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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ゲン; へ(る)、へ(らす); decrease
Joyo grade: 5 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2637 Index in Halpern dictionary: 601
Japanese Reading English
減らしひとべらし(n) personnel cut/labor cut/
しゅくげん (n,vs) reduction/diminishment/contraction/
げきげん(n,vs) dropping sharply/decreasing rapidly/
減りめべり (n,vs) loss in weight/decrease in value/
きゅうげん(n) sudden decrease/
ゆかげん(n) water temperature/
るいげん (n) regressive/
ぜんげん (n) gradual decrease/decline/(P)/
てんびき (n) lending money and taking advance interest/deduction/
いちりつげんたんreduction in area of rice under cultivation/
ひかげん (n) condition of fire/
せつげん (n,vs) retrenchment/curtailment/economy/
ひげんすう (n) minuend/
けいげん (n,vs) abatement/
減ったはらへった (col) I'm hungry/
ていげん (n) decrease/reduction/fall/depreciation/mitigation/
減らしくちべらし (n) reducing the mouths to feed/
へいりょくさくげん force reduction/troop reduction/
さじかげん(n) prescription/consideration/making allowances for/
てかげん (n,vs,exp) going easy on someone/take situational peculiarities into consideration/rough estimate/making an allowance for/
かげん(n) addition and subtraction/allowance for/degree/extent/measure/condition/seasoning/flavor/moderation/adjustment/influ ence (of the weather)/state of health/chance/(P)/
るいげんぜい(n) regressive taxation/
みずかげん(n) amount of water/
じんいんさくげん personnel reduction/
いいかげん(adj-na,adv,exp,n) moderate/right/random/not thorough/vague/irresponsible/halfhearted/
はんげん (n,vs) reduction by half/halve/(P)/
いい減にしなさいいいかげんにしなさいShape up!/Act properly!/
はんしゃげんすいりょうreturn loss/
しおかげん (n) seasoning/
はんげんき(n) half life (in physical chemistry)/
り減らすすりへらす (v5s) to wear away/to rub down/to abrade/
が減るはらがへる(v5) to become hungry/
いいいいかげん(adj-na,adv,exp,n) moderate/right/random/not thorough/vague/irresponsible/halfhearted/(P)/
ていげん (n) successive diminution/(P)/
ぞうげん (n,vs) increase and decrease/fluctuation/(P)/
けいひさくげんcost reduction/
さくげん (n) cut/reduction/curtailment/(P)/
かげんじょうじょ (n) the four arithmetical operations/
せんりゃくへいきさくげんじょうやく Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START)/
ぐんびさくげんarms reduction/
り減らすすりへらすto rub down/to wear away/