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Kanji: Radical: (みず) : ; わた(る)、わた(す); cross
Joyo grade: 8 Stroke count: 12 Index in Nelson dictionary: 2635 Index in Halpern dictionary: 611
Japanese Reading English
うらがきじょうとendorsing over to/
渡しせんそくわたしfree alongside ship (FAS)/
ひとわたり (adv) briefly/in general/glancing through/
渡るゆきわたる(v5r) to diffuse/to spread through/
渡りよわたり (n) making a living/getting on in the world/subsistence/
し渡すもうしわたす(v5s) to tell/to announce/to declare/to order/
じょうとせいよきん (n) negotiable deposit/
渡りおみわたり(n) cracks that form in the ice on Lake Suwa/
渡してわたし(n,vs) personal delivery/
い渡しいいわたし (n) sentence/judgment/pronouncement/order/command/
渡りふわたりこぎってdishonored check/
渡しまえわたし (n) advance payment/advance delivery/
き渡るかがやきわたる(v5r) to shine out far and wide/
に渡るひとでにわたる(exp) to fall into another's hands/
渡すみわたす (v5s) to look out over/to survey (scene)/to take an extensive view of/(P)/
おうきゅうとかhasty crossing/
まえわたしきんadvance payments/
げ渡すさげわたす (v5s) to make a (government) grant/to release (a criminal)/
ゆずりわたしにん (n) transferor/assignor/
し渡しさしわたし (n) distance across/diameter/
かとき(n) transition period/(P)/
渡りうでわたり brachiation/swinging from branch to branch/
渡しさきわたし(n) future delivery/
け渡すかけわたす (v5s) to build (a bridge) over a river/
渡しほんせんわたし F.O.B./free on board/
渡すひきわたす (v5s) to deliver/to extradite/to stretch across/to hand over/
り渡るなりわたる(v5r) to resound (echo) far and wide/
け渡しうけわたし (n) delivery/
ちょっと (ateji) (adv,int) (uk) just a minute/a short time/a while/just a little/somewhat/easily/readily/rather/(P)/
渡すてわたす (v5s) to hand over/to surrender/(P)/
渡りつなわたり(n) tightrope walking/(P)/
渡しくらわたし (n) ex-warehouse/
じょうと (n) assignment/
き渡しひきわたし (n) delivery/handing over/turning over/extradition/
れ渡るはれわたる(v5r) to clear up/to be refreshed/
渡すうけわたす (v5s) to deliver/
け渡るあけわたる (v5r) darkness giving way to the light of the morning/
かと(n) crossing/ferry/changing old to new/
み渡るすみわたる (v5r) to be perfectly clear/(P)/
き渡るいきわたる (v5r) to diffuse/to spread through/(P)/
じょうとしょとくcapital gains/
滲み渡 るしみわたる(v5r) to penetrate/to pervade/to spread/
渡りふわたりてがたdishonored bill/
じょうとにん(n) transferor/assignor/
渡しにわたし delivery of freight or goods/
い渡すいいわたす (v5s) to announce/to tell/to sentence/to order/
け渡すあけわたす(v5s) to vacate/to surrender/
渡りこわたり (n) old imported article/
渡しじかわたし direct delivery/
し渡るおしわたる (v5r) to cross over/to wade/
渡りおみわたり(n) cracks that form in the ice on Lake Suwa/
き渡るゆきわたる(v5r) to diffuse/to spread through/
り渡すうりわたす (v5s) to sell over to/
で渡ればくないあかしんごうみん なでわたればこわくない"If everyone crosses against the red light, then there's nothing to be afraid of"/
渡しにわたしさしずしょdelivery order/
かとてき(adj-na) transitional/
渡しかりわたし (n) temporary approximate payment/
渡しさんしょうわたしcall by reference (computer)/
り渡しうりわたし (n) sale and delivery/
い渡すはらいわたす (v5s) to pay/to pay out/to pay over/
り渡すゆずりわたす(v5s) to hand over/to turn over/to cede/(P)/
渡しひきわたし(n) delivery/handing over/turning over/extradition/
渡しうけわたし(n) delivery/
き渡るさきわたる(v5r) to bloom over a wide area/
き渡すひきわたす (v5s) to deliver/to extradite/to stretch across/to hand over/
はわたり(n) length of a (sword) blade/walking on the edge of a sword/
渡しかんぱんわたし free on board/F.O.B./
渡しうちわたし (n) partial delivery/partial payment/
うりわたししょう bill of sale/
き渡るひびきわたる (v5r) to resound/
じょうとたんぽ mortgage/
渡しはしわたし (n) "bridge building"/mediation/
渡りひわたり (n) walking over fire or burning coals/
れ渡るしれわたる(v5r) to be well known/
渡しふなわたし (n) ferry/free on board (FOB)/
渡りはわたり (n) length of a (sword) blade/walking on the edge of a sword/
渡りふわたり(n) non-payment/dishonouring (bill)/bouncing (cheque)/
冴え渡るさえわたる(v5r) to get cold/to freeze over/
渡るいきわたる(v5r) to diffuse/to spread through/(P)/
み渡るしみわたる (v5r) to penetrate/to pervade/to spread/