding/distress/affliction/ |
| かいじゅう | (adj-na,n) ambiguous/obscure/equivocal/ |
出渋る | でしぶる
| (v5r) to be unwilling to go out/ |
売り渋る | うりしぶる
| (v5r) to be reluctant to sell/ |
貸渋り | かしぶり
| reluctance to lend/ |
鉄渋 | かなしぶ
| (n) aqueous iron rust/ |
答えを渋る | こたえをしぶる
| (exp) to be reluctant to answer/to hesitate to
answer/ |
やり方が渋い | やりかたがしぶい | stingy ways/ |